Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Friday, February 1, 2013

God's Love

Day 8 twist out - check out the curl definition

Lord I love to watch you work in my life.  You never give up on me.  You never stop investing love, time and patience in me. I excited to see what work you have in purpose for me.  God Your cannot be put into words !!!

FIT for the King community service at the Cleveland Food Bank
Rose our Coach - Love HER

Fit for the King – We had an amazing time at The Cleveland Food Bank we all felt good about our experience.  It was a lot of work but we knew it was for a good cause.  I like that the foods that are given to those in need are of high quality.  The foods are donated from stores like Heinens etc.  I was totally impressed, the warehouse is clean enough to almost eat off the floors.  They are held to a high standard. 

We did our service commitment out of love for God and man.  We have a close group of woman who enjoy one another’s company and this is great.

Natural Hair Journey – Last evening I didn’t do wash, I am thinking I need to go back to Saturday Wash Day.  It makes sense my busy evening leave me with enough energy to pineapple or twist.  I also see that on Day 8 my twist today is elongated, due to twisting it dry and applying grape seed oil.  I applied a leave in this morning and jobaba oil during my take down this morning.  I am pleased with the results.  Saturday Wash Day will work I have time to devote myself to the 2 hour regiment.  I want enough time to pamper and nuture and give my hair what it likes LOL  I have to laugh at myself I sound crazy but it’s true. 

Yesterday I ran into a friend who is a fellow natural.  What is it with being natural that when you hook up you talks excessively about HAIR.  And enjoy it J  We talked in the middle of Ulta’s for at least 30 minutes.  We shared information that would be helpful, her edges are shedding or breaking and I suggested Black Jamician Castor Oil and she gave me some tips on how to make a different flaxseed gel similar to Kinky Curly.  I’M JUST SAYING.  I talk for hours about hair to women.  Women LOVE the hair God gave us !  I was waiting a YT TV Show and a young lady was riding in the car with her man and she was telling her man about the entire process of twist out, HILARIOUS !  I almost wet my pants.  It was the type of humor that only a nautral hair woman would get.  I think it even faded out and came back and she was still talking about her new twist out technique.  Her man of course was zoned out and didn’t know what she was talking about, but if that had been a chick with her it would have been ON LIKE POPCORN.

WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY -  I ate decent for breakfast, lunch and snacks, and water.  Now dinner I stopped by Wendy’s and got a burger and fries and diet coke.  I did not exercise officially but our work at the Food Bank incorporated swats (Lifting boxes) and a whole lot of other moves, twisting, running, walking fast.  We worked it out. 

Weekend Plans -  weather permitting I will workout this evening and tomorrow morning at 9.  I do my initial weigh in at 11:00 tomorrow and they measure me too.  I will have my eyebrows done, I think I need a professional manicure too.  We will see if I have it in the budget.  I plan to have lunch with a friend which will be fun.  And Saturday afternoon I will do my hair regiment.  Saturday I will also clean my bedroom.  I will shop for my Meal Plan, Lavisa and myself and another coworker have challenged each other to do a 17 day Meal Plan which has 3 cycles of 17 days.  If you are interested let me know I will email you a copy of plan. 

You guys my weekend section is usually written to keep me on task, I know you all are not that interested in all my craziness LOL

I have uploaded a few YT videos that may be of interest to you.

Sam Fine - AA Makeup artist of the stars; Vanessa Williams, Imani .  He has been named Makeup Director for the Fashion Fair line.  This may be a good way for Fashion Fair to get step their game up a notch or two.  check out welcome2divaworld as she interview Sam Fine and shows the new line. 

Also a few mature women have put together a colaboration on YT to addresss the natural hair needs of older women.  For more info go to YT and seek out Kinkynappyhappy she has an intro video introduction the ladies; afreeme22, prettiuneekhair, essentials4you, dreamweaver822, thesupasweet.  Check them out and subscribe.

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