Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Girly girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord I need Your strength and power today.  I need maintain my focus throughout the day.  Lord I am grateful that You started me off today with a made up mind to serve you.  I am grateful that I know Your power and I rest assured that You will get me through the day without unnecessary stress.  Give me a pure heart !  Lord Lord Lord I cry out to You who are all knowing and loving.  Please extend Your mercy upon me today.  Remove any character flaws which stand in the way of my usefulness to you.  Give me the pleasant words to encourage others.

Yesterday evening “I got it in”.  True Image.  I must stop and give thanks to God for providing me and others with such a blessing.  Yesterday as I worked out I prayed blessings on the program for continued growth.  These ladies work to be a blessing to us on a daily basis.  The workout was awesome, fellowshipping with others is a blessing.  It is a win win.  I am been working hard to do 10 out of 20 jumping jacks, scissors, which challenging my body.  If we do an around the world, this means I would be doing about a total of 40 jacks and scissors.  Plus the other stuff LOL  During the workout I call on the Lord to give me strength to push.  As Toya says “tell your body yes”.  A young lady asked me to consult with her on her meals, I agreed but I will clear it with Kathy/Kim.  In return I asked her to give me some eye makeup tips, she wears it so well.  She agreed !

I kept things simple after workout, went warmed up dinner; baked pork chop with onions (protein), 2 red skin potatoes, mustard and turnip greens, salad and diet coke.  Deliciousness.

The weather on yesterday was beautiful and thus far today it is wonderful.  This is good outdoor power walking time.  It is the time of year to renew.  I sent out a couple notices to my walking and fitness accountability partners to get together a walking schedule for Euclid Creek.  We need to begin some training for the Rite Aide ½ marathon in May.  Lord willing I will begin walking/running Euclid Creek this weekend.  I am excited about this, it will help to build my endurance.  Yes running I will walk for 10 minutes then run for 3.  I will modify it as needed.

I have discovered that I am a girly girl.  I love to play with makeup and play dress up.  I love being the woman that God created me to be.  I thank God that I am a girl, lady, woman.  I like that I can wear pants, skirts, dresses.  I am living to be a Proverb 31 woman, WOW.  God made women so man would not be alone.   WOW  God values His creations and was looking out for us from the very beginning.  Understanding the role of a woman makes it easier to live in purpose.  These are things that I have learned as being a follower of the High Priest.  I am so glad I know the Lord.  Knowing that He has a plan for each of us.
Beauty:  God created all things good.  Embrace your beauty.  Makeup is only to enhance.
Embryolsse Lait-Crème (moisturizer) arrived I have not used it yet.  I will incorporate it in the a.m. as a daily moisturizer.  I have a few facial treatments I do in the a.m. and p.m.  My skin is mature and needs lots of hydration and moisture.  My face responds well to it.  I also use a special water to spray on my face and then add my other hydrations and moisturizers during my a.m. and p.m. routine.  I should be drinking water but it is much easier to spray it on.  Thus far no breakouts.  The tinted BB cream is working out nicely during the a.m., it is known to cause some breakouts then results.  I had one small pimple and it disappeared which is what others say happened to them.  My treatments include a produce recommended for hyper pigmentation, it is a serum (forgot the name) it evens out skintone.  It is working, I know because I am wearing less concealer, which is my goal, to reduce the use of concealer and foundation.  Twice a week I use a scrub that is not abrasive, the pieces are rounded as not to scratch and damage the skin.  Wonderful experience, I use it with the Clarisonic and it polishes the skin really well.  I am so tempted to do it daily but I don’t.  I have learned less is better with facial treatments and makeup.

I know I know, I am girly !  Some call it Diva, some call it Lola.  Whatever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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