Friday, I got a call from work that the fire department, police and an ambulance were at my heart. My heart fell, I was thinking, what is going on now. What does me and my family have to deal with. Well it was Dominique. She was at the hospital with carbon monidoze (sp) poisoning. She had inhaled fumes from a van at work. She was feeling faint for no reason and not herself. The doctors ran a blood test and said she had high levels. So Cleveland Heights came to the house to make sure it was not in the house. The house was fine. I praised God for that. Her supervisor is having the van inspected. When she was discharged from the hospital her supervisor came over and brought her 3 beautiful cupcakes. She was happy. On Saturday she got ill again and went to the hospital. Her blood was good. We began to look up side effects. She needs to drink plenty of water and go out side and take in fresh air. By Monday she is beginning to feel more like herself. She said she was feeling disoriented and her legs felt heavy. I am praising God with each day she is feeling better. God is real good, real, real good.
The last few days have been full. Brandy's baby is here and he is sweet. He went to the doctor's yesterday, and he lost a few ounces. I am continuing to pray for his growth and health. Ariel's birthday party and dinner was this weekend. We had alot of fun. Ariel loves to celebrate birthdays. It was fun being with her and her family, they are really nice people and have a good sense of family. Jayden seemed to love having so many people in the room that he knew and that loved him. I thank God he has a good family experience. You can never get too much love.
Over the weekend, my getting was good, I stayed under my 1,200 calorie allowance, but I usually do not intake near this much food. My water intake is usually 8 to 10 glasses over the weekend it decreased to about 4 to 5 glasses. I am getting back on track. I did not feel as guilty as I thought I was. Oh yeah, at Saturday's weekly weigh in I lost 4 lbs. Total of 22 lbs. Oh, yeah ! I am grate to God !
Yesterday's workout was cool, I left the office early for a home visit. So my evening started off with a bang. Most days I like being out of the office. It was good seeing my fellow workout buddies. Today, I did 20 suicides which is a success for me, I can usually only do about 4. I changed my technique, Freda does them this way so I tried it and it WORKED. I thanked God all the way to the door. I modify most everything I do, so that I continue to move. I am inspired by others that can do every move, but I can't so I do me.
Zumba was awesome. Again Shante brought it. Her energy is fantastic. Aretha came this week for the first time and Takeema was there too. It was fun, we danced and danced and danced. Two workouts back to back is no joke. I am feeling results. I feel really good about what I am doing.
It feels good to be able to blog again. I need to stay with my routine. I am seeing that routine helps me.
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