Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 78 – until then Later !

Thank You Lord !

Yesterday my workload was full, today it is gone ! Praise God ! I completed tons of work. I have accumulated work due to employee turnover. It was stressful but God got me through it with love and patience. I didn’t even get angry. I got all my energy turned into positive and pressed through it. Step by step, task by task !

Last evening I had fellowship with the ladies from my Wednesday night Life Group, we are something else. Mighty women of God we had so much fun, talking, sharing and getting to know one another better. God’s people are so good.

My vacation starts today at 5:00 p.m. Yes, Lord, I am so excited and grateful. I have a packed weekend of fellowships, 3 but whose counting J

I will be back chatting on the 28th, until then LATER !

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 76 - Wisdom

Thank You Lord for placing wonderful Godly people in my life. Thank You for allowing me this blessing. I am grateful for women and men of God who pour into me. I am learning to listen and receive. Wisdom with experience is awesome accompanied with Your Word. Thank You Lord for placing me where I am in my life.

Yesterday was busy at work; I was able to make progress in my pile of work. After work I met with two women of God for dinner. Oh what a dinner, we had such good Godly conversation. Lord you strengthen me daily and I am so grateful. The food at Tommy’s was really fresh and tasty. They allowed me to put together a salad and veggie that my diet requires. Before going to dinner I was able to pick up a few items as Christmas gifts and get them off my list. I am not feeling overwhelmed with shopping as I am picking up things as I go. I have to pick up a gift card or two; Forever 21, Whole Food and Avalon.

Today I approach with my pile of work with enthusiasm as I know You will help me get through what I need to get done. I have hope and I do not feel hopeless in this situation. I am looking forward to my upcoming time off work.

I am expecting good things at the Memorial Service tonight. All Praises be to God. This is a part of my healing.

Today is our Holiday celebration/fellowship at work. I am excited about it and the gift exchange.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 75 – Feeling Good – Giving God the Glory He is Due

Lord you are so gracious and loving and all knowing! I truly appreciate You and feel Your presence in my life this day. When I am overwhelmed You give me Peace, when I scared You offer me protection. I love You and give You the Glory for which You are so rightfully due. You amaze me daily.

Yesterday was a bit crazy at work; I felt like I could not dig myself out of my workload, work just keeps coming. I know I have piles of work, but I have a vacation for which I am looking forward to next week. So I know there is a end and I have an opportunity to get rejuvenated.

Yesterday, my family and I choose a x-mas Tree. This is the first year we got a real one. This is different but it was nice, our team effort to research it, buy it, get it home, get it in the house, and get it mounted. Now the Tree has decided it doesn’t want to stand straight it wants to lean against the window. So we are being patient with it and we will work to help it stand up straight this evening. IT WILL STAND (: We picked up beautiful new x-mas décor, and white lights. With a little support this tree will be spectacular, even with its flaws. We will nurture it and it will be lovely. Jayden absolutely loves it and loves to plug it in and see it glow. He loves the other x-mas décor and thinks they are toys. I am excited about him see it all decorated, I have to pick up two more boxes of lights and then add décor on tree. I love to see his lil eyes watch it, we have not wrapped the gifts and put them under the tree yet, and this will blow him away. He is tuned in now to the words x-mas, I notice if we say x-mas he turns quickly to see what is going on. Because he knows it is something different and special. We will teach him the story of baby Jesus to give it real significance and meaning.

I have dinner this evening with my Life Group Coach, and group leader, we pray over our group and have fellowship and plan out strategy for next year’s group. I am excited about this. Both of these ladies are special to me so I am looking forward to having dinner with them. We also plan to walk down to Avalon after dinner if we have time, knowing myself I will most likely stop in prior to our dinner at Tommy’s J

I have put together my x-mas list and see I have almost ½ of the items for other’s on my list. A friend has helped me select a computer for my daughter and it is being ordered today. This was my one big ticket item. I am relieved that it has been ordered. Tonight I will pick up a few items for Ariel while I am at Marc’s. I am getting her some practical items that she uses daily. I most likely will get my cousin a gift card at Avalon, she, like myself adore Avalon. She will be excited. So I can pick up her gift tonight and cross it off my list.

I also put together my x-mas day menu. Simple menu but it will be tasty YUMMY

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 74 - ALL Praises to God

All Praises to God, the true living God. Lord I am so honored to be your daughter. So grateful to have you rule over my life. I am praying that I walk in Your will and focus on you constantly. I want to thank You in advance for everything You have ordered in my life.

This weekend was totally awesome. I had a lot of fun celebrating my friend who is moving on to a new chapter in her life. On Saturday we spent several hours together, shopping, talking and having lunch. The ladies call me Lola and now we have named her Lil Lo. My name sake J She is such a magificant blessing in my life. Yesterday we had a pot luck in her honor and we poured into her and said how we felt, there were some tears, but in even better there was much much laughter and joy in the room as we celebrated her life change. We love her soooooo much !

On Saturday I went to Chelsea and was able to get 3 dresses, 1 pair of red shoes, and 1 fur piece. All items totaled 51 bucks and change including tax. Awesome deal. I serve a mighty God. The dresses are wonderfully made and fit really well. I plan to put them in the cleansers maybe this evening and include them in my wardrobe. I am grateful that others shared the store with me and now I share it with others, it is such an economical way to shop. You get a lot of bang for the dollar J

I pray that God will use me as He sees fit. I don’t want to stand in God’s way, I need to offer more of self and practice being a good servant unto the Lord. Yesterday’s sermon was awesome, BUT God. Magnificent.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 70 - On the Grind

Lord I am coming humbly to You today asking for your strength and patience. I need it today as I enter into my workload. Give help Lord !

Yesterday was really nice. It started off hectic and ended very calming in prayer service and attending my life group. This was very helpful. The enemy put thoughts of not going into my head, telling me that I was tired and overworked. I offered myself to God as a vessel to use me yesterday. I was led by God and attended my church ministries according to His will.

Today is yet another hectic day at work. I need to proceed through it carefully and in prayer focusing on God. I am grateful for my job and want to do a good job. I have to slow down in my spirit and check things and not work in my anxiousness. I am definitely ON THE GRIND.

Yesterday I stopped in Chelsea’s and picked up a cranberry colored 2 piece and a black/white mixed dress. I picked up both pieces for 30 bucks. We negotiated the price down from 35 to 30. which was cool. The sales lady told me that they will soon be opening the store on the corner and putting pieces in there. This will be excellent so that more of the items can be seen, due to the crowdedness it is difficult to shop, but it keeps it appeal to me as it is like searching for treasures. They will replenish the corner store with items from the larger store. Real nice idea. I have never walk out empty handed.

I will workout this evening this will help reduce some of my stress and anxiousness I am feeling. I am blessed that I am not turning to food but to the Lord, leaning on him. I am working to help others to be blessed and see God's love. I will be offering back to do individuals tomorrow evening, which is a service the Lord put me in and He is using me for His glory. I am honored to do be used by God.

Yes - Yes - Yes - 70 days with FA - I feel fantastic

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 69

I am praising God for rewarding me with being His daughter. I have everything that He wants me to have right now. I have peace and His favor, grace and mercy. I am grateful that he is giving me courage and wisdom in areas that He feels would be beneficial for Kingdom building.

Yesterday, was a wonderful day and I am looking forward to staying in the here and now of today. I had a wonderful, simply wonderful workout last night. I actually pushed myself and did some full jacks and scissors. I then went to my Life Group, totally good group of women. God used me to share some things to help others. Rose is an excellent resource and wonderful woman of God. Jiesha is a quick thinker and very knowledgeable. Awesome combination of leaders. Jiesha asked me to do a session on various types of salads as I love salads and seem to be the potluck Queen of salads J Meteriranian salads are my favorite ! I am taking an Italian salad to a potluck this weekend. So I will have to put together a power point or something as visual.

My dinner last night was splendid, the steak was cooked to perfection. I need to pick up some mushrooms and a onion ;) It would have been even tastier.

Yesterday, I took in my before picture and a new after picture to True Image to hang on the Wall of Fame. My before pictures captures so much pain, it was taken 3 months after my son passed. I was miserable, and in a fog and eating myself to death. At that time I was also watching my mom fade away. God has given me a second chance and I want to live in His will and serve Him. I am so grateful that I knew the True and Living God and had hope.

I am looking forward to going to prayer service and Life Group tonight. Praise God Praise God

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 68- U Turn - Before and after photo

Lord I am your princess and You are my Lord ! I adore You for who You are in my life. I thank You for providing for me and giving me Peace during my storms. I know that You exist and live to worship You.

Last night I attended my meeting. I am working the program, sometimes it is rough and other times it offers me such peace and hope. I do know that I am a food addict. Last night’s testimonies were so awesome. Sometimes I get bored but there is always something I need to hear that will help me and others. I am approaching my 90 days and I am looking forward with some anxiety to sharing my story. I am becoming better at expressing myself verbally.

Today has been a busy but productive day at work. I am handling work as it comes and getting it done in an orderly manner. This evening I will work my True Image program and go to my Fit for the King life group. I am looking to be blessed and prayfully I will bless someone else.

I plan to take some old photos of me to True Image, these photos of me were taken during a time in which I was miserable, self hating and just not in a good place in life. I hated going out socially and would refuse social settings most of the time.

Lord thank You for the U Turn.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 67 - Colorful

Day 67

Praise the Lord ! Praise the Lord !

This weekend I was blessed in so many ways. Beginning on Friday, True Image took Takeema out to dinner for her farewell. It was such a blessing to all of us to together and have some fun. I pray that it touched her in a special way. Saturday morning I weighed in with True Image and I had lost 2 lbs. a total of about 7 lbs for the month of November. I am currently between a size 12 and 10. God is AMAZING. I give ALL the glory to God for giving me what I needed to do this. On Saturday I was able to share one of the gifts God gave me. I taught a friend how to make jewelry. It was a good session and she learned quickly. We plan to met again this coming Friday for session number 2.

Now if you know me you know I do a lil shopping on Saturday. I went again thirsting and found designer blouses. Colorful blouses; fuchsia, winter cream/white, blue and a cheetah print. They will pair nice with jeans. I am really feeling jeans right now. This is the same thrift store where I got a Georgia Armani suit for 15 bucks.

Sunday we were blessed with a wonderful sermon for those that are hurting or broken. It was amazing. YET….. Thank you Lord the sermon ministered to me. Then I was able to go to dinner with a friend and celebrate her mother’s birthday who has passed away. It was good to talk and share our feelings about our mothers who are gone on to glory. Then we rode up to Marshall’s and got some workout gear. I got two pair of workout pants on sale for 10 bucks each. I also picked up some fun/funky workout socks. Colorful I love it. I am loving color right now.

I did not put up Christmas Tree ! We will get it together.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 63 - Dec 1st - down 4.6 more

Day 63

Dear Lord I thank You for today and all that You have in store for me today. I pray that I walk in Your will. Lord remove from me any thoughts of negativity that enter, help me to keep my tongue and stay out of unproductive chatter.

Yesterday, was a blessing. I went to see Ms. Juanita, it was a relaxing experience in which I enjoyed. She got me together quickly and I was able to make the end of prayer service and fellowshipped and I attended my Celebrate Recovery life group. Life Group was really good, we got an opportunity to support our life group leader who has suffered a major loss. She is so transparent, we all were in an attempt to help her through the process of grieving.

I weighed in this morning as we have to on the first day of every month for FA. The month of November I lost a total of 4.6 lbs. Which is good, seeing that I am in maintainance phase with True Image. I am pleased. I weigh in this Saturday at True Image, I am excited. My goal for FA has not been established by my sponsor. We will work on it together. I am so grateful to have FA in my life, I am making healthier choices which is helping me to continue to loss. Prior to FA I would most likely be climbing back up on the scale. I see the importance of FA in my life. I am loving the healthier lifestyle.

Lord in the way of relationship ! Help me Lord ! You know me better than I know myself. Help me in areas that I need help.

This weekend I plan to attend a Farewell party for a dear friend who I will miss dearly. She is so sweet and kind hearted. Saturday, I plan to weigh in and go to a couple vintage shops, one is knew to me. I have a tight budget so I hope to find some reasonably priced treasures. And they are treasures !

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 62

Day 62

Thank You Lord ! I want to thank you for daily blessing my family and friends, for providing and Your protection. I realize your power daily.

Yesterday was real good. I was off work and had an opportunity to rest and reflect. I did workout and do True Image. Wow I hadn’t worked out in a few days and I could feel the difference, for the past two weeks my schedule has only allowed me to workout one day a week, I must get back to 2 days or even 3 days per week. I like being able to do the routine without feeling totally exhausted. Friday True Image will celebrate TG leaving to return to Florida. This will be fun! I am praying regarding True Image and listening to God for how he plans to use me.

I attended Life Group, Fit for the King, and we had a wonderful fellowship, movie, Fork over Knives and a delicious potluck. The movie is such a blessing. I am understanding the effects of meats in my diet and needing direction on whether I will pursue a plant based diet.

I went to Avalon yesterday and did my first exchange, I took in some pieces I could not wear and also some shoes which the heels were extremely high, and now they are too large. I found a new boutique a few doors down from Avalon. The pricing was a bit expensive but they are one of a kind pieces. I was able to get one really nice bell sleeve, with pearl embellishment on the front. I purchased a tank to wear underneath to keep it modest J I will pair it with jeans and wear it during the holidays.

I am feeling so much better about life and I owe this all to God. I am needing God more and allowing Him to use me.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 60 - T & T

Praise the Lord ! Praise the Lord ! All praises be to God. He is oh so magnificent. Lord I thank You for everything. You are my master, please use me as your servant. Lord continue to help me walk in Your will.

Holiday weekend was spent with family. My family, love them to pieces J I had family come in from Michigan and we really enjoyed each other’s company. I had asked the Lord to bless our fellowships and give us peace. My cousin Monica and I went out on Black Friday, but to us it was like an ordinary shopping day. We usually hang out and shop anyway. We did go to the Mac counter at Nordstrom. I got my first department store makeup brush J And I am pleased to say it was well worth my investment. It is a eyeliner brush. The thing with proper makeup application is having the right tools and the techinique (T & T). The makeup artist was a Bobbi Brown artist and she took time with us showing us how to apply and the real importance of having the right tool to get the desired look. I told her I had a similar brush and she convinced me it was not the same and that she had done the research. So I trusted her professional recommendation and purchased the brush. Although I did not make her gel liner. I have several gel liners and she also showed me a simple techinique to smoke out my liner using black eyeshadow. Fabulous look. I appreciate her help, she even told us a special hair wrap cream that we picked up from the local hair store. Really nice sales person.

Saturday night we went to Gobble Groove, it was really nice music. Had a really nice time and we would do it again. My cousin has already texted me asking to find some jazz for the Christmas holiday.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 55 - First Vanity then Sanity - Absolutely priceless

Praise God ! Praise God ! Praise God !

I am forever grateful for Your love for me and my family. I am happy about having good family and friends in my life. Lord allow me to be a means of support ! I want to be Your vessel to demonstrate love and worship to You. Lord thank You for bending relationships.

Lord bless this holiday weekend as I prepare to be with family and friends. Let us feel Your peace and love amongst us. Lord food is important in fellowships, help me deal with keeping my focus on my plate.

Yesterday was cool, I had a visit from a friend who brought me sugar and flour L
She plans to make lifestyle change tonight and will attend tonight’s meeting. God is able! She is open to the change and wants God’s blessings.

First there was Vanity then Sanity – I love this because for me walking into my lifestyle change I was strictly seeking vanity. I wanted to look amazing. I can’t lie, it is the truth. Gradually working this program I am learning so much about me and God’s love and how he provides for me. I feel good from the inside out, the peace that I now have is priceless. Absolutely priceless ! I like me, I like me, I love me ! God has given me what I need to get along with me and love me. During this holiday season in my vanity and with peace in my heart, I can go to public events without fearing that I am ugly and unworthy. I can be of support to others, without worrying about myself. I don’t have to hide as I have hidden for so long, sooooo long ! Being overweight kept me from a life of total worship to God. I was in bondage to my self image, feeling unworthy and ugly. I now can worship and live a life for God without thinking about me all the time and living in pity for myself. When I say God can do ANYTHING I mean he can do ANYTHING ! I thought I could never make peace with God and myself. He has shown me I can have a life of abundance. I am now more giving of myself, more open to feel life and help others.

Beauty Corner – Well I made my follow up dermatology appt for the week of December when I am on vacation. I am loving the results of the products I was given. I need to now find out how I treat my skin in the long-term. I don’t want to overuse the product. Hopefully there will be more samples J Help me Lord ! Did I mention I am now in a size 10 jeans, I think I did yesterday J This weekend I am sure I will be doing makeup applications for my cousins when we go to the jazz set on Saturday. Looking forward to this, she likes the nude look I applied on her for reception in Michigan.
True Image – Saturday is my day of weigh in. I am looking forward to it. I will most likely exercise before weigh in to get my 2 days in. I worked out last night at True Image for 30 minutes then left to go to the grocery store to pick up items for the holiday. I love working with the large exercise balls. They are good for toning.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving !

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 54 - Providing my NEEDS - it feels nice

ALL praises be to God ! ALL praises be to God ! You are worthy of ALL my praises. You are within me healing me and making be know that I am worthy of Your LOVE. God You comfort and protect and provide for me. Lord guide me lead me in the way YOU desire me to go. Free me from my bondages. Free me Lord !

Yesterday was awesome. I attended my FA meeting and heard the listened as my friend was the qualifier. She allowed the Lord to use her in a magnificent way. I was so proud of her. We help each other along this journey along with our sponsor. Our sponsor is so caring and really allows God to use her. For this I am grateful.

This Thanksgiving I will be worshiping God through my life, and not through food, I will be loving on my family and friends. This I am looking forward to.

On my way to my FA meeting I stopped at a retail store to exchange a top. I am so grateful they had my correct size. While I was there I tried on about 3 pairs of jeans, Lavisa had trained me how to shop for jeans and how to get the fit for my body. My current 1 pair of jeans which I purchased about 6 weeks ago was sagging. I was in disbelief, because I am in maintaince and I am not weighing everyday, trusting God to do his will. I was thinking well maybe just maybe they are stretched out of shape, and then Lavisa said you need to go down a size or two. So looking in the mirror and taking her advice I took 3 pair of size 10 jeans into the dressing room. To my disbelief they fit perfectly, just as the size 12 had fit approximately 6 weeks prior. I am not into the numbers of weight as I had been previously, so I am not even going to say how many pounds I lost since then. But I got the size 10 jeans on right now. Right now and they fit nicely. Last night at FA one of the women who shared said some words that encouraged me, she talked about vanity and said she appreciate the vanity. She does not dismiss it and how she liked fitting into little jeans and being able to wear regular size clothing, without going into Lane Bryant and the plus size departments. My spirit agreed with her, it does feel nice. It feels nice to look in the mirror and see me and love me for who God designed me to be, my true image. I love accepting invitations to go out in public without first thinking I am overweight, I am ashamed of myself, I hate myself, what will I wear, I can’t fit anything. Then avoiding the invitation and staying home eating the night away, only feeling miserable and increasing my depression.

Lord You know me and provided me with what I NEEDED.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 53

Day 53

Dear Lord you are so awesome in all Your power. I am wanting to give You thanks right now for all Your goodness. Thank You for your favor, grace and mercy, Lord ! You are everything.

This weekend was productive. Very very busy. I did most of what I set out to do. Dominique’s party was nice, I got to meet all her roommates. They are really nice and they have good order to their living situation. Lord I am grateful to You for this. Nique seemed really pleased with her party. I made sure I left real early so that I would be ready for worship and praise.

Missions Sunday was awesome. Testimonies regarding service and evangelism was geared toward Kingdom Building. After church I went to dinner with a couple of friends.
We had wonderful fellowship and really good food.

It’s Monday, Let’s work !

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 50

Thank you Lord, strengthen me and allow me to move in the path that You have set for me. Lord I need Your help ! I trust that You love me.

Lord I need You to help me stay in the moment where there is Peace.

Yesterday was cool, I skipped workout and turned in another direction which throws off my perfectly planned week LOL But it is ok, I did something that I enjoyed. I will most likely workout in the a.m. from 8 til 9 then go to my ministry meeting at NCBF. I had a delcious dinner, with ground lean, salad and fresh string beans. I will be making more beans really soon.

Today and tomorrow are gonna be busy. I need strength to get things done. I am doing the food for Nique’s party. I am keeping it simple; wing dings, ranch, fruit, salad. I plan to have fun. So today, I have to sort of do errands I would normally do tomorrow. YEAH ! I have a busy evening, I took care of some of my weekend errands yesterday.

Beauty Corner – Tips for Vintage shopping, found a delightful vintage dress. Really cute 6 bucks, yes 6 bucks some of the threads were coming loose in the seam so she marked it ½ off. I was happy about that. I will stitch it with my sewing machine. Loose seams can be expected in vintage clothing. I learn more and more as I shop vintage, I am learning to pay careful attention to seams and dry rotting. Loose seams is ok, dry rotten not so good. Also some of the items have been dry cleaned many have not so drying cleaning is necessary and should be factored into the cost of the item. I am finding that shopping for vintage clothing is fairly reasonably in cost and shopping at the right store prices can be negotiated. Also try on try on, vintage items can run smaller than indicated. Sometimes. Another good reason to try on is so that to see if the item is a good choice for you. The 6 dollar dress I tried on, on the rack looked undesirable, but my institnct said try it on. When I did it was lovely, ladylike and charming. Paired with right accessories it will work for me and my taste. The length was right and it had long sleeves. Perfect combination for me. These are things I love in a dress. It also came with the original belt which is a true treasure. These clothes are timeless and with proper care will grow in value. Finding unique outwear is fantastic, I saw a full length 70s leather coat, excellent condition for 50 bucks. Yeah it was real leather good leather, but I felt I had enough. I may do a trade of some larger sizes in my closet to get it. We will see.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 49 - Still working the plan

Lord You are magnificent and so worthy of the praise. You are in me and I feel Your presence. Lord give me a pure heart and a pure mind. Remove from me that what blocks me from You. Help me in this process. Lord I am grateful. Bless others and provide for their needs. Thank You !

Yesterday was cool ! I went to see Ms. Juanita and she has relocated. I used the time under the dryer to relax and browse through magazines. I then went home, had some quiet time and ate the dinner I had prepared the day before. I talked to Nique last night and put together a menu for her 25th celebration. She is expecting 50 people. WOW ! I will be doing some shopping and cooking Saturday. YES ! I want to get her a special gift for the BIG 25. I love her sooooo much ! She is my sweet and loving blessing.

Beauty Corner: This morning I remembered to order my black soap. I need to keep black soap in my life LOL It exfoliates lovely and moisturizes well. I ordered 4 bars this should last me through the winter and into the spring. I don’t use it on my face as my face is sensitive and I got breakouts. I wore the jeans my friend gave me they fit really well. She is so sweet, I must do something for her. She has an eye for jeans and good cuts. I have to pick up some items today from the drug store. I may stop in at Avalon and see what’s new. I will pick up a sewing machine to do some alterations. I have to get it today or tomorrow, Saturday will be busy for me.

True Image - I will be working out tonight. I will be working to tone, not so much cardio. Oh yeah, tonight is the night Debbie/Kathy want to take my photo to add to the wall. I have to remember ! Debbie will be there tonight.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 48

Day 48

Lord You are so worthy ! You are excellent in Your power and Your love. I give You the honor and the glory in my life and in my daily worship. Lord help me live a life of worship.

Yesterday was a really good use of time ! I had someone come over and help me do some organizing. We got things together, I need to do some follow up and have Tony hang me some racks for storage. Next I will have her help me breakdown the porch and basement.

I did True Image it was a good workout, good toning throughout exercise. I don’t stress going to workout now. The extra stress of losing is gone. Now I am maintaining. I personally want to lose 3 to 4 more lbs. But I am not pushing for it to happen right now at least by the first of the year.

Last night I cooked my dinner for tonight, I made fresh string beans with turkey meat. Delicious, Delicious, Delicious. I brought some for work today to have with my lunch and I will eat them throughout the week for lunch and dinner. I am thankful to God for giving me the energy to pick those string beans J

Tonight I see Ms. Juanita for a evening of pampering, It will be nice, she is in her new location. I want to make the Town Hall meeting at the church if I get out in time.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 47 - It is what it is - 200 Posts

Day 47 – It is what it is

Lord I give You the Honor and the Praise for my life and my testimony. You are always present in my life. You give me Peace in time of trouble. Lord bless my home and allows Peace to flow. Give me good words, make me a Godly example.

My work day yesterday was very frustrating. Very frustrating. Lots of politics but I turned those issues over to my supervisor who worked it out. It was not my battle. I was able to work with the person, the youth in front of me and counsel. I thank the Lord for giving me the knowledge to know I had no control.

Today is a new day and I am working out some of the politics. I am in a much better place to work things out today. I don’t feel responsible and making the phone calls and emails to hopefully make things happen on this case. It is what it is LOL Got to keep it moving.

This evening I have arranged for a helper to come over and assist me in some household organizing. I know when I need help in this area and it is time, to break things down and begin to declutter and make sense of things.

I did not make my FA meeting last night, I pulled in the parking lot, parked and decided I would not go in. It was storming and I am not a real good night driver, and there were tornado warnings. So I pulled out and went home.

I am praying today will be productive. I plan to go home show the young lady what needs to be done and then run to True Image for my 1 of 2 workouts for this week. Yes ! 1 of 2 instead of 1 of 3. I will then go to Wal-Mart and purchase a sewing machine. I need one to do minor alterations. Tailoring is so expensive. I will give away, swap or sell other items or send some out for professional tailoring. Especially the items with linings, I will practice on some items with linings first. Items that are not major. I purchased a vintage red crop jacket, that I would like to wear during the holidays and it needs a seam or two. Also a vintage dress that I need to run seams through the entire dress to reinforce the seams. It was made in the 1940s or 50s so it definitively needs some reinforcement. The price I would pay a tailor to do it is the cost of my new sewing machine, so it will have paid for itself in one project.

Beauty – My Urban Decay – All Nighter arrived, I used it today, and I will keep an eye on it to see its lasting power. I am working with my Nars blush, the color is intense so I have to blend, blend, blend. After blending it gives a natural lovely glow. My Mac Fix is one of my number 1 stables. The effect of it gives a dewy effect that is one of make up artist secrets. I am trusting that the All Nighter pleases me as well. I used my Elf highlighter today instead of the YSL. YSL is like “top shelf” and will be used as I feel it is needed. I love the smoothness of the texture. The texture allows it is blend into the skin well. OH yes, OH yes, the Clarisonic is off the chain. That’s all I can say, it is the bomb, bomb, bomb. The texture of my skin has improved and I am seeing far far far less breakouts. It cleans down into the pores and brings out impurities. My night time regiment includes the Clarisonic, I have not used it in the a.m. Maybe I will start after a couple more weeks, I did not want to shock my skin so I gradually incorporated the Clarisonic. The Retin A is awesome, it did what the reviews say it does. I used it alone for about 2 months and now I used it in the evening to build, I use it first, then put on hope in a jar (philosophy) and then some nights I use the mild moisturizer recommended by my dermatologist. I am seeing positive results. So if you reading this and have skin issues or even if you don’t I recommend the Clarisonic. Beauty Guru’s around the nation use the Clarisonic.

Healthy Life Style – this morning I purchased lots of string beans, I plan to get them together today or tomorrow evening. I got turkey necks and backs to season them with and a container of turkey stock to boil them in. I will add some sliced onions , garlic powder, pepper and salt. I will freeze these individually for meals. Yummy Yummy

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 46 - Order

Day 46

Thank You Lord for allowing me to know You and appreciate You. I am so grateful to recognize Your power. I love You and know that You want the best for me. Lord lead me guide and bless me. I am asking You because I feel I am ready, but You know me best.

I had a wonderful weekend, I was able to bless others and others blessed me. I was a bit busy but got a lot accomplished. Saturday was fun shopping with a friend, we went to Chelsea’s and got some really really nice deals. I was able to pick up a 40s or 50s three quarter length coat. I also got a fox tail to wear it is really cute and it was priced reasonably.

Tree wants one I will take her over there in the next couple of weeks. This Saturday is dedicated to Nique it is her birthday weekend, and I am preparing the set up and preparing food. I will keep it a simple menu as not to stress us all out. It will be fun ! I may sleep at her house overnight and come home in the morning and get ready for service. This Saturday I plan to attend Knife over Forks at the new Stephanie Tubbs-Jones building. I want to support Sandy and see the documentary.

I went to True Image Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m. yes 7:30 AM to weigh in. I now weigh in every other week instead of weekly as I am in their maintenance phase. I had dropped 2 lbs, which was totally ok with me. I need to slow down my weight loss as I only want to lose 4 more lbs. These pounds don’t have to be lost immediately, I am not stressing over the last 4 lbs. Now my sponsor may have another goal for me which we will negotiate.

Ms. Bell and I plan to go jean shopping in a few weeks. She is an awesome jean shopper we are going to go to Buckle. She suggested I get a nice belt to wear with my jeans, she suggested TJ Maxx. I am out of the loop when it comes to jeans so she is my jean stylist.

Beauty - my Nars blush came, it is radiant and has a nice glow. But you can not have a heavy hand. It needs to be blended well. But it is beautiful. Also my YSL highlighter came, I will do a test tomorrow and compare it to my ELF highlighter. I will use one under one eye and the other under the other to determine the length of wear and if it cakes. I will say it is of the smoothest texture. I am pleased with both purchases. I am awaiting my Urban Decay -All nighter- I welcome this as I am not a person who touches up makeup. So this purchase should serve me well. Oh yeah, check out my black boots, they are really comfortable.

Yesterday I received a compliment from someone’s opinion I trust. It was nice and I appreciated it. I am humbled by everyone’s compliments and love showed toward my journey. I pray I am a testimony to someone and that God will bless others by what He has done for me.

I have to get some things in order in my life NOW !

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 43

Lord You are so awesome ! You are my companion and my best friend. For this I am grateful. You are with me when I am lonely, you are a constant friend in times of needs.

Yesterday was yesterday ! Nothing stands out and hits me in the face. I worked out after work and did some serious toning. I love my True Image support team. After that I did stop in at one of my favorite Vintage dress shops and I got a crop red blazer for 12 bucks, it was made in Paris. The structure of the jacket is the bomb. I put some thought to how I would put things together with it. I have two pair of pants that would work really really well, I am thinking of using it as a holiday must wear. I first have to take it to the tailor it needs some minor adjustments to give it a more tailored look. It will be worth the investment of having it tailored. I also need to take a black leather skirt I purchased last weekend, I would like for the jailor to take off the band and work in a tad bit of elastic so that it has a better fit. I love the skirt, it is black and a nice basic piece for my wardrobe. It is long and drops below the calf. Very ladylike and nice, the leather is real nice. I can pair it with turtle necks or long sleeve Ts and do some other layering using different textures. I have a vintage black velvet vest that would work nicely with it, with some sort of pop of color under the vest.

Oh yeah, guess what it is a pretty red. If you know me you know I have not always favored the color red in my wardrobe. Since the wedding in September I have seen red in a whole new way. Now remember it is a crop jacket, meaning it is short, so there is not a lot of red. I will pair it with black and simple jewelry and some fancy boots and it will be cool. I also picked up a nice belt for 10 bucks. It will look nice to snitch in some items in my wardrobe.

Tomorrow I will attend the funeral of my Life Group’s leaders mother at 9:00 a.m. She is such a wonderful woman of God, I want to go and support her. After this Dominique and I will be together, we will plan her birthday party which is the next weekend on the 19th. I am praying for a wonderful time with my daughter tomorrow. She is such a wonderful woman. She is kind and thoughtful. We will hang out and have lunch together and maybe do some vintage shopping since she lives on the west side. Chelsea’s here we come.

I weighed myself this morning and I had not lost, any more since Monday. Thank You Lord, I am not wanting to lose too much more as I am in maintenance for True Image. Now FA may have another plan for me, we will see. But I am feeling comfortable with my appearance.

I pray I have a nice stress free weekend with family and friends. Sunday I will be attending a FA meeting and taking a friend to hear about the program. God is such a blessing to us. I am expecting Sunday worship service and the Word to feed my soul.

Chat with you Monday !

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 42 - God is GOOD!

I am coming to you Lord with a heart of Thanksgiving. Thanking You for everything. Lord please help me with areas of my life that I need help with, and you are able and more than capable of helping me. My insecurities show up and they are not pleasing to You and not in line with Kingdom building.

Yesterday was hump day I day that I was lead to give God his glory. I went to prayer service and then to my Life Group. It was really good prayer service, full of thanksgiving all to Your glory. We learned that our Life Group leader’s mother passed away. Lord we were grateful that she and her mother were on good terms. Thank You Lord.

I have been working the FA program and the plan continues to be a blessing to me, friends and to family. Tree and two of her dear friends went to FA . God is GOOD! My subject line of the first email I received today was entitled God is GOOD! It was from one of my FA fellows. Communicating is an important piece of the FA program.

Today is a relaxed look for me at work, I have True Image after work. I got to get my workout on. I actually wore some jeans and a long sleeve tee and layered it with a H&M sweater. I didn’t feel like to much fussing around this morning. Wanted to keep it simple. It is more a weekend look. But I am thankful we can wear jeans to work. They are so comfortable. I had not worn jeans in a long time, when I am heavier I do not feel comfortable wearing jeans. My legs are thick it and it seems like in jeans all you would see is thunder thighs.

Today is one of my less busy evenings. True Image and then ………………………….
I will most likely do some washing and tidy up J Need to keep things in order.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 41 – It’s all about God – God approved

Lord you are so faithful to me ! I love You for You being You. You provide me with what I need and you know me so intimately. Thank You giving me the wisdom to know when I should move on things in my life and when should allow others to move. You are so amazing. I thank You for my relationship with You.

Last night’s Life Group was awesome. The ladies connected and were able to open up and show some transparency. They are hungering for your love and for this I am grateful. Lord bless them and keep them encouraged with your love. We discussed gluttony and how it is a sin in our lives. We did a really good job defining it and showing examples of it in our lives. Thank You Lord for removing the nervousness and not giving me butterflies in my stomach. Lord I surrender myself to you to use for your bidding. Praise God ! I sincerely mean this ! You are Great and Worthy to be Praised.

Healthy Life Style – This program is helping me to embrace life and love the Lord at a deeper level. I am living my life like it is Golden and enjoying things in the moment. Recognizing that God is in control of everything and in knowing this I know He loves me and is protecting and providing for me. Lord I need your help in the area of working with non believers I am having difficulty dealing with others who do not have a loving relationship with You. I recognize I am wrong in my attitude but it is that I want to share Your goodness and want them to experience You in Your fullness. I humbly ask for help !

Style – Fashion Styling – I write about this because it is important for me. I designed this blog in honor of my mother, who was a Godly woman with extraordinary strength and faith in God. She taught me to honor God and love people. She was also a diva and taught me about personal care and caring for how you appear. She never got the piece about healthy eating and as far back as I can remember she was over weight, but that did not stop her from styling herself to the best of her talents. She loved beautiful things, and loves to have things in order she led an orderly life in many areas of her life. I saw her suffer from diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and finally heart condition. All of these illnesses were directly related to her unhealthy eating. I wished that she had got IT. But she didn’t. I know she would bless and celebrate with me in my path to healthy eating. She absolutely loved to dress me up when I was a child. I was like her lil black Barbie. Side by side we were beautiful black women. She was always the first to tell me when I looked amazing and the first to tell me to take it off LOL She was classy and believed in dresses touching mid knee or below and honoring God by covering cleavage. In other words she was modest. It taught me early on that you don’t have to show it ALL to be beautiful. I have learned that men are visual beings and I respect this and work hard to help them keep their focus on God. I am now very careful to honor God in my wardrobe at work and in the community and church. Now if you see me on Saturday, you will see a sister with no make up on and some sweats LOL But it is all Godly ! Because it is all about God. I want to be able to be fashionably and represent God and be an example of well put together looks that are God approved.

Hey I am feeling bad, I have left my dad out. He was a good man, Godly man and a minister who loved the Lord. He didn’t get the healthy food thing either. But boy oh boy he tried, but his will power would take over. We had a joke in the family about him, he would eat the diet meals and his regular unhealthily meals and gain even more weight because of eating this way. Funny, Funny man. He had a sense of humor out of this world. This is where my parents were strong together they both were humorous individuals. I mean slap your knee funny. He was a hard hard hard worker with an excellent work ethic. I always remember him having 2 jobs. My mom worked mostly to clothes me and her. LOL He prided himself on excellent credit A1 credit. I wish he could have left that in his Will J He believed in paying his debts. Did not have put maybe one credit card. He was a SHARP man as we would term “suited and booted”. But he did have an eye for the ladies which was not a good thing. A year or two ago I forgave him for making my mother’s life miserable and keeping our home in turmoil. But I realize that was there marriage and he was a good dad to me. Probably more information than you needed to know about my family, but I needed to write it and release it. I love transparency !!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW WOW WOW

Thank You Jesus for giving me such a wonderful woman parents.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

40 Days – For Me and For Others

God this prayer is one of gratitude for all Your love and understanding. I stand in awe of your love. You are everything to me. You have been faithful to me through it all. I give honor to You and I am very careful to give you the Praise ! Amen !

Lord I want to do Your bidding in my life. This seems so wonderful to me, to walk in Your path and living in your will. I know you have a plan to prosper me and have given me a life of abundance. You have giving me an abundance of love and opened up my heart to see You and as the amazing Creator that You are. Amazing!

Yesterday was somewhat frustrating at work. I am so blessed, so truly blessed to believe in a God that works in my life. My work life can be so stressful, when I allow my flesh to surface. I am working on humbling myself. I need to work so I need to submit.

God please guide ! Help me ! I know that I need You in my life. Please allow me to know that this is of You and that they are not operating in the flesh. Let me be special and adored in a Godly manner. Allow me to be respectful and open to trust. Thank You Lord ! Thank You Lord !

Last night’s meeting was really good. I look forward to the fellowships and the shares. My sponsor was the qualifier, she is such a wonderful woman of God. God I thank you for giving me boldness and courage to step up to the plate to serve. I am working my 90 days and plan to serve in the program as I am lead. My eyes have been open to so much and I am grateful. So much about why I worshipped food. The food was blocking my service and worship to God. Maybe not for others but for me. I hear myself in each story, I want to be able to have a God filled share in order to help others. God you have honored me by providing me with this program and I want it to help others. I look forward to my mornings that are peaceful and communicating with my sponsor is such a spiritual experience. I truly experience God as we use our time to give God the glory for our lives.

Lord bless our Life Group tonight. Let Your power be amongst us. Let us work together as women trying to help another and ourselves. We thank you for our group and leadership. Women of moderation. The name of the group is so appropriate.

OK OK OK, this morning I had a yearning desire to weigh in. According to my home scale I had dropped 2 lbs since the 29th. Putting me closer to my personal goal. I want to be about where I am but want to lose not need to lose so I need to draw close to God. I want to focus on toning my arms, abs and thighs. By summer I would like to be much more toned in these target area.

Closet issues – OK I have been shopping, I need to put some attention on organizing my things so I know what’s up in order to pull together fashion forward/backward (vintage) looks LOL I will work more on organizing this weekend. I have weigh in at True Image on Saturday a.m. and then go to Seed Team. I should be home by 1:00. I need to dedicate this time to organizing. I will take Tree’s advice and begin to breakdown Nique’s room to organize my clothing and accessories. Yeah, this is gonna be work, I may employ someone to help me out. I will think this out.

Until we chat again ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 39 - Wonderful Awesome Weekend

Day 39 - Wonderful Awesome Weekend

Thank You Lord for pouring into me ! I want to say that I am grateful and that I want to live in Your will and do Your bidding. Please guide me Lord, and allow me to see what You have designed for me. I need clear discernment and I move forward. I want to trust You totally in this area of my life, give me courage. I want to make Godly decisions. Give me what I need to lead my group tomorrow night, allow the ladies to be blessed. Thank You Lord.

Amazing service, I had not been in 2 services for sooooo long. It was so well worth the investment of time. God I want to serve You and do Your bidding. I needed to hear the message as I help parent Jayden who is strong willed. The leadership of the church recognized the Prayer Ministry for our commitment to prayer. It was really nice and the members got to learn about the ministry. I feel so wonderful during worship and praise and I am so glad I have so much freedom to praise God and give Him the glory. I am grateful for my relationship with God. God has grown me up some J I can feel it. It’s a wonderful feeling.

After my Saturday morning workout I got to spend Saturday morning with Jayden. It was fun to see him explore EVERYTHING in his enviroment. He is something else :) I love his lil self :)

Tonight I have my FA meeting, I am looking forward to fellowshipping with the group. I am asking for courage to do a reading, God you helped me before and I am asking for more strength. I know it is You who gives me the courage. I want to be able to help and serve others.

My meal plan is working for me. Thank you Lord ! I am able to go on with my life without food ruling me. This gives me a quiet peace. I thank You for allowing me to be Your vessel. Tree met with her sponsor Saturday and I am so proud of her for taking this important step. She really needs this program. I am grateful for the program.

I did some awesome vintage thifting over this weekend. I discovered a new spot for vintage clothing. Totally awesome and fairly priced. I will check this place out on a regular. Tree and I went back, I think I may go back and get the vintage Versace shirt and I need some men button down. I got two best finds, one being an Georgio Armani blazer at the sale at Joseph Beth. Awesome designer pieces. I am drawn to vintage due to the quality of the clothing and it connects me to Oliva my mama. Styling was something my mother did well. She was a head to toe Diva. Some of the clothes are defintitly styles of her era and my youth. I loved to see her dress up she was a beautiful woman as she would say a beautiful Black woman. She disliked loud colors and cheaply made clothes. Vintage pieces are constructed very well and are more reasonable than current retail items. It is definitely a win-win. Another thing, the clothing is so lady like and some is totally glammed out. I tend to seek the lady like apparel and the chic looks. I did some research this weekend on CoCo Chanel, interesting lady. I never knew she grew up in an orphanange. It helps me to understand designers when I explore them, it gives me a differenent appreciate for their designs. Her line gave women especially working women a classic look that still works to this this. Her models moved so nicely in her garments, it was amazing to see them on the runway. Finding vintage pieces is a good feeling. Another plus is it is a one of a kind item. There is only that one on the rack. She prided herself on being proud of her dark skin. I am so grateful for this because she instilled in me my inner and outer beautiful. That is one thing that made her even more amazing, she poured into me and taught me how to me a “Good girl” and she led by example. She was a godly woman. She made sure she taught me the importance of smiling, helping others and be a support to others. God blessed me with Olivia. She allowed God to use her in so many ways. I need to take some OOTD (outfits of the day) photos to upload. I don’t have a camera right now on my phone.

I had lots to say ! Felt good getting it out

Sort of a frustrating day. My work life can be difficult to deal with, when I am operating in the flesh. So difficult ! I need to let go and allow God to work in this situation. But I have not given it to God totally. I am grateful to have this career and job. Every few weeks there are changes, and then more changes. Coworkers are quitting which ultimately means more work for me. I appreciate prayer.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 35

I want to give You the praise and the glory for everything You have done for me. I am excited about You and thrist for You. For this I am glad.

Yesteday, I missed out on my bible study group. I was at Ms. Juanita but we talked about the goodness of Jesus so it was well worth the time J Ms. Juanita is a wonderful young woman of God. I love her spirit. I am praying for God’s continual blessings in her life. On top of that she rocked my hair LOL While at the shop I was able to connect with a couple of my church family members. LOVE THEM !

At work, our supervisor had a meeting with us and it was one of those non motivational meetings. She is not a team builder, but she is a good company person. So overall I guess she is good for our agency. I disagree with lots of what she does but I have to respect her role/position in my life as she is over me. God gives me the strength to work and communicate with her.

God give me strength this day Lord to do what I need to do and to operate in Your will.
Lifestyle – Eating for me is such an awesome experience. I love the food that is before me. Yesterday during my lunch I sat and studied the word of God for my Life Group class. I need the Lord to build me up as a witness to his word. Give me the words to encourage others in healthy lifestyles.

I want to organize my closets and clean the kitchen this Saturday. It does not appear that I have anything special planned for Saturday.

Relationships – My relationships with family and friends are good and healthy. I am praying that God will give me what I need to begin to open myself up to being in a loving relationship. WORK WITH ME LORD !

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 34

Day 34

Lord God You are the Lord of Lords and the Prince of Peace, my everything. I adore your name Oh Lord. Thanks for creating me as I am. Use me and I ask that I live in Your will.

Yesterday, was yesterday ! It was a very productive day. I accomplished things at my workplace and in my personal life. I listed my priorities and when I looked over them this morning, I could check them off. I even did something special I checked out a different Goodwill and did some thifting. I picked up a nice long brown maxi skirt. It will look nice with a t or turtle neck belted. It was $3.50 and when I took it to the register it was discounted to $1.99. Excellent deal ! I will put it in the cleansers on Thursday when I pick up. This morning I picked up my thifted blazers and 2 dresses from the cleaners, they look amazing. I actually put one of the blazers on in the cleansers and wore it to work as a coat, it is the black wool one. I added a scarf and a fushia long sleeve T. I am loving the deals.

Tuesday’s Life Group was amazing. We talked and shared and it was good for me and hopefully everyone. Leader and I discussed my role as assistant and mapped out what we will be doing in her absence.
· Lesson 6
· Need sign in sheet (will get one from Constance tonight)
· Special topic of interest
· Discuss accountability to our partners

I have my Recovery Life Group tonight. I am expecting a wonderful group of learning the word, sharing and fellowship.

I ordered a Clarisonic and I believe it will be delivered today. I will begin a cleaning regiment in hopes of giving my completion a glow and thoroughly cleaning, reaching into the pores. I will continue to use my gentle facial cleansers it is good and reasonably priced. I plan to get some of the Mac makeup remover to take surface makeup off. I also ordered NARS Tahij (sp) blush it is a beautiful shade of orange and it will work nicely on my brown completion to warm up my cheeks. J I love make up !!!! I need to pick up the black and brown Milani liquifer pencils, shipping was too much on Amazon. I also want to pick up the Suave dray shampoo to help keep my hair clean in between shampoos with Juanita. I will see Juanita tonight for a new do. Praise God.

Day 34

Day 34

Lord God You are the Lord of Lords and the Prince of Peace, my everything. I adore your name Oh Lord. Thanks for creating me as I am. Use me and I ask that I live in Your will.

Yesterday, was yesterday ! It was a very productive day. I accomplished things at my workplace and in my personal life. I listed my priorities and when I looked over them this morning, I could check them off. I even did something special I checked out a different Goodwill and did some thifting. I picked up a nice long brown maxi skirt. It will look nice with a t or turtle neck belted. It was $3.50 and when I took it to the register it was discounted to $1.99. Excellent deal ! I will put it in the cleansers on Thursday when I pick up. This morning I picked up my thifted blazers and 2 dresses from the cleaners, they look amazing. I actually put one of the blazers on in the cleansers and wore it to work as a coat, it is the black wool one. I added a scarf and a fushia long sleeve T. I am loving the deals.

Tuesday’s Life Group was amazing. We talked and shared and it was good for me and hopefully everyone. Leader and I discussed my role as assistant and mapped out what we will be doing in her absence.
· Lesson 6
· Need sign in sheet (will get one from Constance tonight)
· Special topic of interest
· Discuss accountability to our partners

I have my Recovery Life Group tonight. I am expecting a wonderful group of learning the word, sharing and fellowship.

I ordered a Clarisonic and I believe it will be delivered today. I will begin a cleaning regiment in hopes of giving my completion a glow and thoroughly cleaning, reaching into the pores. I will continue to use my gentle facial cleansers it is good and reasonably priced. I plan to get some of the Mac makeup remover to take surface makeup off. I also ordered NARS Tahij (sp) blush it is a beautiful shade of orange and it will work nicely on my brown completion to warm up my cheeks. J I love make up !!!! I need to pick up the black and brown Milani liquifer pencils, shipping was too much on Amazon. I also want to pick up the Suave dray shampoo to help keep my hair clean in between shampoos with Juanita. I will see Juanita tonight for a new do. Praise God.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 33 – Pressure lifted – Pressure back on

Thank you Lord for giving me the tools I need to do what it is you have planned for my life. Help me to grow in your word and in my obedience. Give me more of you, I want to accept You in all areas of my life. You are so worthy of the honor and the glory. I adore You.

Last night’s Harvest Fest was fantastic. The children had such a good time. I must say the adults did too, just a bit tiring. Jayden enjoyed himself. I got to see and fellowship with so many people that I had not seen in awhile. Tree went as Minnie Mouse she looked cute.

The pressure is lifted and I am slowly but surely getting use to my new size body. I will begin to focus on toning; arms, stomach, leg (thighs). I am listening to what people are saying to me and some is very encouraging. I have decided that I will go into maintained after losing 5 more pounds. The excitement of losing weight kept me losing, I must now focusing my excitement on maintaining and get my head ready for this long long life long journey. Pressure back on ! Maintain and tone YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 32- Oh What a Wonderful Weekend - Down 69

Thank You Lord for allowing me to live my life in Peace and want to be of service to others. I appreciate everything in my life and want to work in your will. You listen to my wants and my needs. Lord lead me in your will not my wants.

This weekend was magnificent. I was able to enjoy myself with various friends. I love my family and friends. I had some really enjoyable fellowships Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Sunday’s sermon was awesome. Pastor really brings the word with a passion and he teaches us the Word. I love love love my church family, awesome Kingdom Builders.

Saturday I reached my True Image goal, I am truly blessed. I am at Level 4 meaning I am in maintenance phase. Praise God ! Down 69 lbs. God is amazing.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 29 - Forgiveness

Lord I am so sorry for not focusing on You as I should. I operated in the flesh and for this a humbly ask forgiveness.

Yesterday was pleasant until about 4:35 the enemy tried to use me and he did. I was able to shake it off and have talked it out with my support. I am so grateful to have employment so I need to act like it. I was operating out of pride and knew what I was doing was wrong.

Worked out with the exercise balls at True Image. It is so nice, I need to pick up one with the sand it. I may get two so we can have group workouts at home.

Tonight begins my weekend. Thank you Lord ! I have lots of things planned out and hopefully things will work according to God’s plan. Tomorrow is my True Image weigh in, God’s will be done. I have not weighed this week, this is a major accomplishment that God has helped me with.

Not much to say, got some things to do. See ya !

God Bless !!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 28 - Freeing me from the scale

Lord God almighty you are so worthy of all my praise! I surrender my life to You. Lord I need to be obedient to Your word and do Your will.

I had a wonderful day yesterday. I attended the Mt. Zion FA meeting, awesome members. They are really real in their approach. They had wonderful shares and were very welcoming. Tree went and enjoyed the meeting and plans to get sponsorship on Monday. Another sister from church was there and she also enjoyed the meeting. God is blessing us so much ! My morning sponsorship call was wonderful.

Well my new Guess boots are on the UPS truck for delivery. I am excited. I will get to rock them soon. I will be putting my gently used blazers in the cleansers in the morning. They will be ready next week. This will add to my fall wardrobe and another layer to my look when I am not wearing my leather jacket. I am grateful that God has given me the skill of coordinating and having an eye for detail. And now I am able to do it on a budget. I will be cleaning and organizing my things over the next week so I can usually see what I have and what works best for my look. I definitely need a purse rack I saw one on pinterest.com that I will try and work into my room somehow. I will ask Tony to hang it for me. I have begun to collect vintage purses and I need to be gentle and careful with them so they continue to endure and possible increase the value. I will be shopping this weekend at a different vintage store and going back to Chelsea. If the Persian lamb jacket is still there I will most likely pick it up.

Praise Report : I have not been weighed since Saturday. This is just a blessing to me, I am not obsessing over the scale. I am being freed of it. But I do look forward to my weigh in on Saturday a.m. I need God’s favor, grace and mercy in this area so much. I am beginning to trust in this area. This is nothing but God. I needed to be obedient to my FA program.

Prayer: I continue to pray for my friends and family as we need to live productive lives. We know stress comes our way but we want to focus on You oh Lord and trust your will in our lives.

Chat with you all soon !

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 27 - Good Things

Praise God ! I give You thanks for everything in my life, whether big or small. I am so feel so honored to have You in my life. Thank You for blessing those around me and I am praying for your favor, grace and mercy.

For the last few days I have had contact with a friend who is so full of the word and is a prayer warrior. When I see her name in my caller ID I get excited because I know we will rejoice in the Word and discuss God’s goodness. Yesterday I chatted with a friend who loves the Lord and knows that God is faithful and provides. I thank the Lord for putting these dear sisters in my life to help remind me of your goodness and to witness the miracles in their lives. Ohhhhhh my sponsor is awesome and I start every morning by speaking and praying with her. I have a woman of God who I email throughout the day to discuss the FA program. I praise God for her soooo much she is so kind and patient. Good Things are happening to those around me.

This this thus far I have not weighed in. I have not felt the need. I am less curious. Praise God ! I am taking this one day at a time. God is blessing me I feel less anxious about daily weigh ins.

(look of the day LOTD) - Today I wore a green sweater dress that I have had for about 8 or 10 years. It is a good quality so it has lasted over time. It is ladylike. I wore my silver heart necklace I got on clearance from Charming Charlie. I am enjoying it a lot. Best thing is I fit it, and it is comfortable. I wore green leggings and my high low heel boots.

Things to Do: Clean the House really good ! Live !

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 26 - Courage and Obedience – Vintage and Thrift Shopping 

Amazing Grace ! New Mercies everyday ! God you have blessed my family sooooooooooo much ! Today You surprised me Lord ! Thank You ! Thank You Lord for another day amongst the land of the living. I am so grateful to You. Thank You for protecting and giving me peace in my life. Even through the storms You have victory. Lord bless my friends and give them victory in their situations.

Yesterday I attended my FA meeting, my sponsor encouraged me to do a reading and I did I chose to read sponsorship. I was nervous but I wanted and needed to be obedient to my leadership and humble myself. I am blessed to have her as my sponsor and I don’t want to take it for granted. The meeting continues to be supportive in many ways, the members are so nice and the fellowship is awesome. I look forward to the 10 meeting break to fellowship with members and newcomers. Attending the meetings help me get through my week, soon I will be able to incorporate another meeting. Last night I heard shares that will give me what I need to help others and myself.

There are no Life Groups this week in preparation for Harvest Fest. We have ordered Jayden’s costume, he will be Spiderman. His costume should arrive this week. I ordered myself some Guess boots from Amazon to wear with skirts and jeans. I had been searching and I found the pair that would do what I need them to do J Ariel helped me she knows good stuff, I notice she does not shop in quantity but quality. Which is truly helping me.

Today I got up and put on one of my vintage skirts with a turtleneck and a belt, leggings and heeled boots. Really nice look for work. My waist is getting smaller, I can tell. I put a belt on, I would never do that with a larger waist. It is a Chic Look sort of mod like look from the seventies. I love dressing from the different era, yesterday I wore the vintage dress from the eighties, it had shoulder pads. Yes ! Today I captured the sixties and updated it with belt, heels and leggings.

Yesterday I went to Unique, Monday is ½ price day, I cleaned up on blazers, I have a brown, a tweed and a couple of black boyfriend type blazers, two vintage styled purses for 23.00 which included taxes. Fabulous. I plan to but the jackets in the cleaners to freshen them up. The cleansers will clean them for $2.49 each which is a fab deal. So average cost of each blazer was $2.50 so total cost plus cleaning is about $5.00. The blazers will be worn with leggings, vintage skirts, sheath dresses, to work, church or an evening out, with my new fab boots from Guess. I was able to afford the Guess boots by updating my fall winter wardrobe in the vintage and Goodwill store. A friend and I are going to Chelsea’s on Saturday, she wants to update her wardrobe too. We will also be going to a thrift store in Chagrin Falls. I am excited.

Until I chat again, See Ya !

Praise Report !

I received a call today asking me to serve as assistant for the Fit for the King life group. I was pleased to accept, there is so much work to be done in healthy life styles. I pray God will lead me and I will follow in humbleness. Thank You Lord !

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Monday Awwwwwwe

Lord I want to thank you for working in my life and allowing me to know You. I need You and appreciate Your Love. I am so grateful for the ministery in which You allow me to serve. I am so blessed by each individual You give me.

I had a simple and wonderful weekend. Spent time with family and friends. I attended the baby shower of Camille, it was wonderful and well planned. Dominique and I were there together, and all of her childhood friends with the exception of Lauren. It was really good to see them all together again. They were such sweet girls and are now beautiful women, working and being productive in the world.

My weigh in this week was awesome/the bomb. I dropped 4 lbs, YES, 4 lbs. and happy to say I purchased a size 10 dress. On Saturday I went to Chelsea’, The Cleveland Shop and Flower Child. WOW WOW, Chelsea is all that I have heard about it. I was not disappointed. I picked up 2 dresses one was 12 bucks, I have it on today J and the other was 15, I got 5 skirts for the winter. They are old school vintage, skirt I wore to school in the sixities in good shape. I plan to pair the look of these wool skirts with killer boots, turtle necks, blue jean jacket/or leather and a scarf. I may do a look of the day photo and post one or two of the looks. I am looking forward to wearing them.

Dominique and her friends are giving a costume party this weekend. I am so excited, I plan to go as Patti Labelle. I love Patti and I plan to do her justice J

Yesterday’s sermon was awesome. It reached into my soul and worked. God thank You for everything.

Praise Report ! I went into prayer about something that I felt passionate about over the weekend. I waited for God and He gave me the words to make respectful confrontation. Things worked out for the good of everyone and we moved on. This was the Lord because in the past I would have been real upset and probably said some things I would have regretted. Thank You Lord for giving me patience and keeping me calm. Victory Victory is the Lord's !! He will fight your battles if you allow Him !!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 22 - weekend of fellowships

Lord I thank You for friendships! I thank You for family! I am loving all the support You have surrounded me with so much LOVE. Thank You !

Yesterday was absolutely wonderful ! I had a productive day at work. Working the FA program has improved my ability to be task focused and doing things without worries what lies before me. Thank You Lord. After work Ariel, Jayden and I went to the Mall, we window shopped. Ariel is going to a concert and is looking for a certain outfit that is within her budget. I eyeballed some jeans, I want some skinny/straight jeans that I can roll at the cuff with a cute blazer and scarf. Tomorrow I still plan to drive to Chelsea and maybe just maybe I can find a nice vintage dress.

I worked out yesterday, we used the balls, I love working out with the balls they are less stressful to the body and engage the core really nice. I gave my after photo to Debbie she liked it. I am praying others will be blessed by it when it is placed on the wall. There are many success stories on that wall, I am grateful I have a story to share. Tomorrow at weigh in I am praying to have lost 3 lbs. If so I have two more lbs to lose to be at level 4. Yes, ½ price, 2 workouts per week, one weigh in per month. This will be great, less accountability so I will be relying on the Lord just that much more. FA will be another form of support and sponsorship.

I really want to be a trainer, I will see what the Lord has in store for me, or how he plans to use me with my success story.

My weekend is rather simple, I have worship service on Sunday, dinner with Ashley then baby shower. Saturday, Mentor to get Jayden’s Halloween costume, exercise, insurance paperwork, Chelsea J

Chat you all next week !

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 21 = 3 weeks of No Sugar/No Flour

Thank you Lord for allowing and giving me what I needed to face ONE of my fears this morning. I faced the giant. Lord I need to address other areas, before it gets worse. Lord you are amazing.

Yesterday, Ariel, Jayden, Tree and her grandchildren went to the circus. They had so much fun. I chose to give my ticket to Ariel and let her enjoy the circus with Jayden and I went to my hair appointment and to Life Group. I was blessed by both of my fellowships. Life Group was amazing, I love the ladies in my group.

Ok OK OK, I weighed in this morning. I admit I am a slave to my scale. I drop another pound. So far I am down 3 lbs since my weigh in on the 14th. I will officically weigh in at True Image on Saturday morning. I am coming closer to my goal. If my calucations are correct I have 2 more lbs to lose to be at Level 4 of True Image program. Yesterday, I had some graphic work done on my after picture which I posted yesterday. I plan to give it to True Image to display on the Wall. I have never felt successful at weight loss until now. The combination of TI and FA is what I needed. The spiritual component is awesome.

I plan to drive over to Chelsa’ on Saturday to see if I can locate a nice vintage dress. I have never been there and I would like to experience the store. I have heard nice things about it. I plan to go alone so I can really focus, unless the Lord leads me another way. When I shop alone I tend to shop with my closet in mine, remembering what I have, and relying on myself to know what looks best on me. It’s so crazy but it is true.

My supervisor has been out of the office for the past two days. I have been working to be a good steward and do my best job possible. Praise God !

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 20 – TWENTY DAYS – Grateful for each day !

God is amazingly awesome ! Lord I thank you for everything !
The good and the bad. Give me strength and courage. I am grateful !

Last evening was good. Life Group was good fellowship, I am beginning to gain new relationships with other believers. This is really nice. Group leader was good and we did a good food game.

Yesterday I worked out and Takeema was the instructor. We used the large balls and they give a good workout/toning. It is nice that True Image incorporates other activities help us lose and tone. Switching up is good for our bodies.

Yesterday I referred a coworker to FA. I am praying the Lord’s will in her life. I am witnessing to as many as ask for help. I want others to feel as I do. No sugar No Flour ! Awesome !

I need to handle some business and do some organization at home. I need to clean my closet of clothes and take some to the tailor for alternation. I have to find a reasonable tailor. This morning I put on a dress that was 2 sizes too big. Good feeling, but I really wanted to wear that dress LOL So now I will gradually take one dress at a time to have altered, be careful to only take the ones I want to rewear and then put other clothes in parking lot swap.

Tonight Jayden and Ariel will go to the circus. I gave my ticket to Ariel so she could enjoy the show with him. I will go to my hair appointment and Wednesday prayer service and Life Group. This is where I belong. I also cancelled going to Cedric the Entertainer this weekend. I need to get my house in order and prepare for church on Sunday. Saturday I have to go see my insurance agent and then I will ride over to Chelsea’ and Flower Girl/Child and hopefully find some nice vintage pieces.

Until I blog again, see you and be blessed.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 19 - THANK YOU - Through the storm

Day 19 – THANK YOU – Through the storm

This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad! Lord you are showing me so much. So So So much love. I am in such a grateful place in my life and I thank You Lord. I am praying for peace with my family and friends. Lord gives us the words needed to communicate with one another and show Your love.

This weekend with family and friends was awesome. We were there to support our family/Man and Courtney. He was so pleased that we came to support Him and his bride. He has always been there for me I wanted to extend my support to him and show love. This is what family does. They seem so happy I am praying that their marriage will be blessed.

The family got along, my cousin in Grand Rapids tried to do some splitting and siding favorites but I ignored her because I am favored by God. I bite my tongue and felt the presence of the Lord wrap His arms around me. My discernment caught what she was doing right away; I was not quick with my tongue, Praise God. It was so not worth it, because I would have said something I would have regretted. After I ignored her she actually gave me a really cute new suit that was in her closet. She seen I was not going to go into battle with her on this family issue.
It was nice spending some good quality time with Nique. I loved it and so did she.

Monica and Doris drove up from Pontiac, MI and stayed in my hotel room with me and Nique. We had fun. I did Monica’s make up and she loved it. I will consult with her to select products that I used on her. Basically primer and Monistat to take the shine out then color correctors/etc. I gave her a very basic nude look and I had the same look. This look gives you the clean, flawless, airbrush look. Not overly done with a bit of a Smokey eye. She felt really good about herself.

I felt really good about the weekend. I ate my meal plan as best I could and it worked for me. I weighed in Monday morning and had lost 1 lb from the weekend. Nothing but God. This is the second weekend I have dropped a lb on Monday morning. I am so grateful God sent me to this program to cut my cravings. People around me were drinking ICEE (32 ounces), crispy cream donuts, pizza and soul food at the reception. I was able to keep my eyes on my own plate and eat the meal God designed for me on that day at that particicular meal. One meal at a time, One day at a time!

Yesterday I was off work and I went to a funeral. I hear the cries of a mother and the family, and I understood the cry. But through the cry, I keep hearing the words THANK YOU; this was the cry of a believer of Jesus. Giving God the glory as they went through the trial. What strength and courage it came from God. Because they had the hope of God that they would see Dane again. I pray for his family and his newborn son. Their story is so similar to mine. I was able to offer comfort to Maurice as he supported me through my storm. I was able to learn more about him and his family, it was interesting.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 15 - Excitement

Lord thank You for giving me Focus and Peace in my life.

My day started off well, I went to True Image at 6:00 a.m. I liked it I had not done that to my recollection before. It started me off feeling good. I may incorporate more a.m. exercise in my week to free up my evenings. I believe Monday, Wednesday and Friday are a.m. classes. I want to try it. I weighed in and had dropped 2 lbs. Bringing me down 63 total lbs.

I am anxiously excited about leaving today for my cousin’s reception. I am packed, just need to do a couple of things prior to pulling out. I am praying for a safe trip and a trip of peace.

Lord thanks for freeing up my spirit I feel so equiped to live the life you have blessed me with.
Thank you Lord my peace in my life !

Be back Monday for updates, I try not to blog over the weekend !

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 14 - Glow

Day 14

Lord you are so gracious in all your glory. I thank You for You being You. You are so good, I am truly blessed. You showed Your hand of mercy on me last night and gave me peace, because You know me.

Last night’s prayer service and Life Group was what I needed for today. In Life Group I was able to share my story. It took time but it was God’s time. It felt good to release it to women of God. To continue to purge myself of it. After life group I was told I had a beautiful glow. I share that it was nothing but God in me. God will get the glory for my life.

I am preparing for my getaway. I am working with my sponsor to select appropriate travel foods that will work for me. In addition to that I found the perfect black/lace dress, really cute, moderate and is appropriate for church attire.

I continue to pray for my friend’s mom. God can do anything !

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 13 - I Love You Lord !

Day 13

Lord thank you, Lord keep me humble in all that I do today. I want your light to shine through me in all I do. Keep my tongue pleasing to you in all that I do today.

God has blessed me in a special way and for this I am grateful. God shows me His love in such amazing ways. Ways that no other can do. I am so pleased that I look to God for love and He teaches me how to show and give love to others.

Today I will be obedient and eat my meal plan that has been developed for me. I stand in awe of God’s grace, favor and mercy. I want to be able to bless others with what I have found in the Lord. Lord allow me to be a vessel to help Kingdom Building.

I am trying to not be a slave to my scale. But I am, I have been told that by next month this feeling to weigh in every morning will fade away. I am assuming I will feel more confident in the program. To be honest and I hope that I am, I trust that the Lord is working in my program and my numbers are down, but I am just NOSEY, I want to see what it is. I like to document it is apart of me. Lord help me in this area, please. I need to surrender the scale to once a week.

I have a fun filled weekend planned. My cousin’s reception. I am going in anticipation that it will be nice and a way of celebrating family. Dominique is going, I am glad to have this time with her one on one. I want to encourage her and be her mom. We will have fun on the road and I got a hotel room so we can have some mom and daughter time together.

I am praying for my dear friend’s mom, for healing and her recovery and that the Lord’s will be done.

Thank You Lord ! I love You !

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Day 12

Almighty God, Prince of Peace, My Provider ! I love and adore You for who You are. I am still grateful for the young woman who gave her life to Christ Sunday. This blessed me so much !

Last night’s Meeting was great, I love the fellowship and us coming together for the common cause. As I listen to the qualifiers and others who share, I hear myself in each and every one of them. Their stories touch me and I understand their journey. These people open up and share secrets of their life in order to help others. I am praying that as I prepare myself my story will bless others in the group. I love the order of the group, you have freedom to participate but no one person overly dominates in group. It is a nice blend and well worth my time.

I love my current meal plan because it is a no brainer, no fuss, it is simple. So simple I don’t even have to log it only responsible to share it with my sponser in the a.m. I will be out of town soon and I am praying that God will provide my meals and I know He will.

I am praying for organization and follow through. Also praying for my family for strength.

Peace !

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 11- Wonderful Weekend

Day 11

Lord I honor and give you the glory in my life. I thank you for Sunday’s Worship service. The young lady gave her life to Christ. I pray she will be obedient to You Lord. I thank you for my family and friends that You have surrounded me with.

This weekend was absolutely wonderful. Everything about it was so nice and peaceful. I was busy but it was a good busy. I enjoyed my different fellowships with friends I love. I am thankful for the time we shared together. Night Town, Legacy Village, Beachwood Mall, Gibbs it was all fellowshipping with friends and family. Thank you for building my friendships and opening me up to do things with friends. Worship service spoke directly to me. Thank You Lord.

My journey is fantastic, I lost 3 lbs at this week’s weigh in. True Image truly supports their members. I shared with Kathy and Debbie my FA plan, they knew about the plan and was excited I was a part of it. They asked for information and I was able to give them some brochures of the meal plan and info regarding meetings.

I must say, I do not crave food. PEACE, PEACE, PEACE. I can’t find the words to explain how at peace I am with my inner and outer self. This morning I jumped on the scale I like to monitor how I did over the weekend. Doing FA I should only weight in on the first day of the month. I have to let go and trust God. This morning I trusted that I was ok, but I was disobedient to the program. So I was curious and I weighed, I had lost 1 lb since Saturday. This is totally amazing, usually over the weekend I maintain or gain a ounce or two. But to lose over the weekend was something else. I did get tempted while at Gibbs to have a mixed drink, a lil something, something. But I didn’t I enjoyed the company of my friends and family who came out to celebrate Credessa’s birthday. She had a lot of fun and we all had fun. My cousin Reggie came with his “friend” and it was good to see him. So many people I had not seen in awhile, they are all such nice people. We took some family/friend photos.

A person at NCBF who is a stranger to me turned to me and said you are so pretty, she did not say you look pretty. For me there is a difference, pretty comes from inside. She saw the Peace I have that shines through, I felt it and I feel it daily as I draw nearer to God and rely and trust Him in my life.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 7 - One Week - One Day at a Time

Day 7 – One Week – One Day at a Time

God you are awesome, your magnificent power amazes me. I am grateful for how You work in me, continue to help me grow me and pour into me.

This has been one of the best weeks of my life. Seriously ! I feel so at peace with things right now. A few days I was tripping out on the thought of never having pizza or cake again. Then I thought very carefully about the philosophy of the program which is “One Day at a Time” one meal at a time, why am I worrying about what I’m gonna eat in the future, I need to handle today and let tomorrow take care of tomorrow. The lightbulb went off and I was so relieved.

This weekend is full of fun, I will run around and shop with Sabrina and Shiann and Saturday is Night Town then Sunday, Worship and Praise then Tree’s birthday party. Thank you Lord.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 6 - Praise God

I am so grateful to God for all that He does in my life. Thank You Lord. You provide for me in a very special way. I want to thank you for that hug last night. You know I needed it. She didn’t know, but God You knew. You are so very amazing !

I am working to not be a slave to the scale this week. I have not weighed myself for the past two morning. I am wanting to be obedient to my sponsor and only weigh in as she directs. Yesterday was amazingly peaceful. It was the Lord’s will for me to do as I had set out to do yesterday. Life Group was fun, I wish there were more references to the Bible. We need the word.

Today I have work to do and with the Lord’s grace I will do my assigned task and be a good stewart at work. I found out this morning I have a Ladies Night Out scheduled for the 28th. I am excited. This weekend I have Sarah’s Girl at Night Town, I will have pork chop and veggies and salad. Yummy. I will check out their menu. Then Sunday is Tree’s birthday party at Gibbs. Fun, Fun, Fun. Oh yeah Saturday, Sabrina, Shiann and I will go on a shopping date for Sabrina’s birthday. Thank You God for all my friends.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 6 – To be absent from the Body is to be present with the Lord !

Lord I am thanking you for everything you have in store for me and my family. Lord give us peace in our lives today and forever. Lord your will was done and I don’t understand it but You loved him more than I. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. RIP Chris Jordan Thank you Lord for giving him to me.

I started my day off with pray with my sponsor, oh what a woman of God. God has truly blessed me with fantastic people in my life. This is due to God. May He always get the glory. My day will be glorious. I will pray, eat properly, hair appt (relaxing time), and Life Group; Celebrate Recovery.

A day of Glorifying God !