Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Master Cleanse - Not for Me !

Items needed for "Master Cleanse"  the Smooth Move I will continue to use  ! It can be purchased at Whole Foods 

Lord You are so worthy !  I praise Your Holy Name.  You are above ALL !  I am so grateful that You are the creator of All.  Thank You Lord !  Amen !

WOW yesterday was a good day.  I want to talk about the Master Cleanse, well I failed.  I attempted it on Sunday and drank the mix for breakfast and then had lunch (salad) and then dinner I drank the mix.  I drank the cleansing Tea, which I really like it is called “Smooth Move”.  All I will say is that it WORKS !  I don’t recommend drinking it nightly but maybe once a week for a deep cleansing of the bowels.  Ughhhh Yeah  !  Enough said !  

Now I want to lose some pounds and like a lot of people I want to lose it fast, I am sure I would lose weight if I continued and disciplined myself do to so.  The thing with the Master Cleanse is that you are drinking 3 meals a day no food and then drinking a laxative tea nightly and they also recommend a Sea Salt drink (laxative) in the a.m.

On Monday morning I drank the mix for breakfast and mentally I could have stuck with it.  But  I like the idea of nourishing my body with wholesome foods. I like to EAT !   I looked at some You Tube videos for those in support of “the cleanse” and others who did not recommend it. 

I did learn a few important things, cayenne pepper helps suppress the appetite.  I may every now and again drink the mix on a day I am gonna be at a function where there is lots of food temptations.  Next thing is I found out about “smooth moves” laxative tea.  It does what it title implies.  I do not recommend daily as you DON’T want to become dependent on laxatives as a weight loss method, totally UNHEALTHY. 

What I do want to say is the “Master Cleanse” is for those that have the mind set, I enjoy food, the fellowship of food and making healthy choices, on Sunday the mix suppressed my appetite I was not hungry when I went to dinner but I wanted to have dinner with my family.  Yesterday I wanted to have dinner with a friend so that required food.  It is just not for ME.  Others have been successful.  If you want more info do some research before trying it, wonderful videos on You Tube.

Exercise : Yesteday I did ipump with Dee at Nulife, awesome workout.  I was a bit tired, but I got through it.  We worked on arms which I needed to focus on.  Things that I can do at home also.  This a.m. I did a 30 second plank.  I will build up to 45 seconds then 1 minute.
Excellent Core exercise -start out by holding 30 seconds and build up to 45 then  1 minute

 I have not done planks while at Nulife and planks are excellent for the core, I do a decent job doing them and don’t want to lose the ability of doing them. I force myself on the floor before I bathe and “Get it In”. 

Tonight I will be doing my boot camp at Nulife and then meeting the NCBF team for our 4.1 mile walk.  I am expecting good things this evening.  Burn Baby Burn !  The fellowship is AWESOME !

I have not used the jump rope yet :)  

I am working to get my water intake in today !  Pray for me !

See ya !

Sunday, July 29, 2012

5K Race Day-Escape on the Lake ! Two Winners ! Best Day Ever !

Lord I thank You for allowing us to run/walk this race.  Allowing us to finish without any harm or injury.   Lord You gave us what we needed, and it was encouragement and you gave us two winners.  Thank You Lord !

Please stroll down and take a look at the photos !  Thanks !
Photo Credits: Blondell Hinton-Trainer (Superwoman)

NCBF Team - After the race - We had two winners Sis Brenda and Erica won in their age group
 Praise God !  It was so exciting !  

Saturday was our first official race together, and it was the first race for all of us except Kia.  Who by the way is an awesome runner.  Blondell has been working and training us and thought this 5K would be nice.  Well it was one of the best things I have ever participated in.  To see our group of NCBF women evolve into this awesome group of athletics was special.  There are others' in this team but they could not make it.  Now we usually walk 5 miles on Tuesday and 4 miles on Thursday so we can do the distance of a 5K (3.1 miles) but the race is a different animal, you are there with people that have been walking/running competing for years.  We were able to blend in with them and do well.

Sis Brenda and Erica won first place in their age category.  We all were blown away.  Blondell had a cow bell and as each one of us approached the finish line she ran it loud and clear, you definitely knew NCBF was in the HOUSE.   It was encouraging to us as women, as black women and being chrisitan women to do this.  God was there !  It was our first race and to have two winners out of all the professionals that were there was God !  Sis Brenda inspired all of us !  She rocked it !  She brought it in.  As we train during the week Erica is always out front as a leader running, and on Saturday she brought that same excitement with her.

I must say we were ALL winners, the fellowship was fantastic, the support for one another is of God.   Afterwards Sis Brenda and Erica returned to the Vann's home for a Marriage Leadership meeting.  Minister Vann told me today that when they walked in the house the room applauded them.  He was so proud of Sis Brenda.  He actually cooked for their meeting so she and Erica could participate in the race.  He also said Brenda's number that she wore was special to him.  WOW !  Again God was all over this race.

Some of us went to First Watch and had a lovely breakfast and COFFEE, and did I say COFFEE.
We had not eaten breakfast some of us had protein, but I didn't.  I did my bootcamp at 7:30 a.m. til 8:15 weighed in and speeded over to the race.  GETTING IT IN !  YES !  I was thrilled in my heart when I found out I got there in time to register, but wouldn't you know they didn't accept credit card at late registration, but God provided !

We will run our next race together on Labor Day morning.  It is also a 5K.  EXCITED !  Come on and join us, more people are planning to come, we are in the process of brainstorming ideas for T-shirt logos for this upcoming race.

Blondell said we had a game faces on !  Everyone but me, who was late trying to pin my number on.  I  always wanted to wear one of these numbers (tear tear )  !!!!!!

The Team after the race with Blondell she is usually behind the camera, she is such a blessing !

Hey it's Me !  I was close to the finish line
NCBF Team WINNERS Sis Brenda and Erica placed first in their  age category
such an inspiration to us all.  It was first race and to have 2 winners was amazing.  They are giving God the Glory !
Erica was working it out, she placed 1st in her age category.  This woman can RUN.

Ms. Tiera RUNNING !  She used the Couch to 5K method to train herself to run and she ran the entire race.  I am gonna check it out it is on the web.http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
I went to the site, for the first week they suggest you run 3 times ; stretch, warm up by walking or jogging for 5 minutes, then run 60 seconds run 90 seconds.  Then it progresses, check it out.

Pray prior to the Race !
Brenda with her award !  You Rock !

Heading back to the parking lot after the race, look behind us there were at least 3 to 4 AA teens following us, we didn't know them, but they were following the excitement.  Hopefully they were inspired by our team.  Their presence touched me in a special way.  I saw them behind us, but when I got home and began to look at photos I realized they followed us all the way back to the parking lot.  You see to my knowledge we were the only AA females in the competition. There was a AA male, who came right up to me and asked where we were from and where did we train.  I told him we were from NCBF.  He said Yeah I heard GOOD things about that church !   Praise God ! Praise God !

This was during the award ceremony.

Remember you are welcome on the team !  Any fitness level !  Come on out !  It's really alot of fun !

Oh yeah, I picked up my jump rope and I got some 1 lbs weights to use as I walk.  I walked this a.m. from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. and I used the hand weights.  Awesome walk !  I didn't take that jump rope LOL

Also a subscriber to this blog reached out to me regarding this blog, this blessed me so much.  You know I write this blog to keep myself focused and in hopes that it will bless others.  I am grateful that it has !  WIN WIN

Below is the link for the Labor Day Walk/Race it is $16.00 I sign up for the 5K run because the walk is  only one mile.  Check it out !

 Be encouraged and keep on pushing and keep it movin !

OH I can't sign off without telling you all the cutest thing my grandson said this week.  Well this morning he was watching me dress, I was of course putting on my face.  He said "you look like my mommy" and I asked him is your mommy pretty ? and he said YES !  I thought that was very observant of the lil man.  It is so funny what children notice.  Now check this out, we went to dinner at a familiar restaurant and the last time we were there, it was a guest birthday and they were brought a cake with sparkles and the waitresses sang happy birthday.  WELL today we walked in the door, he told the hostess TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY !  I could was shocked that he was trying to run game on the hostess.  She laughed and we all had a big laugh, of course I told him not to tell that untruth anymore.

NOW subscribers I need your prayers this week !  I am on the battlefield and going through a storm, I am faithful and working real hard not to worry.  Pray God's will in my situation.

Also I will be doing the master cleanse this week, and so of course I will need prayer around this.  I will share more about the master cleanse tomorrow.  I am getting ready to drink my smooth move tea.

Exercise today :  7 a.m. til 8 a.m. walked the track did 16 laps.  This evening 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 did about 3 miles of walking.  Before I turn in I plan to do some planks and core work.
Food:  Breakfast/Master cleanse a.m.   / Lunch salad, bread/    Dinner: master cleanse.  I had wanted to do master cleanse all day but I wanted to enjoy going out to dinner with the fam.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Through the Storm

Lord through the storms of life you are there, you protect and guard over us through it all.  I am so grateful for Your wall for protection and favor.  Thank You Lord !
July 26, 2012
Well yesterday as we began our walk/run it began to rain.  It poured but no we did not hear thunder or lightening.  We proceeded to walk and the runners kept running.  At a point the walkers turned and retreated as we could not longer see in front of us, we got in about 1 mile.   But low and behold the runners pushed forward and completed their race.  We all were successful in that we started and we made it back safely.  The walkers waited under shelter until the runners returned. We are a team J  !  We the pictures above you would never know we had been through a rain storm.
A couple new ladies joined us Praise God 
My dinner meal consisted of a bowl of vegetarian black bean soup.  It was pure deliciousness.  I also had a salad.  I noticed that since I did not do a complete workout I had some hunger pains, usually after a full workout I have not been hungry for food and replaced the meal with a smoothie/protein/fat burner.  I listened to my body and made a healthy choice.  I felt it I had gotten he smoothie later on in the evening I would have got an awful craving.  I am listening to what works best for my body and it is successful.  I had my soup and salad and a bottle of water.  WOW sounds nothing like my previous meals of Wendy’s double burger, large fries and diet coke.  I tell you I feel less bloated and I have energy.  My choices are those that keep my body running effectively and turning away from foods that run me down and make me feel miserable. 

Tomorrow is the 5K walk, a few of us from our NCBF Team will be participating, and it will be I first so I am excited.  We have to be there early.  If I complete it in time I will do an 11:00 a.m. workout and weigh in.  This sounds like a lot going on, but when I listen to the sisters that surround me, it is what they do too to stay fit and healthy.  Someone one told me YOU DOING TOO MUCH in a joking manner, and I laughed and I thought I am, but it is sooooo much fun. 

As I mentioned yesterday I want to incorporate some other things in my routine; jump rope, planks and weights, I also plan to do the bleachers at Heights at least once a week.  I am working to build my endurance, I want to run.  So I know I have to build up to it and work at it. 

Tonight starts my weekend ! At Nulife friday evening workout is with the camp owner Miesha.  She calls it Happy Hour,and boy do we have a party.  She brings it, the excitement, the laughter and makes the workout   high energy but fun.  She pushes us by way of her excitement, it challenges us to do more.  Can't wait to Get It In.

I picked up some vitamins today at Heinens’ which were 33% off.  Nice discount.  But they did not have other vitamins I needed so I will stop at Weber’s and pick up a few more.  I plan to get a manicure this weekend as I could not fit it in last weekend.  A little pampering is good.  I am going to play around with my braids that will be real cool.

Remember feel free to comment and subscribe.  If you need info on any walking/run activities I discuss comment me. 

See ya !  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Snatching it Back

Lord You are so worthy of ALL the praise.  I honor and adore You Lord.  Thank You for loving me soooo very much !  Thank You for blessing me daily, giving me peace. Thank You for giving me the courage to move on, to pick up the pieces and move forward.  

A female AA writer, Iyanla Vanzant, wrote a book (can't remember which book) and within the pages she talked about Snatching it Back, I read that book over 10 years ago, but I always remembers those words.  She was referring to reclaiming yourself, picking up the pieces, and she gave the example of weight loss.  She had lost some pounds and regained some and she knew she had to snatch back the power to lose those pounds before she had escalating back to where she began.  I know this owe so well.  When I lose I have a history of regaining pounds plus some extra.  I lost 74 lbs in 9 months.  Lots of work, lots of discipline, lots of prayer.  I regained about 20, I hung on to the author's words and snatched it back quickly.  When my foot broke I went into a dead zone, I couldn't exercise, but what could have controlled was my eating and I didn't.  So as a result I picked up pounds.  I have a new support group and I am moving on.

I am in Week 4 of my Nulife regiment and I absolutely love it.  Yesterday’s workout was awesome, day by day I feel my body begin to get stronger.  When I feel like this I feel athletic and strong in mind and body.  My walk with the Lord is also strong.  I feel his presence more clearly as I am not in a depressed, self pity mode. 

Tonight is my walk with NCBF Ladies “Order Our Steps”, our leaders Blondell and Falonda will not be there tonight so Erica will lead us.  As always I am looking forward to our walk.  This Saturday Erica, Brenda, Blondell and myself will be participating in the 5K.  I am so excited it is my first, I have registered for another one on August 4th and yesterday Blondell sent us info on a 5K to be held on Labor Day.  How exciting, Right !  I am saying this not in a bragging way but I have to put it down that I have worked out everyday for the past 2 weeks or maybe more.  I am working hard to workout everyday. 
There are things I need to incorporate on my leisure outside of my structured workout:

  1. Planks which I love – excellent for the core – takes my stomach down
  2. Jump rope build endurance and challenges – I need a jump rope putting it on my list
  3. arm exercises – striving for the Ms. Obama arms

I will gradually work this into my life.  Oh boy !  But the results will be awesome.

My meal plan has been amazing and amazingly I have been sticking closely to it.  Yesterday I had a packet of almonds which were not on my meal plan but they helped me to get through my afternoon. 

I am also taking my vitamins, which help burn and help with metabolism.  I have not had a dinner meal this week as I have been supplementing with protein smoothies.  Dr. Oz recommends this and also my current boot camp.  I find after I workout in the evening I am not hungry for food, so I go with how my body feels.  I have a pack of beans I will be cooking this weekend and I will most likely put some chicken pieces in it.  I have not had red meat this week.  That is a plus ! 

It is so important to have a plan with a goal, focus, and then to carry out the plan.  This is a day by day bit by bit, pound by pound journey.  Every bite I take and step I walk gets me closer to my goal of healthy living.  I take that back I am living it right now with all I do I living a healthy lifestyle, my goal my be to lose some pounds but I am living healthy, and eating clean.  Most of my foods I now purchase from Whole Foods, especially my fruits and veggies and I make sure they are organic.  

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Order our Steps

Lord You and only You give me strength to move forward, through the storms of life.  You give me the courage to pick up and start over, You renew me daily.  I am so grateful !

Yesterday was a day I will always remember.  I had two awesome workouts back to back.  I did 45 minutes of cardio where I challenged my 53 year old body.  I jumped rope.  Yes !  This is week three of my boot camp experience at Nulife and each week the instructors gives us the task of jumping rope for 3 minutes 2 times.  Well the first week I tried and I was a awful mess, but each week I tried.  Yesterday I did high runs while others jumped rope.  I focused on what I could do at that moment.  Then for the 2 time I said I am gonna at least try.  I amazed MYSELF and the instructor, I could not believe I was jumping rope, well I had to be real careful of my right foot.  I jumped for rope real nicely, not for the entire 3 minutes, but it was much much better than the previous weeks.  The instructor looked at me with amazed eyes, it had to make her feel good to watch the improvement.  It was a win for the both of us.
July 24, 2012 - NCBF - Order Our Steps - Getting Ready to "Get It In"
Ok so then, I got out of boot camp and I had 15 minutes to get from there to Shaker to walk with the NCBF team.  I made it and I walked/jog for 4 miles.  It was amazing, the encouragement, support and fellowship.  We cheer one another along as we come across the finish line, even traffic was blowing cheering us on.  Saturday we have a 5K some of us will be able to make.  I will be there, ready for my first 5K.  I have registered for another one next month.

We gave lots of hugs to Blondell to keeps us encouraged with her inspiration.  She gave her a card with a love offering to show our LOVE.  Sis Falonda is a major factor in this walk, she is a good organizer and encourager, she is opening a boot camp on August 15th.  I am so excited.  I will give my support to her as she is doing it from the heart.  She wants to bless others !  God is so good to all of us.  I look at this group of Godly women honoring    God's word and being obedient in honoring our bodies.

Today I will doing bootcamp IPump where there is 30 minutes of cardio then 15 minutes of pumping iron.  He goes wonder ab work, wonderful.  I have been accountable to myself by working out daily.  I am grateful I have not given up on myself.  I keep trying which takes courage.  All Glory be to God.  I feel so good, I wish I could spread the feeling around :)  What I can say is come on get into it and take care of yourself, for me it is the life of abundance.

I have not had read meat this week, Praise God. Praise God !  For dinner the past two evening I have had smoothie with protein/fat burner.  My weight loss goal for this week is 2 to 3 lbs.  This is a healthy range of weight loss.

I want to thank God for eliminating my cravings for crazy foods that are not healthy.  For allowing me to cut back and exercise no matter what storm I have been presented with this week.  I am relying on God not emotional eating to carry me through.

We are getting tshirt and I think we came up with "Order our Steps" as the wording.  We will see !

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Blondell Hinton working it OUT !

ThankYou Lord for giving us daily strength !  You provide for us in everything we do.  For this I am grateful.

Below is Blondell Hinton, woman of God and fitness guru.  She is TRULY an inspiration to me and many others who she trains.  She is totally committed to healthy living and helping others Get FIT.  If you are ready  and need encouragement contact me for info.  I look forward to 2x week walk/run.  Yes I have been running, getting in at least about a mile of running each time.  I am building up my endurance and I feel great.

God is using her in an amazing way !   Check out her photos, this is just some of her many athletic photos.

Blondell jumping over FIRE !  Amazing !
Blondell climbing stairs to Sears Tower
Looking all athletic 
Blondell walking in the SNOW !  
Blondell cycling
Blondell Water Rafting
Blondell Running

Monday, July 23, 2012

No Excuses !

That's me finishing up my walk/run at Euclid Creek  on Thursday
Praise God !  Praise God !

Lord when I listen I am amazed at how You work and guide my life.  You are so good to me.  I thank You for be ever present in my life.  I am wanting to be more obedient to Your will.  I thank You for Your many blessings !

Well I had a totally amazing weekend.  Hawaiian Lula (sp) on Saturday was so much fun.  There were many food temptations and other temptations, but I was able to keep it classy.  My major temptation was wine, watching others drink it was difficult, but I was able to pass it up.  I passed up the cake, it did not look good, but in the past I would have eaten it just because it was sugary. 

I drank an abundance of water the entire weekend, no diet soda at all.  My body began to crave it as I drank it.  I went to Weber’s Health store and pickup some psyllum husk, B vitamin complex and a chocolate protein powder.  These are the things that I will begin to incorporate.  I began taking the B complex ( Dr. Oz recommendation), I have the psyllum husk that I will mix into water around 3:00 p.m.  First of all psyllum husk is fiber which expands in the stomach and serves to keep you feeling full.  What I have learned about myself is that around 2:30 or 3:00 I begin to feel hungry.  I am praying this will help decrease the appetite.  It is a healthy food suppressant.  The fiber will help with the digestive system and keep me feeling full, it’s a win win. 

I need more B12 in the liquid form, I will pick some up this week.  I can’t remember what it does, but I use it, I believe it helps with the metabolishm. 

New for me, I will begin making smoothies, I have my protein powder, but I need to do some research, I think I want banana and strawberries and my fruit.  I may use Rice milk as my base, I will also add some peanut butter and/or yam.  Yes this will serve as my dinner, with lots of water.  I should have all the ingredients by Wednesday.  I am giving up red meat in my diet and so this would work as a excellent dinner.  I will also make some smoothies with veggies; spinach.  I have to do some research. 

Yes no for the good news – I dropped 3 lbs at my Saturday weight in.  Meaning I have lost 7 lbs since July 1st.  I am 15 lbs away from my 1st Nulife goal.  I am so excited about this.  The workout there are awesome.  I am beginning to make some friends there and this is cool.  It is good to have others to talk about healthy living.  I believe you need to surround yourself with good people in your life in general.  Positive people, Godly people. 

Yesterday I had my hair put into Kinky Twist, yes my hair was a double hot mess.  I feel so good about my decision.  I can workout now and not worry about the sweat, I can rinse my braids in the shower and keep moving.  I have been checking out You Tube and there are several hairdos.  I think tonight I will be putting them on rods to have a more curly look.  I think !  I like the crinkly but I like curls we will see. 

This Saturday at 9:00 a.m. I will be doing a 5K run/walk with the ladies of NCBF.  It will be a blast.  Oh yeah I need to register so I don’t have to pay full price on the day of.  Next month on the 18th I am doing another 5K run/walk for Ovarian Cancer.  I sure am glad I got these braids. We also walk on Tuesday and Thursday.

Last week I kept my plan of working out daily, yesterday I almost blew it.  I missed my 7 a.m. walk with two of my friends because I was washing my hair to have it braided.  So if you have had braids you know that is a long day of sitting.  Around 7:00 p.m. I said I need to get up and keep my goal.  So at 7:30 p.m. I put on my workout gear and hit the pavement.  I did 3 miles and when I got home I was happy.  I did some running, I am not as winded when I run now. 

I will keep this promise to myself this week.  I have a hectic week, but isn’t every week, I will make no excuses.  I will workout daily.  I felt so good after my walk yesterday, I kept my promise to myself.  I was true to myself.  It felt good, I held myself accountable.

See you !  If you have questions ask me or leave a comment. Take Care !

Friday, July 20, 2012

Team Workout

Hey it's me Running - I never stop being amazed at God's Power
1/2 way there- we were TIRED !
Thank You Lord !  Thank You for giving me strength to continue this journey !  Lord I am in love with You. You provide me with what I need, not always what I want but what I need.  Thank You !  Your will be done in my life.

Well what I will say about yesterday's walk is "Super Awesome".  We all worked to our own potential.  We all supported one another throughout the workout and especially at the finish line.  I actually ran at least 1 mile out of the 5.  That amazed me.  I kept running running and running.  I will need to keep at it to build my endurance up.

Our group will be doing a 5K next Saturday morning.  We are all very excited.  We are in the process of ordering t-shirts, something to reflect God and NCBF.

Anyone is welcome to join this group of walkers/runners/bikers.  Group now meets on Tues and Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.  Tues at Shaker and Thurs at Euclid Creek.

This morning I picked up a bag of dry pinto beans and soup broth.  I will be making a pot to replace meat in my meals for the coming week.  Today I have excluded meat also.  I definitely want red meat out of my diet.

This is the second week that I have replaced diet coke with water.  I have only had 2 cans of diet coke this week.  I usually have 7 cans per week and drink from a two litter at home.

I weight in tomorrow a.m.  I am so excited.  I will keep you all updated.

Stay encouraged and follow your plan, modify as needed.

Plan for week of 7-23-12
Eliminate red meat from my diet
Replace with beans and brown rice
Walk treadmill 3 mornings per week
Complete 5 bootcamp workouts
Complete two walks with NCBF (Tues and Thurs)
Drink 80 ounces of water per day
Run/walk 5K Saturday the 28th with NCBF – continue to work toward jogging
2 days this week eliminate dinner and have protein smoothie or fat burner
chew my food slower
drink 16 ounces of water before meals

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Real Hunger

Lord thank You so much for working and dwelling in me.  You continue to give me peace during my storms.  I know it is Your power and love that keeps me sane.  Thank you for not giving up on me as I sometimes give up on me.  It is good to know you are there when I feel like no other is there and understands.  AMEN !!!

Today I am working with feelings of hunger.  What I am learning today is that I am not hungry.  It is lunch time and I am not REALLY hunger.  Out of routine I feel compelled to eat.  I am noticing something that I have never known about myself, and I am amazed. 

It’s no big deal, my mother use to say it all the time “I am not hungry for what I have to eat”, I do not have a hunger for my lunch.  I was telling a group of coworkers and they laughed when I told them.  If I were planning a 5 Guys lunch with burger and fries I would be hungry for that.  I would be in my car racing to place my order for a double burger fries and DIET Coke.  Since what I have for lunch is a meterian salad with strawberries and I am not rushing to eat.  Which means I am not REALLY hungry.  Sure you could say I am bored with salads and I am, but if I were truly having hunger pains I would be rushing to eat it. 

I am ok with waiting until I am a bit hungry, I had my breakfast of oatmeal, strawberries, flaxseeds, and two boiled egg whites.  I have drank 16 ounces of water thus far and as a 10:30 a.m. snack I had a kashi bar/dark chocolate with almonds. 

So for now I am ok.  I am 45 minutes past my normal noon time lunch.  Yesterday I noticed I was not hungry.  I altogether passed up lunch as I was in the field.  Now being in the field at lunch time use to mean Mickey D’s, Wendy’s etc.  But I bypassed them and waited really til 6:00 and I had a smoothie with fat burner after my workout.  Later about 8 p.m. I had chicken breast and string beans.  Yummy Yummy Yummy ! 

I like the feeling of being in control of my eating.  It is a nice feeling.  On two occasions over the weekend I faced 2 birthday cakes and I didn’t eat ANY and I didn’t feel deprived.  I ate protein (meat) and salad, water and called it a day. Now check this out I am an emotional eater and I am going through some things right now, and I am so grateful that I am not turning to food.  I have been focusing on God's will and making myself ok with His will.  Also exercises gives me pleasure, that is after the workout is over.  I feel so good all over.  Thank You Lord for helping me through everything.

So much for my food, my exercise routine is awesome.  I have committed myself to working out daily, whether it is power walking, boot camp, ipump (resistant), water walk, or zumba.  I like the variety of the exercise, so I won’t get bored.  Tonight if it doesn’t rain, I will be walking with the ladies of NCBF.  I will refer to us as TEAM NCBF.  I am looking forward to our walk and fellowship.  We will be doing the 5 miles at Euclid Creek.   Feel free to join us at 6:30 today.    If it rains I will do boot camp.

Last week my weight did not change, I held on to my 4 lbs lost.  Yes I was disappointed, I had expected to see a few pounds come off.  I had to be a big girl and leave this to the Lord.  I am spoiled when it comes to weight loss, I workout, eat properly and I lose.  Didn’t work last week.  So I looked at my diet and made some modifications, 70% of weight loss is diet the other 30 % is exercise.  I made some adjustments, cutting back where I could.  I need to stay at 1200 calories per day. 

Encourage someone today to eat healthy and exercise, and encourage yourself. 

See ya !

Oh yeah for the remainder of this week I will cut out red meat.  Back when I started my weight loss journey I eliminated red meat and did chicken and fish.  

Monday, July 16, 2012


Ernestine Shepherd 70+

LORD I magnify your Holy name.  You are so awesome in all of your strength.  You amaze me with ALL Your wonders.  You give so much peace during the storms of my life.  So much peace I sometimes wonder how I am standing, then I realize it is YOU. YOU LORD that loves me and protects my heart.  I thank You for being who You are !

Well I had lots planned this weekend.  Starting off with my Saturday morning workout, I did iPump which is a weight resistance class working to tone the total body.  We did a routine which entailed 4 sets with 15 reps of workouts with some jacks.  I enjoy weight training but it was a challenge.  The next day my chest area was a tad bit sore, so I know it is working.

 At my weight in I was the same exact weight as last week, which I can say was disappointing.  After 5 boot camps workouts and power walking, drinking 80 ounces of water per day, I would have liked to seen some results on the scale.  The trainer reassured me this was ok, and encouraged me to keep working at it, she said 4 lbs within 2 weeks was real good. 

So I got my mind together and kept pushing, I went to a party that Saturday evening and ate according to my meal plan, with the exception of eating more protein (meat) than I should have.  Sunday morning, 7:00 a.m.  I got up met a couple of friends at the track and walked 21 laps.  I did 21 has it would have been Chris’ 21st birthday.  It felt good !

At this point I need some inspiration and I found it.  I was on pinterest and found 3 women over the age of 70 who are fit.  One is actually 86 years old.  They are running, exercising, weight training, teaching.  They are getting it in.  They are competing and winning. They are doing marathons and finishing.  I am over 50 and sometimes I feel like being in shape is hard on the body and I get discouraged.  Last week my body was sore, and I didn’t feel like I had overdid it.  I had to take prescription strength motrins and soak in Epsom salts.  But today I feel better, I did not cave into my mind giving me negative energy. 

This week I will push forward; drink water, eat properly, exercise daily and stay focused on MY GOALS. 

NO BUYS – Well Saturday I went to the Outlet to the Nike store for new walking shoes.  I looked across the parking lot and there was Ann Taylor, I picked up two dresses.  I needed to encourage myself reward myself for pushing forward.  Sunday after Chris’s dinner Jayden and I picked up a couple pair of sandels.  I am back on track. 

Funny Things Jayden says :  Jayden was riding his bike at Chris’ party and he walked over me and said I need a bike hat.  Other’s looked like what, but I knew immediately that he wanted a ‘helmet’.  I thought it was SO funny.  Or is it a grandma thing.

Next thing not funny but it amazed me:  Ariel was telling me that the day before they had gone to a water park and that Jayden liked it a lot.  Well Jayden knows he has told me he didn’t like the water at the Beach because he had said it was “cold and nasty”.  As he listened to Ariel tell me how much he like the water at the water park he looked at me and said “it wasn’t the beach”.  I smiled because he knew I had talked a lot about him not liking the water at the beach.  He wanted me to have a clear understanding that he still didn’t like the beach. 

Oh one more thing, when we stopped at Target to pick up new shoes, he choose his second pair because they looked like boy shoes.  When we were leaving the store we ran into a church member, he wouldn’t talk to her, but when she asked what he had in the bag he quickly pulled out his 2 new pair of shoes.

I have so much fun watching him grow up learning things.  I am so grateful to God for blessing our family with him.  

Friday, July 13, 2012

NCBF Getting Ready to Get it In !!

LORD I am so very grateful to You.  Your power is magnificent.  Your glory shines brightly in those that are obedient to Your word.  Thank You Jesus !

Well the Lord is so great.  When True Image closed their doors I thought my weight loss support team was done with.  Well I have found support in the awesome women of NCBF.  These women of God are working it out 2x per week and sometimes more. Yesterday our group was lead by Blondell who is a fitness guru for sho.  The real deal, I mean riding 75 mile bikeathons.  I was so inspired by her passion for fitness. She has been such a blessing to NCBF.   She encourages us with humor, she is so awesome.  Falona is tough as nails.  She is so inspirational and dedicated to her routine.  Her and Blondelle are an awesome team .

I will be walking with this group on Thursdays as I have a couple of Monday evening commitments.  We all were able to do our own thing and Blondell, check this out rode her bike back and forth checking on us and encouraging us.  Now that’s awesome.  After our walk/run, run for those that can we waited for people to finish, drank water and talked fitness.  It is like working out and having a support group. 

My body was sore as I pushed myself and challenged my body.  On the ride home I stopped at Walgreen picked up some Epsom Salt and soaked for a long time. 

Thank You Lord !

Now this weekend I am facing two major birthday parties, one for my hair stylist and the other for my son Chris RIP.  I have to be real conscious of the foods I intake over the weekend meaning I may need to eat prior to or take appropriate snacks.  I will do what I need to do as I have worked out hard this week and I don’t want to ruin it. 

Tomorrow morning is my weigh in. I will update you all on my results/progress on Monday.  I pray I lose some pounds and body fat.  I am excited to get on the scale.  I have no fear as I have done well.  God has given me what I need to be successful. 

Thank You Lord. !

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Healthy Choice

LORD thank you for new mercies.  I woke up this morning ready to be positive about today.  Thank You for giving me the strength to get up today and face today with courage and energy.  Lord I thank You.  Bless Our family as we prepare a celebration for Chris’ memory.  Lord we love You so much !

Yesterday I ate according to my meal plan.  Was it easy, NO.  I wanted an unhealthy snack so bad, something sweet and something crunchy.  I didn’t have it, I went to the frig and pulled out strawberries.  I ate two and it helped me so much.  I knew I wasn’t hungry but my mind was telling me I needed some unhealthiness. 

At that moment I CHOOSE HEALTHY.  After my choice I felt so good that I was able to put the self control in place.  I know that if I make a unhealthy choice my results will not be good.  Knowing me I would have spiraled into a binge.  You see I can’t eat one or two I have to have it all.  I know I want the scale to be in my favor this weekend so I choose healthy. I know I want to zip my dresses so I choose healthy.  I know I want to be healthy so I choose healthy.

Yesterday, I reevaluated my progress and my eating plan.  I was able to make some substitutions that I could live with.  You see I have to be able to like what I am eating, so with my breakfast I made some modifications so that I could include another snack during my day.  I cut out banana and substituted with a few strawberries.  I cut out scrambled eggs and now boil my eggs and eat only the whites.  Doing this I can have another snack.  My extra snack for today is GoLEAN Crunchy Chocolate Almond bar.  I am excited about it. 

You see sometimes you just have to sit back look at the situation and modify.  It was easy and I can live with the change.

EXERCISE :  Last night after my hair appt.  I went home and relaxed and ate a good healthy dinner.  Tonight I will be walk running with the ladies of NCBF at Euclid Creek.  I am ready to “get it in”.

NO BUY – I am doing good.  Yesterday I picked up a necklace while I was at the beauty shop it was 10 bucks and it is a really cute accessory.  I justified it by swamping out my scrambled eggs I usually pick up every morning at Stone Oven which cost about 3 bucks and I now boil my eggs at home.  So it worked out for me.  I know I should not have gotten the necklace but at the time it felt ok it was within reason, I haven’t shopped in months for only necessary items. 

Again I will be ordering my facial products which are pricey, but I have not had them in a few months using other less expensive products that I have.  As a result my skin does not have the same glow J  So I see it is a necessity. 

Also I will be investing in some good walking and aerobic shoes I need them to give me the support I need as I workout.  Mine are down to the rubber.  I will buying these products not all at one time working it into a budget.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Review Plan – Updated it – Making Progress

LORD You never stop amazing me.  You are so loving, so gentle and caring.  You care about me in a special way.  Thank You for allowing me to LOVE me.  Sometimes it’s hard because I know me so well !  You know me better and You make sure I stay the course.  Lord allow me to walk in purpose and in Your will.  Thank You  !  Give me strength !

Yesterday was amazing, for me.  I ate correctly with very little regrets.  I worked out and keep it moving.  It was a challenge for me, but I kept my feet moving.  We did some work with 5 lb hand weights focusing on our abs.  Awesome workout and technique.  These are things I can do at home.

I drank 80 ounces of water before I left work, I am working to complete another 80 ounces today.  For breakfast I boiled 2 eggs and ate the whites only.  This reduces the fat, and calories a lot vs 2 scrambled eggs.  I had strawberries (5) instead of banana which had more calories.  For me right now it is educating myself, seeing what works and making the appropriate choices.

Exercise - Today I will be doing a 5 mile walk at Euclid Creek after my hair appointment.  It is good to switch up routine so the body does not get use to the same exercise routine.  Tomorrow I will be walking with some of the ladies from NCBF at Euclid Creek, they meet at 5:30 p.m.  They walk and run I need the push so I am really excited.  I want and need results.  So I have to put the work in to make it happen.  Faith plus works is what I have to do. 

I am encouraged to get it in and reach my first goal of 22 lbs lost.  Nulife did not set a time, so I will do the work and reach there goal hopefully by the fall of this year.  I have lost 4 of the 22 I am happy.  I look back and remember when I would chart how much I needed to lose and it would be 60 lbs and over.  Now it seems so attainable.  Then when I lose the 22 a new goal will be set and I will see where that takes me.  I have learned this is a day by day journey. 

I pray you all have developed a plan that works for you.  If you ever have questions please leave me a comment. 

No Buy – I am still on a no buy and doing good.  I will be purchasing some facial products this week, but I have ran out and the thing is that I didn’t panic and place my order a month ago when it wasn’t in my budge.  Facial products are necessary.  

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Being Prepared Helps to Stay Focused

LORD you are so worthy, so marvelous and so holy !  I magnify Your Holy name.  God You never fail me, You protect me and provide for me. I need to grow stronger in my faith and go grow deeper in my relationship with You. I thank You for renewing my strength and allowing me to encourage myself and others.  Thank You LORD.

Yesterday was marvelous, simple marvelous !  I followed my meal plan closely and only went over my 1200 calorie goal by about 19.  Around 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon, is when I begin to want to go crazy and tempted to go off track, so I found a go worker who had some healthy fresh fruit.  Fruit has natural sugars and I had not had my fruit for the day so I counted the fruit as my fruit for the day and as my afternoon snack.

Today I planned better for my eating, I have a afternoon snack of an Organic Green Super Food- which I got from Whole Foods this morning.  It is 210 calories but loaded with really good nutrients. I will eat ½ for my afternoon snack and the other ½ for my evening snack after I work out. 

Speaking of working out, yesterday’s workout was challenging.  I took a Motrin while I was at work to help my body.  This may sound crazy but it helps until my body adjusts to this routine.  This morning I picked up a knee brace and a ankle brace for my right side.  I want my ankle, knee and foot to have extra support as I am still recovering from my broken foot. 

Yesterday I drank 80 ounces of water.  I was proud of myself as I am not a water drinker.  I have only had water since last Monday.  On Saturday I did sample some ice tea and I had diet soft drinks. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

On My Way ! Join Me !

Praise God for another day on earth !  I am grateful to you for the gift of life.  I am pleased to know that my creator lives within me.  I feel your presence during the storms of my life, I appreciate how you keep me close Lord.  How you guard my heart. Lord continue to work in me.

Starting Monday the 2nd, I begin working out at Nulife Fitness Bootcamp.  If you are interested there is a tab on this page to their website.  Let me tell you the workout was difficult but God gave me the strength to get through it.  It is a lot like True Image Fitness and it is a lot different.  I am already bonding with staff and other ladies, recognizes faces.  I like that  !  The smoothie bar is amazing, they offer a variety; energy, protein, etc.  The ones with protein are considered a meal replacement. 

The actual workout is something else.  I was dripping sweat, my hair was an absolute mess, I had to get an emergency hair appointment.  No joke.  But the great this is it was all worth it.  I lost  4 lbs and some ounces and I lost some body fat.  The workout, water and eating properly works for me. 

Nulife set a goal for me to lose 22 lbs.  That is my first goal.  So of that I have 18 more to go.  I started this week of right, yesterday I ate properly and relaxed.  This week’s plan is to workout 5 times at Nulife and use my treadmill and/or walk.  Drink at least 60 to 100 ounces of water per day, gradually increase and continue with my meal plan.  I am so excited. 

I am going have to plan ahead for my weekend eating as I have a party to attend Saturday and Sunday. 

I continue to do well on my NO BUY I am shocked at myself, but I realize God is working in me around this issue.  I am learning things about myself during this process.  I am being content with who I am and with what God has already blessed me with. 

I had a wonderful weekend, I was with friends on Saturday and there was lots of laughter.  Laughter is good for the soul.  On Sunday I went to dinner with the previous owners of True Image and we had wonderful fellowship.  I feel a lot better as I am going into a new chapter of my weight loss journey, but I will always be a BIG fan of True Image Fitness.

Sunday Service ;  Was awesome, we honored the men of leadership; ministers and deacons.  They are so humble and offer so much of themselves.  They are first line soldiers.  They take they commitment to God serious.  Praise God !

Friday, July 6, 2012

I Got a Plan - What's Yours ?

I have set new goals for myself !  I have joined Nulife Fitness Camp and I am enjoying it so much.  The workouts are challenging me in so many different ways.   I have also signed up for Collinwood Rec where there they have Water Walk, Zumba and Bootcamp.

As you can see I am writing again, I was in such a slump due to my recent loss.  I am gradually regaining my strength both physically and mentally. 

Well my new goal is to do something physical every day of the week.  It is Friday and thus far I have done something physical everyday of the week.  I can tell you I feel so much better.  Physical exercise just revives and energizes me. 

Tomorrow a.m. is my first weigh in at Nulife Fitness I am anxious to see my results.  I have not weighed in at home.  I have been drinking an average of 60 ounces of water per day.  I should intake more, but this is a process. 

My first goal set by Nulife is 22 lbs.  No time limit, but I must make progress toward the goal to remain in the program.  I will give you update on Monday how I did.

Plan Workout - Do something everyday; power walk, bootcamp, Water Walk , treadmill or Zumba
             Drink Water – drink 60 + ounces per day, gradually increase
             Eliminate Sugar and Flour from diet
             Pray Daily

Today’s meal – breakfast – oatmeal; with fresh strawberries, blueberries
                                               2 scrambled eggs
                           lunch – salad and fresh chicken breat
                           Dinner – TBA

Yesterday I actually got a pedicure with the massage chair.  I needed it so bad, I just wanted to relax and be pampered.  After my workout today I may stop and get a manicure.

If you remember my journey I am on a NO BUY which means I have significantly decreased my spending on clothes, makeup etc.  I am only buying things I NEED.  I have been so blessed in my obedience.  Through this process my urge to shop has lessened and I don’t want to shop.  Yesterday I went into WALMART to buy some socks to workout in and the line was long and I walked out the store.  Now this is something I never do, I would have stood in that long line and got my shopping fix on.  I felt so good knowing I do not have to rely on shopping to make me feel good.