Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 78 – until then Later !

Thank You Lord !

Yesterday my workload was full, today it is gone ! Praise God ! I completed tons of work. I have accumulated work due to employee turnover. It was stressful but God got me through it with love and patience. I didn’t even get angry. I got all my energy turned into positive and pressed through it. Step by step, task by task !

Last evening I had fellowship with the ladies from my Wednesday night Life Group, we are something else. Mighty women of God we had so much fun, talking, sharing and getting to know one another better. God’s people are so good.

My vacation starts today at 5:00 p.m. Yes, Lord, I am so excited and grateful. I have a packed weekend of fellowships, 3 but whose counting J

I will be back chatting on the 28th, until then LATER !

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 76 - Wisdom

Thank You Lord for placing wonderful Godly people in my life. Thank You for allowing me this blessing. I am grateful for women and men of God who pour into me. I am learning to listen and receive. Wisdom with experience is awesome accompanied with Your Word. Thank You Lord for placing me where I am in my life.

Yesterday was busy at work; I was able to make progress in my pile of work. After work I met with two women of God for dinner. Oh what a dinner, we had such good Godly conversation. Lord you strengthen me daily and I am so grateful. The food at Tommy’s was really fresh and tasty. They allowed me to put together a salad and veggie that my diet requires. Before going to dinner I was able to pick up a few items as Christmas gifts and get them off my list. I am not feeling overwhelmed with shopping as I am picking up things as I go. I have to pick up a gift card or two; Forever 21, Whole Food and Avalon.

Today I approach with my pile of work with enthusiasm as I know You will help me get through what I need to get done. I have hope and I do not feel hopeless in this situation. I am looking forward to my upcoming time off work.

I am expecting good things at the Memorial Service tonight. All Praises be to God. This is a part of my healing.

Today is our Holiday celebration/fellowship at work. I am excited about it and the gift exchange.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 75 – Feeling Good – Giving God the Glory He is Due

Lord you are so gracious and loving and all knowing! I truly appreciate You and feel Your presence in my life this day. When I am overwhelmed You give me Peace, when I scared You offer me protection. I love You and give You the Glory for which You are so rightfully due. You amaze me daily.

Yesterday was a bit crazy at work; I felt like I could not dig myself out of my workload, work just keeps coming. I know I have piles of work, but I have a vacation for which I am looking forward to next week. So I know there is a end and I have an opportunity to get rejuvenated.

Yesterday, my family and I choose a x-mas Tree. This is the first year we got a real one. This is different but it was nice, our team effort to research it, buy it, get it home, get it in the house, and get it mounted. Now the Tree has decided it doesn’t want to stand straight it wants to lean against the window. So we are being patient with it and we will work to help it stand up straight this evening. IT WILL STAND (: We picked up beautiful new x-mas décor, and white lights. With a little support this tree will be spectacular, even with its flaws. We will nurture it and it will be lovely. Jayden absolutely loves it and loves to plug it in and see it glow. He loves the other x-mas décor and thinks they are toys. I am excited about him see it all decorated, I have to pick up two more boxes of lights and then add décor on tree. I love to see his lil eyes watch it, we have not wrapped the gifts and put them under the tree yet, and this will blow him away. He is tuned in now to the words x-mas, I notice if we say x-mas he turns quickly to see what is going on. Because he knows it is something different and special. We will teach him the story of baby Jesus to give it real significance and meaning.

I have dinner this evening with my Life Group Coach, and group leader, we pray over our group and have fellowship and plan out strategy for next year’s group. I am excited about this. Both of these ladies are special to me so I am looking forward to having dinner with them. We also plan to walk down to Avalon after dinner if we have time, knowing myself I will most likely stop in prior to our dinner at Tommy’s J

I have put together my x-mas list and see I have almost ½ of the items for other’s on my list. A friend has helped me select a computer for my daughter and it is being ordered today. This was my one big ticket item. I am relieved that it has been ordered. Tonight I will pick up a few items for Ariel while I am at Marc’s. I am getting her some practical items that she uses daily. I most likely will get my cousin a gift card at Avalon, she, like myself adore Avalon. She will be excited. So I can pick up her gift tonight and cross it off my list.

I also put together my x-mas day menu. Simple menu but it will be tasty YUMMY

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 74 - ALL Praises to God

All Praises to God, the true living God. Lord I am so honored to be your daughter. So grateful to have you rule over my life. I am praying that I walk in Your will and focus on you constantly. I want to thank You in advance for everything You have ordered in my life.

This weekend was totally awesome. I had a lot of fun celebrating my friend who is moving on to a new chapter in her life. On Saturday we spent several hours together, shopping, talking and having lunch. The ladies call me Lola and now we have named her Lil Lo. My name sake J She is such a magificant blessing in my life. Yesterday we had a pot luck in her honor and we poured into her and said how we felt, there were some tears, but in even better there was much much laughter and joy in the room as we celebrated her life change. We love her soooooo much !

On Saturday I went to Chelsea and was able to get 3 dresses, 1 pair of red shoes, and 1 fur piece. All items totaled 51 bucks and change including tax. Awesome deal. I serve a mighty God. The dresses are wonderfully made and fit really well. I plan to put them in the cleansers maybe this evening and include them in my wardrobe. I am grateful that others shared the store with me and now I share it with others, it is such an economical way to shop. You get a lot of bang for the dollar J

I pray that God will use me as He sees fit. I don’t want to stand in God’s way, I need to offer more of self and practice being a good servant unto the Lord. Yesterday’s sermon was awesome, BUT God. Magnificent.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 70 - On the Grind

Lord I am coming humbly to You today asking for your strength and patience. I need it today as I enter into my workload. Give help Lord !

Yesterday was really nice. It started off hectic and ended very calming in prayer service and attending my life group. This was very helpful. The enemy put thoughts of not going into my head, telling me that I was tired and overworked. I offered myself to God as a vessel to use me yesterday. I was led by God and attended my church ministries according to His will.

Today is yet another hectic day at work. I need to proceed through it carefully and in prayer focusing on God. I am grateful for my job and want to do a good job. I have to slow down in my spirit and check things and not work in my anxiousness. I am definitely ON THE GRIND.

Yesterday I stopped in Chelsea’s and picked up a cranberry colored 2 piece and a black/white mixed dress. I picked up both pieces for 30 bucks. We negotiated the price down from 35 to 30. which was cool. The sales lady told me that they will soon be opening the store on the corner and putting pieces in there. This will be excellent so that more of the items can be seen, due to the crowdedness it is difficult to shop, but it keeps it appeal to me as it is like searching for treasures. They will replenish the corner store with items from the larger store. Real nice idea. I have never walk out empty handed.

I will workout this evening this will help reduce some of my stress and anxiousness I am feeling. I am blessed that I am not turning to food but to the Lord, leaning on him. I am working to help others to be blessed and see God's love. I will be offering back to do individuals tomorrow evening, which is a service the Lord put me in and He is using me for His glory. I am honored to do be used by God.

Yes - Yes - Yes - 70 days with FA - I feel fantastic

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 69

I am praising God for rewarding me with being His daughter. I have everything that He wants me to have right now. I have peace and His favor, grace and mercy. I am grateful that he is giving me courage and wisdom in areas that He feels would be beneficial for Kingdom building.

Yesterday, was a wonderful day and I am looking forward to staying in the here and now of today. I had a wonderful, simply wonderful workout last night. I actually pushed myself and did some full jacks and scissors. I then went to my Life Group, totally good group of women. God used me to share some things to help others. Rose is an excellent resource and wonderful woman of God. Jiesha is a quick thinker and very knowledgeable. Awesome combination of leaders. Jiesha asked me to do a session on various types of salads as I love salads and seem to be the potluck Queen of salads J Meteriranian salads are my favorite ! I am taking an Italian salad to a potluck this weekend. So I will have to put together a power point or something as visual.

My dinner last night was splendid, the steak was cooked to perfection. I need to pick up some mushrooms and a onion ;) It would have been even tastier.

Yesterday, I took in my before picture and a new after picture to True Image to hang on the Wall of Fame. My before pictures captures so much pain, it was taken 3 months after my son passed. I was miserable, and in a fog and eating myself to death. At that time I was also watching my mom fade away. God has given me a second chance and I want to live in His will and serve Him. I am so grateful that I knew the True and Living God and had hope.

I am looking forward to going to prayer service and Life Group tonight. Praise God Praise God

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 68- U Turn - Before and after photo

Lord I am your princess and You are my Lord ! I adore You for who You are in my life. I thank You for providing for me and giving me Peace during my storms. I know that You exist and live to worship You.

Last night I attended my meeting. I am working the program, sometimes it is rough and other times it offers me such peace and hope. I do know that I am a food addict. Last night’s testimonies were so awesome. Sometimes I get bored but there is always something I need to hear that will help me and others. I am approaching my 90 days and I am looking forward with some anxiety to sharing my story. I am becoming better at expressing myself verbally.

Today has been a busy but productive day at work. I am handling work as it comes and getting it done in an orderly manner. This evening I will work my True Image program and go to my Fit for the King life group. I am looking to be blessed and prayfully I will bless someone else.

I plan to take some old photos of me to True Image, these photos of me were taken during a time in which I was miserable, self hating and just not in a good place in life. I hated going out socially and would refuse social settings most of the time.

Lord thank You for the U Turn.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 67 - Colorful

Day 67

Praise the Lord ! Praise the Lord !

This weekend I was blessed in so many ways. Beginning on Friday, True Image took Takeema out to dinner for her farewell. It was such a blessing to all of us to together and have some fun. I pray that it touched her in a special way. Saturday morning I weighed in with True Image and I had lost 2 lbs. a total of about 7 lbs for the month of November. I am currently between a size 12 and 10. God is AMAZING. I give ALL the glory to God for giving me what I needed to do this. On Saturday I was able to share one of the gifts God gave me. I taught a friend how to make jewelry. It was a good session and she learned quickly. We plan to met again this coming Friday for session number 2.

Now if you know me you know I do a lil shopping on Saturday. I went again thirsting and found designer blouses. Colorful blouses; fuchsia, winter cream/white, blue and a cheetah print. They will pair nice with jeans. I am really feeling jeans right now. This is the same thrift store where I got a Georgia Armani suit for 15 bucks.

Sunday we were blessed with a wonderful sermon for those that are hurting or broken. It was amazing. YET….. Thank you Lord the sermon ministered to me. Then I was able to go to dinner with a friend and celebrate her mother’s birthday who has passed away. It was good to talk and share our feelings about our mothers who are gone on to glory. Then we rode up to Marshall’s and got some workout gear. I got two pair of workout pants on sale for 10 bucks each. I also picked up some fun/funky workout socks. Colorful I love it. I am loving color right now.

I did not put up Christmas Tree ! We will get it together.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 63 - Dec 1st - down 4.6 more

Day 63

Dear Lord I thank You for today and all that You have in store for me today. I pray that I walk in Your will. Lord remove from me any thoughts of negativity that enter, help me to keep my tongue and stay out of unproductive chatter.

Yesterday, was a blessing. I went to see Ms. Juanita, it was a relaxing experience in which I enjoyed. She got me together quickly and I was able to make the end of prayer service and fellowshipped and I attended my Celebrate Recovery life group. Life Group was really good, we got an opportunity to support our life group leader who has suffered a major loss. She is so transparent, we all were in an attempt to help her through the process of grieving.

I weighed in this morning as we have to on the first day of every month for FA. The month of November I lost a total of 4.6 lbs. Which is good, seeing that I am in maintainance phase with True Image. I am pleased. I weigh in this Saturday at True Image, I am excited. My goal for FA has not been established by my sponsor. We will work on it together. I am so grateful to have FA in my life, I am making healthier choices which is helping me to continue to loss. Prior to FA I would most likely be climbing back up on the scale. I see the importance of FA in my life. I am loving the healthier lifestyle.

Lord in the way of relationship ! Help me Lord ! You know me better than I know myself. Help me in areas that I need help.

This weekend I plan to attend a Farewell party for a dear friend who I will miss dearly. She is so sweet and kind hearted. Saturday, I plan to weigh in and go to a couple vintage shops, one is knew to me. I have a tight budget so I hope to find some reasonably priced treasures. And they are treasures !