Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Snatching it Back

Lord You are so worthy of ALL the praise.  I honor and adore You Lord.  Thank You for loving me soooo very much !  Thank You for blessing me daily, giving me peace. Thank You for giving me the courage to move on, to pick up the pieces and move forward.  

A female AA writer, Iyanla Vanzant, wrote a book (can't remember which book) and within the pages she talked about Snatching it Back, I read that book over 10 years ago, but I always remembers those words.  She was referring to reclaiming yourself, picking up the pieces, and she gave the example of weight loss.  She had lost some pounds and regained some and she knew she had to snatch back the power to lose those pounds before she had escalating back to where she began.  I know this owe so well.  When I lose I have a history of regaining pounds plus some extra.  I lost 74 lbs in 9 months.  Lots of work, lots of discipline, lots of prayer.  I regained about 20, I hung on to the author's words and snatched it back quickly.  When my foot broke I went into a dead zone, I couldn't exercise, but what could have controlled was my eating and I didn't.  So as a result I picked up pounds.  I have a new support group and I am moving on.

I am in Week 4 of my Nulife regiment and I absolutely love it.  Yesterday’s workout was awesome, day by day I feel my body begin to get stronger.  When I feel like this I feel athletic and strong in mind and body.  My walk with the Lord is also strong.  I feel his presence more clearly as I am not in a depressed, self pity mode. 

Tonight is my walk with NCBF Ladies “Order Our Steps”, our leaders Blondell and Falonda will not be there tonight so Erica will lead us.  As always I am looking forward to our walk.  This Saturday Erica, Brenda, Blondell and myself will be participating in the 5K.  I am so excited it is my first, I have registered for another one on August 4th and yesterday Blondell sent us info on a 5K to be held on Labor Day.  How exciting, Right !  I am saying this not in a bragging way but I have to put it down that I have worked out everyday for the past 2 weeks or maybe more.  I am working hard to workout everyday. 
There are things I need to incorporate on my leisure outside of my structured workout:

  1. Planks which I love – excellent for the core – takes my stomach down
  2. Jump rope build endurance and challenges – I need a jump rope putting it on my list
  3. arm exercises – striving for the Ms. Obama arms

I will gradually work this into my life.  Oh boy !  But the results will be awesome.

My meal plan has been amazing and amazingly I have been sticking closely to it.  Yesterday I had a packet of almonds which were not on my meal plan but they helped me to get through my afternoon. 

I am also taking my vitamins, which help burn and help with metabolism.  I have not had a dinner meal this week as I have been supplementing with protein smoothies.  Dr. Oz recommends this and also my current boot camp.  I find after I workout in the evening I am not hungry for food, so I go with how my body feels.  I have a pack of beans I will be cooking this weekend and I will most likely put some chicken pieces in it.  I have not had red meat this week.  That is a plus ! 

It is so important to have a plan with a goal, focus, and then to carry out the plan.  This is a day by day bit by bit, pound by pound journey.  Every bite I take and step I walk gets me closer to my goal of healthy living.  I take that back I am living it right now with all I do I living a healthy lifestyle, my goal my be to lose some pounds but I am living healthy, and eating clean.  Most of my foods I now purchase from Whole Foods, especially my fruits and veggies and I make sure they are organic.  

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