Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Best Day Ever

Happy Mother's Day - Love You Ma,  RIP 
Lord You are my savior.  For this I am grateful.  You extend new mercies daily.  Lord for this I am grateful.  I trust in Your supernatural powers.  I have witnessed Your miracles and know that You honor my faith.  Lord I pray to draw even nearer to You.  Because in Your presence I find safety and peace.  Lord Bless !  Thank You Thank You Thank You

Exercise:  Yesterday, I power walked for an extended distance.  I walked with the ladies from Fit for the King.  We usually workout inside but when the weather is nice we walk outdoors.  It felt so good to be out in the open air walking, talking and fellowshipping. 
EUCLID CREEK :Our group of ladies has decided to meet on Saturday mornings at Euclid Creek to have prayer and do he 5 mile walk.  Everyone seemed excited about it.  The ladies have committed themselves to a healthier lifestyle and are trusting God to give them the strength.  Next week we will most likely assign an organizer for these weekly walks.  If any one else wants to be a part of this Saturday morning walk, please feel free to comment me for further info.  We might just develop a facebook page to get the info out there in a public way.  The ladies in Fit for the King have so much love for he Lord and for one another.  We have really bonded, doing life together.  We have 2 more weekly groups and then we will resume in the fall.  It is an open group so feel free to join, I will post info with day and time as soon as information as been confirmed.  The group is a good way to be held accountable, be educated regarding healthy living, healthy meal choices, learn biblical info regarding meal plans, and to try out various exercise models.  We will be careful as there have been suspicious reports of criminal activity and a suicide.
Getting Goals:  I want to keep the Rite Aide marathon participates in prayers as they prepare for next Sunday’s marathon.  Next year Lord’s willing I will be in the ½ marathon walk.  My injury has prevented me from participating this year.  Yesterday our Fit for the King leader, Jiesha discussed her training routine in preparation for this marathon.  She ran 11 miles, YES !  Awesome, now it was not a piece of cake for her put she pushed through with determination.  Our group of ladies are proud of her and praying for her success in this marathon.  I am impressed by her courage as she had a really serious workout injury a few years ago. She did not allow that set back to stop her from setting and reaching her fitness goals.  I have watched her prepare for this marathon, running almost daily.  She is leading our group by example.   So keep our sister in your prayers.

I will be rejoining the ladies and gentlemen of True Image Fitness next week.  I love the team approach that True Image offers.  As I have mentioned in earlier blogs, I need hand holding and accountability in this area of my life.  True Image Fitness gives me the support and cheers me on.  My combination of  power walking and True Image Fitness gives me what I need to slim down, feel good and keep my weight under control.  I am looking forward to returning next week; I really want to go to the 8 a.m. class in the morning.  We will see.

So it Friday, the weekend: Weekends are always exciting for me.  This weekend I have out of State family coming into town.  EXCITING.  Which means I have to get some things in order around the house.  We will hang out, and catch up and do girl stuff (shop J).  It is my plan to attend True Image Fitness in the a.m.   Beech Brook (my employer) is have the annual Beech Ball which is a fund raiser for our agency.  This year I will be attending,  I have not attended in years.  At 100 bucks a ticket...... Yeah.  Needless to say,  it will be fun to be around coworkers away from the agency and mingle with community support.   The monies go for a good cause to help us continue to provide mental health services to children and families.  Sunday I will attend NCBF worship service and I always leave out with good word (teaching) and worship. 

Mother’s Day -  I will be celebrating with my daughter.  Nique and I work hard to make these celebrations fun, although we naturally discuss Olivia (my mama) and Chris (my son).  We try to keep the conversation upbeat, but there is often silence…….   Love my family J
 Oh yeah that lil grandson of mine, Jayden made his appearance.  Now listen to this he is two years old, he walked up to me in the most respectful manner and in a very soft voice and said "Happy Mother's Day Grandma".  Now you know my heart dropped, I asked him to repeat it and he did.  Now that was the absolute best gift I have ever received.   He is such a blessing.  Thank you Lord ! Thank You !  Lord you provide and take good care of me, Oliva's Daughter.
Oh yeah he got me some MAC cosmetics, lip gloss and masacre.  Now he know his grandma. LOL

See y'all

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