Thank You Lord ! I am forever grateful ! You have shown Yourself to be powerful in my life. You are allowing me to live in my purpose. It feels so good to live a life of worship. Giving You the glory always.
This week has been eventful ! I have been in prayer regarding family issues. God continues to bless us. I have not blogged in a few days because of not having the motivation nor time. This week God has used me to bless others and I have been blessed by others. I participate in 2 Life Groups and they both are totally awesome. Both groups allow me to go as deep as I feel I need. I feel safe in my groups, safe to share my stuff . One group I am the assistant and I am praying that God uses me as His vessel through their journey. My Life Groups have been my highlights of the week. Getting into the Word is amazing. God revealing Himself through to me through the word is growth for me.
I am still listening for God to guide me toward the purchase of the treadmill. I have not rushed to purchase it as it is a big ticket item. I feel I need it, but I am watching my checking account. If I purchase it today, they have a backup on delivery and would take them two weeks to deliver. I would need to be patient. I would like to have treadmill to help me maintain and lose a few more much needed pounds.
This week has been eventful ! I have been in prayer regarding family issues. God continues to bless us. I have not blogged in a few days because of not having the motivation nor time. This week God has used me to bless others and I have been blessed by others. I participate in 2 Life Groups and they both are totally awesome. Both groups allow me to go as deep as I feel I need. I feel safe in my groups, safe to share my stuff . One group I am the assistant and I am praying that God uses me as His vessel through their journey. My Life Groups have been my highlights of the week. Getting into the Word is amazing. God revealing Himself through to me through the word is growth for me.
I am still listening for God to guide me toward the purchase of the treadmill. I have not rushed to purchase it as it is a big ticket item. I feel I need it, but I am watching my checking account. If I purchase it today, they have a backup on delivery and would take them two weeks to deliver. I would need to be patient. I would like to have treadmill to help me maintain and lose a few more much needed pounds.
I am looking forward to a wonderful weekend; Seed Team and Sunday Worship. Praise God Thank You Lord ! I am forever grateful ! You have shown Yourself to be powerful in my life. You are allowing me to live in my purpose. It feels so good to live a life of worship. Giving You the glory always. I can't say it enough.
Vanessa, thanks for sharing your prayer journal. It helps to remind me to be forever praising and thanking Him! I love how you express your connection to the body of Christ by sharing your life group experiences. We need each other and you remind me of that! Praise on sister!! gonegirlgo...