Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Friday, March 30, 2012

FRIENDS ! How many of us have them ! FRIENDS !

Who Wears This ?  

I am asking to be forgiven of any sins that I may have committed.  I want to be able to hear from You clearly and to be heard.  Lord I humbly come before You today giving You the glory and honor for who You are.  I am thirsting to be more like You.  I want my life to be a life of worship, keeping my focus on You.  Thank You Lord for blessing me with family and friends.  You provide in such a magnificent way. 

I was off yesterday and had an appointment, ran some errands and elevated my foot.  In doing all these things I was careful to give God the praise.  My foot is fractured but it could definitely be worse.  I am grateful to have friends and family that check in on me.  NCBF is awesome, I got a call from the Care Ministry, I was pleased to know that the people of God care, that we pray for one another and support one another.  My church family is family.  At times that have been closer than family. 

Yesterday I did some reading of scripture in my quiet time.  To connect with God in this manner is awesome.  As I read I have to some times go back and reread to really take the word in with understanding.  God reveals His word to me so that I can understand.  I ask for wisdom in the Word and He provides.  I have a friend that loves the Lord but in bad times she questions the reality of God, His existence and why He doesn’t rush in to save her from her drama.  She wants to challenge my walk with the Lord it is as if she resents that I am at Peace with the Lord.  She knows my story and knows my drama and it is as if she wants me to be saying I don’t have faith in the Lord.  I have to real careful because she is not involved in a church and her relationship with God is not good.  Although I do understand because I have been disappointed in God.  She wants to challenge me on things in the Bible that REALLY…….  I direct her to God’s love and I try to explain to her that God can use us in our brokenness, that I grew through my brokenness.  She is going through a challenging time and is relying on alcohol and man instead of seeking the true and living God.  She is right where the enemy wants her.  I am praying that she regain her faith in the Lord and seek Him.

Yesterday I was invited to a birthday dinner for me.  I was grateful and feel honored.  I am always grateful to God for providing me with the best friends on earth.  We need relationships and I work to develop good relationships with my buddies.  I look forward to fellowshipping we have lots of laughs.  Godly relationships are so different from other friendships, as we pour into one another and attempt to build one another up.  Relating this to Olivia, my mama, she was the best of friend to her friends.  I watched her unselfishly listen and support her besties.  She was a caring person with a big heart.  WOW !  Sometimes I find myself saying and doing things she did.  One of my friends told me you are just like your mama.  I was pleased.  She lives in my memory and in my actions towards others.  She worked to be Christ like. 

Beauty:  I am not feeling this foot right now.  But it is getting better.  I can’t even get a pedicure right now because it is swollen and sore.  My beauty is not on hold J  I am having to modify things and it’s not cute.  If you know me I like cute.  I embrace cute !  I support cute !  This blue shoe is not cute !  Lord help me ! 

I know there are far worse things, but right now, right here, this is real.

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