Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Strong Finish

Strong Finish - We brought it IN
Yeah Boy !    The team approach is so inspiring.  I think Blondell was hiding behind a tree when she took this, she is something else.

Lord You are Good and your Mercy endureth  Forever !  Lord You are so magnificent, I love You Lord.  You are fantastic and forever showing.  I am living a life of abundance, living in my purpose and I am grateful.  You provide for me like no other.  You love on me and fill my voids.  Lord I am so grateful !  Lord thank You

I am standing as I go through the storms of life.  I want you to know that God is so able and capable of doing anything.  Lord I just too always remember to GIVE YOU THE GLORY and praises. 
Pace - Andrea and then you see me - finding a good Pace partner is  KEY

OK so yesterday, at our Tuesday run I am always challenged which is good, I don’t want to feel extremely comfortable.  Don’t let nobody fool you running is tough real tough.  I ran and had to throw a walk in every now and again.  But I made sure I got back to running, I don’t want to ever lose it.  I want to thank Andrea Wallace for her pace, I have learned a trick or two about running unlike walking.  Pace is important, finding  somebody who runs your pace is awesome.  Andrea and I seem to run at the same pace.  Running beside her in back of her ad in front of her helps us both to stay focus and we encourage one another when we see we are exhausted, yes exhausted.  We run our race.  It is a small world we were college cheerleaders together at Cleveland State in the 70s and now here we are more matured ladies still working out and doing it together. 

Now  about a ½ mile out for the finish line here comes young blood who is about 12 or 13 years old.  We like where you come from, she smiled and kept running with us.  Now as we approached the finish line she went into a sprint right next to me.  Now I am 53 but I was not going to let this young lady out run me.  Where she is young I have years of determination under my belt.  We both sprinted to the finish line together.  It was AMAZING.  It felt powerful and it let me know right then you can do anything if you make up your mind and do it.  Me and her gave each other high fives at the end she was a lot of fun.  I am sure she probably could have taken me but she was kind enough to let the old lady feel good LOL

This morning 7:00 a.m. I meet with Eric, I went in tired and I should have put something on my stomach.  I didn’t have dinner so I was on zero.  He pushed me on the machines and I lifted and I did step-ups.  I did treadmill 15 minutes before all of this.  He is working to strengthen my lower back and this was a good workout.  It’s tough but it is all GOOD.  I am excited  as I am growing stronger and feeling better emotionally.  My posture is better, I think I am gonna bring one of my big balls to my desk at work and sit on it during my workday.  I picked up some bands I will be also doing those on my breaks to strength my arms and legs. 
August 28, 2012 - NCBF TEAM - we get our Tshirts at Monday's Race  I am excited

This morning when I got home I was rushing  because I have to be at work by 9:00 a.m.  I finally got  items needed to make my morning smoothies.  I had to take the blender out of the box and put it together, but I did it.  I was determined to start today, I have been wanting to do this for 2 months, YES.  I used 2 scoops of whey protein powder, chai powder, blueberries, raspberries, almond butter (instead of peanut butter) and unsweetened almond milk.  It was delicious.  This will replace my morning oatmeal and eggs for a while.  I will although make oatmeal smoothies.  I will share recipe soon.  They are really good.  On my way into work I stopped at Whole Foods and picked up celery, Kale, and carrots, and banana, I plan to make a drink for my dinner this evening.  I also am giving up my morning cup of Ice Coffee with ½ and ½.  This is almost as hard for me to give up as PEPSI was, but I gave up PEPSI.  I am replacing ICE Coffee with Green Tea L  I can’t pretend like I like it but it will become a habit and I will do it.  I have to give up the caffeine.  OK I said it I put it out there so I will now work to do it. 

I will do my Boot Camp this evening at Nulife, I will not be able to make Falanda’s as I have to go to a prayer ministry meeting at 6:30 and her camp starts at 6:30

Let’s me strong and take care of our bodies.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Teresa Brown - Personal Trainer - Her music keeps us all motivated to work it out

                                    Grateful so Grateful for Your love
                                  Grateful so Grateful for your protection
                                  Grateful Oh so grateful for Your peace
                           Lord You show your love for me and I am grateful
                                         The Lord is my Jehovah Jireh
                                                    I love You Lord
                                                        I love You

WOW WOW WOW !  I am so grateful !  God continues to show His love for me on a day to day basis and for this I am grateful.  He never ever leaves me alone.  He surrounds me with His special love.

Yesterday I had tons of fun, yes I did work, I am talking about after work LOL  I did my boot camp workout and I felt strong enough and motivated enough to push harder.  I have to encourage myself when there is no one there to do it.  So as I worked out and I knew I was pushing through the pain and exhaustion I smiled out loud.  Now I am far from the best in the class but yesterday I was the best me I could be.  I didn't hold back.

After workout I meet with my Monday night bible study group.  We get the word and work to make it enjoyable and more importantly we love the Lord.  We are able to share, study and then apply it in our daily lives.  I look forward to these study groups.

One of the ladies in the group is a personal trainer, Teresa Brown, I worked out with her last Friday morning at 6:30 AM. again I will focus 6:30 AM.  It was a challenging workout, I know my body and and as the day progressed I felt soreness in two areas that I had not felt before.  This encouraged me.  You might say you feel sore and you feel encouraged.  YES because those muscles were made to feel uncomfortable which means it is working. She and I entered into a contract and I will be working out with her on Fridays, and I will continue with Eric on Monday and Wednesday.  Running on Tues and Thursday and Boot Camp 3 times per week.  Getting it in and I feel great.  Now I am sore but mentally I feel so good about what God is doing for me and the ladies that are energized to get healthy.  Blondell is our running/walking coach and she calls me the energizer bunny..... I keep going and going and going !

Our running/walk group meets tonight, I am expecting to start, push through it and have a strong finish.  Tomorrow a.m. I will get up meet with Eric at 7:00 and he works the mess out of me.  I roll my eyes at him alot LOL

Monday, August 27, 2012

Age Ain't Number But A Number - Belly Dancing

Happy Unbirthday Eunice !

Lord you are mighty in battle !  You right my battles for me and take me through safe and sound.  Your word prepares me and gets me ready.  I have to fight the feelings of fear and stand and walk in Your will.  I thank you Lord so much for the power you give me one day at a time. 

I had a wonderful weekend.  Spend it  with family and friends.  God is so good in that He provides and gives me excellent people in my life.  He brings people into my life that I can bless and receive blessings.  My cousin Doris from Michigan is here and it has been so good seeing and hanging out with family, talking eating and watching the children  pay together. 

Now you now with all this eating with family, soul food I had to get my workouts in.  I fell to the temptation of my aunt Julia’s peach cobbler.  Pure deliciousness.  Friday Night I went out dancing to an All White party, they played old school music and I couldn’t sit myself down LOL.  Then on Saturday 7:30 a.m. I did my boot camp.  Now here is the kicker, Saturday afternoon I did a belly dancing class, it was awesome.  She taught us moves these moves were seriously targeted for the stomach.  This event was sponsored by the Unbirthday Club which I am now a member.  This club celebrates women who are over 50.  On your birthday you get to select something you want to do for your birthday.  So birthday girl selected belly dancing.  It was so different and nice.  I have been doing some of the core stuff she taught us.  We did not take pictures of us belly dancing put I will post photos of the instructor.  If you are interested in classes I have her business card.  The cost was fairly reasonably too. 

On Sunday, because I knew I was going to my aunt’s for dinner after church, I went to my boot camp at 8:00 a.m. in the morning and GOT IT IN.  I weighed in and I had lost 1lb.  Thank You Lord.  I was excite4d.  Last week I maintained I do understand I am building muscle.

On Saturday as a treat to myself I got a mani/pedi, the massage chair was the best ever, it relaxed me so much.  I also got information on a massage therapist who has really good package deal.  Like 5 1 hour sessions for $120.00.  I plan to budget this in.  I need massage as my body is sore throughout the week from working out. 

On Friday a.m. I worked out with Theresa Brown who is a personal trainer.  Boy did she work me out.  I marvel at her determination  to be fit and to help others.   I will be working out with her on Friday a.m. 6:30 as a matter of fact.  And I will continue my workouts with Eric on Monday and Wednesday a.m.  I saw him this morning and I did arm work and abs.  I will say two words It’s Tough, but I am getting rid of the weak. 

Mentioning weak on Saturday the guy that was doing my mani/pedi said to me you look strong and then  told me I look about 43.  I said Praise God because I am 53, I will take the 10 years.  I have learned through this journey that Age is Nothing But a Number.  I work hard and so I see result.  One more bragging story I gave a young lady my ID at the store while making a purchase she looked at the card a long time and I was thinking What’s Up, she said to me I sure hope I look that good and fit at your age.  It gave me an opening to share some tips with her and to also give God the glory.  She said she would start with Zumba because it was fun and move up.  This was awesome.  Living in purpose gives me such a good feelings.  I know God gives me the words to share with those that are seeking a holistic lifestyle.  Thank You Jesus. 

While on this topic, Life Groups will be beginning within a few weeks.  If you want to begin or continue a healthy way of living stop in to FIT FOR THE KING lead by yours truly.  God continues to use me, last year I served as assistant BUT this year he is stretching me.  Jiesha developed with such a nice blend; I will continue this model and seek the Lord guidance on how to move forward.  I have a wonderful assistant who loves the Lord and we work together very well.  I am thanking God for this. 

I am excited about what God is doing.  GoneGirlgo will be doing the Susan G Komen 5K on the 15th of September.  NCBF run/walk team will be doing Smiles for Miles on Labor Day morning.  God I am asking for your protection and strength during our training and during these races.  God will give you the honor and the praise.  AMEN !

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Who Does This !

http://www.hermescleveland.com/roadracing/events/milesforsmiles.asp   Race registration for Labor Day !  Go ahead and register 9-3-12.

This Boot Camp class is tonight - Come on out and join us !   Instructed by our very own  Sis Falanda !
8-21-12 - TEAM NCBF - Group is growing - largest turnout ever

Lord God I am so grateful to You.  I cannot express my gratitude.  Lord thank You for allowing me to build a deeper relationship with You.  This relationship has been built  through the storms of my life.  They have made me so much stronger.  For this I thank You, knowing You as I do, experiencing Your love is wonderful.  I thank You so much !  Lord continues to build me up, allow those around me to seek out deeper relationships with You.  I want them to know Your love.  Lord a special prayer for my dear friend who’s faith is weak, she is doubting your love.  Lord give me patience with her and give me the kindness and understanding I need to share Your love.  Patience Lord ! 

Yes today is hump day !  I got off to a good start this morning.  Met with my personal trainer at 7:00 a.m.  Workouts are tough, as he explains it I am getting rid of the weak.  I do understand, in order to get strong I have to see myself as strong and push into my workouts and realize the burn is good.  This workout is so different from cardio. 

During cardio workouts I feel fatigued and I can modify my moves to keep me in a comfortable level.  Working with my trainer, there is no down time, I have to do the mechanics,  correct posture and complete my repetitions strong.  Today he handed me a towel to wipe away the sweat.  I don’t even sweat this much doing cardio or running.  These workouts are building my endurance which is helping me to run.  At my cool down on the treadmill  I was at 3.5 which is what I do at home, but he put the incline on 7., I would NOT do this at home.  I was in my target zone of burning for these 10 minutes and burned 100 calories.  No telling how many I burned during the weight training. 

He had me do 3 sets of deep swats, he said I did them well.  I am use to them from boot camp, but the ones he has me to do are lower, I actually have to sit my rump down for a second on a 12 inch box.  Now along the way he asked me how I am feeling and on one machine my left arm was not comfortable it was not in pain but it was not comfortable for the lift.  So he took me off of it and put me on another machine that worked the same muscles.  WOW.  Right now my arms are sore, but I know this means it is working.  So for this I am pleased. 

Now I see him Monday and Wednesday, I have entered into an agreement with a sister who trains and I will be joining her and others on Friday morning at 6:30.  YES, Who does this?   She is a personal trainer and this is her day of workout so I am joining her session.  It will be different from my Monday Wednesday sessions as she does not do machines.  I am excited.  Now I am not sure how much longer I will be doing my boot camp, all this gets expensive, I will see. 
Let’s look at this:  Boot camp – 5 to 6 days per week
                                Run – Tues/Thurs/Sat or Sun
                                Personal Trainer – Mon and Wednesday
                                Personal Trainer – Friday

                                Things I can do at home:  Treadmill, hoola hoop, kettle ball, video, weights.  Now will I do them at home sometimes. J

I want to see how Friday goes, I need to work smarter, getting the most out of my workouts, burning more fat/calories in a more efficient time and keeping cost in mind.

I know if I cut anything it will be boot camp, which is hard on my body, and am I really pushing myself to benefit.  I will decide within a month.  

Tonight I will be attending Falonda’s boot camp at All About You  Fitness, tonight is free.  I am excited about her venture and passion to help women get fit.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Allow God to Love U

Lord You are so awesome !  So very awesome !  You are so worthy !  I want to just thank You for showing Yourself in my life.  For never leaving or forsaking me.  In my darkest moments You have been there growing me.  Lord I thank You for the miracle you are working in my life right now.  My faith is strong as I listen for You and You show me You are with me.  I thank God for my obedience today waiting instead of reacting out of nervousness and anxiousness.  I feel so good when I allow You to work in my life and battle for me.  I give You the praise for the rest of my life Lord.  Only You Lord !  I love You Lord !

Today I allowed God to work in my life.  I stepped out of His way and allowed Him to love on me and show me who He is.  I realize I have no power and no control and God has it all.  So when I am in a situation that I can do absolutely nothing about, I try not to let my human feelings get in and interfer with God's work.  Yesterday I was talking to a friend and explained my situation asking her for prayer.  I asked her to pray that I keep myself out of it, because if I were to intervene I would end up saying something inappropriate, maybe evening cussing somebody out. Just messing up everything ! Just keeping it 100% !  Remember this is me trying to operate in a highly stressful situation, most likely not focused on God because I am thinking the worse.  So instead of me acting I chose to let God handle it.  Thus far things for today have turned out good, I can't control tomorrow but as for today things are on schedule.

Through this trial God has been on my side.  I have to believe he has not brought me this far to fail.  He has shown me clear signs of his goodness.  Yesterday while talking to one of the individuals involved that knows absolutely NOTHING about my mother called me Olivia. It threw me for a loop it even shocked him, and said oh no I mean Vanessa.  I didn't even tell him that was my mother's name.  God is present all the time.  At the moment he called me Olivia I was so shocked it took my focus off anger and anxiety and our conversation was cordial as it should have been.  Today he sent me an email with the information needed and  extended me an extension without me even having to ask.  That's not me That's God.!

I praise God for having Godly friends, last night I spent the evening with my bible study group at Nicole's.  It had been a long trialing day at work and in my personal life.  Going there celebrating God was an awesome experience.  Far better than going home, keeping my thoughts on God is what I have to do.  We had so much fun fellowshipping.  God always shows up and gives us what we need.

Today I continue to be positive about life.  I plan to run 4 miles this evening, I look forward to it.  It looks rainy but hopefully we can get our walk/run on.

Chat with you soon !

Monday, August 20, 2012

5k OROC (OutRun Ovarian Cancer)

Finish Line - 5K run for OROC -  45 minutes 2 seconds
Praise Him !!

Lord You continue to give me strength on my day to day to face  EVERYTHING.  For this I thank You.  I thank You for the miracles that show me Your magnificent power.  Lord I am so grateful !  Continue to strengthen me and so many more like me that want to be healthy vessels for your service Lord.  AMEN

This past Saturday the 18th of August, I ran a 5K which equals 3.1 miles.
I ran it with some of the team members from GoneGirlGo and go did we.  We ran our race !  Each of us at our own pace but as members of a team.  GoneGirlGo pushes you to move out of your comfort zone and into the not so familiar territory.  It helps you to believe you can do what you set out to do with excellence.  If you are interested in hearing more about GoneGirlGo the website was launched today by founder Zoe Brown, check it out at www.gonegirlgo.com.
I love her excitement for life it is so refreshing.

This race was so inspiring, what you don't see in the photo above is a woman a survivor of ovarian cancer who came across the finish line with me.  Long story short.  about 1/4 of a mile before the finish line I grew weary, and up behind me came a woman who said I will run it with you  I looked to my right and she had on a colored t shirt which represented the surviors.  I asked her if she was a survivor and she said yes.  This RIGHT here pushed to go extra, because if she could do I surely could do it with her helping me.  I almost got emotional but I held it together and we crossed the finish line together.  I will ask Zoe if she still has uncropped version of photo.  God is so amazing to send this woman to me with such inspiration !  She even said to me if you need to walk I will walk with you and I said no we can RUN !  Praise God !  Praise Him !  
This is the team after the race - we were so happy the race was over, now we were trying to decide where to  EAT !
Check out the look Sage Zoe's son is giving us.  Clearly he is ready to get things moving LOL  I met some new people Keyna and we work for the same company.  She's my new BFF and a wonderful woman of God.  Then we have Juanita who has a sense of humor out of this world, amazing woman who drove to Cleveland that morning at 4:00 a.m. to get here for the race.  She is from Stebenville (sp)
Me and Zoe founder of GoneGirlGo before the race sizing things up
and chatting it up. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Praise Him in Advance

Lord You are so faithful, so very faithful !  I trust you in everything !  Everything !  You are an awesome God.  I give You ALL the glory and the honor that you deserve.  Lord You have given me so much Peace during this storm You have taken me through and I am standing.  You show me favor when I think I don't deserve it.  You hold me up and keep me moving forward. You give me test for testimony.  Lord allow my life to be used for Your Glory !
Today was great !  Super !  Amazing !  and Miraculous !  God showed his hand of favor in my life today.  I have been dealing with something personal for the past few months.  God has been so faithful.  There were times during this storm that I was scared but I would always remember that God does not give me the spirit of fear, this helped me so much.  I would also hold on to knowing that whatever the outcome that it will be God's will.  Knowing this helped me to deal with the unknown consequence.  Also I knew from the Word that God would provide for me.  I  believe God's word and in believing I was able to get through the storm with the minimum about of anxiety/worry.  I did say minimum because at times worries came to my mind and I was able to push it out and keep pushing on.
My current storm is reflected in this statement.  Only God could have moved in my current storm.  Only Him !

I notice has I am going through this particular storm I did not turn to FOOD.  Because if I had I would have gained a significant amount of weight.  In the past I turned to food to give me peace and comfort.  I turned to God and asked for strength and He directed my path, I chose healthier foods and exercised to reduce stress.  God help me turn this storm into a good.  I have not stated what the storm is so you haven't missed anything :)  Just know that God is working it all out you know I am transparent and will have to share God's goodness.  I love to see God work !  I absolutely love it !  So amazing.

Tonight's Group Link was awesome.  Everything from my point of view went amazingly well.  Others that came to our table discussed the event and felt it was awesome and well done.  I like the speed dating model.  It keep things moving right along.  We were blessed to have several ladies sign up for Life Group.  Overall it was a very successful event.  I did not know what to expect from the event but it was awesome, lots of people came out with a desire to find a life group, seeking God's word.

I will tell this one thing being a part of Fit for the King truly helps to keep me accountable with my fitness program.  Again God is amazing, He puts me where He needs me to be to help myself and others.  I want to be a blessing to other women by example and sharing God's word.

I am excited about the upcoming Life Group season.  I am thanking God for sending women to us that have a desire to be obedient to the word regarding self control, gluttony and honoring their bodies.  I know that when I feel better about myself I have a clearer focus on God.  I am not so focused on me, I am able to help others better.

Last night I saw some of the ladies from our NCBF walk/run team.  They are so amazing.  We have a good bond to one another, encouraging each other along the way.  God has brought us together and we are grateful.  We have a beautiful design for our t-shirts for the Labor Day race.  The excitement is building !!!!

This Saturday I will participating in the OROC race for ovarian cancer.  I am on the team of Gonegirlgo, I am excited.  Yesterday I picked up the team's bib and t-shirts.  YEAH !  The race facilators were so nice at the Gathering Place in Beachwood.  There was excitement in the air.  They said they reached a record enrollment for teams that had signed up.  I believe she said there were 59 teams and tons of individual racers.  We meet at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame so if you want to cheer us on come on down.  I believe the race starts at 9:00 a.m.

I am so exciting about what God is doing in all of our lives.  I was telling a couple of ladies that stopped by our table at Group Link that God has surrounded me with like minded people. Having this support has been amazing.  I have learned so much !

Last night I worked to also recruit some speaker to come to our class and share and I think I got one.  Keep this in prayer.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Never Imaged

8-14-12 NCBF Team Run/Walk - We Inspire one another !

Dear Lord Bless Us as we come before You with humble hearts wanting to be all we can be Lord !  Give us Strength and we continue our race.  Align us in Your will Lord !  Keep us safe and build us up.  Keep our minds focused during this journey.  
Hey It's Me - Running/Trotting 4 miles - This was so hard !

Ok now, yesterday walk/run was a real challenge.  This is my third time actually running instead of power walking.  My personal trainer tells me if it's not hard I am in my comfort zone and I am not getting any stronger.  Well yesterday's run was a challenge for me.  I was able to run the entire time, BUT I wanted to stop so bad and go back to power walking.  I had to place my mind of things greater than me.  I asked God for strength right there because I want to run, better yet I need to run.  He gave me strength !

Ok now, this morning 7 a.m. RIGHT !  I am with my trainer and little by little, session by session the workouts are becoming more challenging.  If any of you have every done plates you know the type of strength, breathing techniques and endurance you have to put into a 30 second plank or even a 60 second plank, which I can do comfortably.  Well this brother had me to two 2 minutes planks, then a 1 minute 40 second plank.  Let me walk you through this so you can feel me.  The first one I collapsed after 1 minutes.  He had me get back into proper plank alignment and complete it.  Afterward he had a talk with me, I felt like I was in trouble :)  He asked me why did I stop, I told him it was my mind and that I thought I couldn't do it.  He said correct.  He told me that my body is strong enough to do it and to focus on something else, something greater, focus on the strength God gave me.  I was INSPIRED !  Yes, me miss motivational lady !  I GOT IT !  He didn't scream or yell he broke it down where I could relate.  So I went into second plank with more power I prayed through it and twice had to actually call out loud for God's help.  Going into the third plank he said you are strong, you run, you walk, you boot camp, you 5K you can do this you can have the body you want.  You are a hard worker.  He said as you push through the WEAK is leaving your body.  The WEAK is leaving my body.  I hung onto those words The WEAK is leaving my body.

OK then after this motivational speech we go over to do 3 reps of chest presses 20 each, well the last one was 25.  I keep those words in my head as I pushed through, all of the presses were not perfect, but I focused on the form, pushing up fast bringing the weights down slowly.  I GOT IT IN !  Really hard.  12.5 weights in each hand, I am use to 5 or 8 lb weights.

During this speech I also thought about how I had to push through losing Chris and then my mother and how God held me up.  No matter how painful, God pushed me.  I mean some days He really had to push me out of the bed to take baby steps to function.  God is amazingly wonderful.

I pray you are as inspired as I am.  Know that you can do what you think your body can't do.  I never thought or imaged that I would run, I never imaged working out with a PT that pushes for excellence.  I never imaged practicing self control with my eating.  I never imaged drink over 60 ounce of water a day.  I never imaged doing boot camp 5 t 6 tmes per week and also running.  Never imaged loving other women and working as a team member.  Never imaged teaching other women about fitness as a small Life Group assistant.  Never imaged loving myself enough to take care of myself.  Only God !  ONLY GOD can do he impossible.  Only God can take this nobody and build me up and make me strong.  

Cheer Gonegirlgo on as we do a 5K this Saturday for Ovarian Cancer/OROC Outrun Ovarian Cancer
we leave from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Saturday morning bright and early.

If you are interested NCBF team will be participating in a 5K on Labor Day morning in Cleveland Heights sign up soon
if you would like to register and partiicpate or come out that morning we leave from Night Town and cheer us on.  Loads of fun and encouragement.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"No Buy" update

Lord You are ever present in my life.  You are magnificent in all Your glory.  I love You and honor You. I want to be obedient to Your word.  Living in Your will and spreading the gospel.  Lord I want my life to be an example to others.  Lord use me !  Thank You Lord !

I thought this was a cool, since I am on a "No Buy"

If you follow this blog you know I have been on a serious "NO Buy" for the past several months.  Only purchasing items that I really need.  I am working to gain self control in my life as I have mentioned before I have addictive behaviors.  Not for drugs or alcohol but finding pleasure in eating and shopping.  So as I worked on implementing self control with my eating I felt the need to stop shopping so much !

Now I must confess I have shopped but not to the extreme that I had been.  This last weekend I did go into the new resale store and picked up a few items. I know I know !  But I did feel the need to reward myself.  I have not purchased makeup and only cosmetics that I really need. Even when I ran out of my facial moisturizer instead of purchasing the cream I used another brand I had already.

I am seeing that working in the area of self control is a process and it is a challenge but so worth it.

If this is an area in which you are struggling pray about it and try it.

   NCBF team walk/run is tonight at 6:30 we meet at Shaker Library.  Come on Ladies and "Get it In"

Monday, August 13, 2012

Rosemary Chester RIP

Lord you are mighty in everything !  I trust You with my life !  I am grateful to You for the gift of life.  I want to make You a proud father Lord !  I want to thank You for creating and loving me !  Lord I feel your strength runing through my veins.  I thank You !

Rosemary Chester, was loved by all that knew her.  She made the workplace a more peaceful place.  She was a  woman who believed in the power of prayer.  I can remember twice in my life emailing her in time of prayer.  I always knew if I needed to hear the Word to wander into her office for support.  Her smile and sincerity will always be remembered.  She fougt a good fight and ran a good race.  RIP Rose

Ok, this morning, at 7:00 a.m. I met with my trainer.  I mention the time because sometimes we fall into the excuse I don't have time to workout.  Sometimes we just have to make the time and organize our lives to make it happen.  I did some arm and core work, I am lifting iron and feeling stronger. Toward the end of the rep my arms begin to tremble, this is when I have to keep my focus and remember it will be over soon LOL  It is hard getting up but I get up, I turn the bed a loose pray for strength and get it moving.  The experience in the gym is calm, quiet and very peaceful.  I ride the treadmill as a warm up when I get there and my trainer's wife is already on her treadmill, we have good conversation and then I move on to machines and in between the machines I do cardio to keep my heart rate up.  At one point I reminded my trainer that I was 53 years old to let him no I am no spring chicken, his response was that means you have had more years to get ready for this.  I then let him know if he catches me rolling my eyes at him to understand that I really don't mean it and to keep pushing.  Folks I really need the push if I had to do all what he has me doing at home I would stop immediately, quick fast and in a hurry, like stop after rep 3 LOL  So I will go back Wednesday morning for more trauma.  He laughs when I call it trauma as he knows I am a social worker/therapist.  Keep me in prayer people.  Again I don't want muscular arms they need toning, abs need to be sucked, tucked and pulled, but I know it will take time, dedication, and commitment.

This evening I will do my Boot Camp which is cardio and strength training.  My goal in this class is do the cardio with proper technique and form.  During strength training I want to be able to do the crunches, weights etc correctly working to get through the reps.  The difference in strength training during boot camp from my PT is that I can get away with not doing them LOL  I can not do one or two, but with the PT I have to do them all.

Tonight is bible study at Nicole's !  Excited about studying God's word.  We had homework too.
On Saturday I participated in Bible study training preparing us as teachers for upcoming Life Groups.  This Wednesday will be an evening of excitement as we do Group Link.  Group Link gives people interested in participating in Life Group a closer look at each group to determine what their own needs would be for placement.  It will be held thisWednesday August 15th at 7:00 p.m. at NCBF.  I have a tab on this blog that will take you to NCBF where you can obtain address and any other info.

I am so glad I made the decision to have my hair braided, there is still maintenance to be done but it is so less stressful and I don't have to go to the salon 2x monthly freeing up my evening schedule.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Again I RAN ! God strengthens me !

If you know me personally or through this blog you know my now I am transparent.  My blog shares my successes and weaknesses.  I believe in doing so other's may be blessed and learn some things.  I write to hopefully inspire you to know that if I can do it YOU can too.  I am 53 year old woman, who has made up my mind to live a life for Christ, to live in His will.  After being depressed for years and living in self pity I decided to love hard, live hard and work hard.  God gave me one life and I want the blessings God wants for my life.

I am in prayer regarding our church's upcoming Life Groups and the events leading into the groups over the next few weeks.  I serve as an assistant in Fit for King, this will be the second year for me.  Serving in this group has been a good experience in that I have met other women who want to be obedient to God and honor their bodies, eating in moderation and exercising.  I am in prayer as we enter this year that we continue to teach by example, continue to build Godly relationships and teach the word of God so that the word can be applied in their lives.  I pray that at Group Link women who have a desire to be fit and healthy will join our group.  I pray that we have fresh information and exercise routines.  Lord Bless Fit for the King !

Well everybody, I am running, trotting, jogging now !  Yes me !  On Thursday I did the 5 mile course at a trot pace.  It was an awesome feelings.  As I ran I gave God the glory, I am no fool, I know where my strength comes from.  At one point a tear formed in my eye as I was so grateful to God for blessing my body to be able to run.  I have been excited every since about running, telling anybody who will listen.  I know people got to get sick of me, but I'm so excited I can't help it.  Now call me crazy, call me crazy, but after church as I had planned I did my boot camp and weighed in.  I lost 1 lb yes I will take it.  As the owner of the bootcamp says pound by pound we all get there.  So after boot camp I went out to dinner with my family, we had a good time.  Now, here it is, after dinner I went to The Creek and ran at least 3 miles.  I wanted to see if I could do it again.  I started out walking and then I RAN.  Again I RAN.  I know this is God, my trainer and some others may say I have built up my endurance to the point where running is now possible.  Deep inside I know it is God's favor, God's love for me, preparing me for His will and purpose.  Thank You Lord !
I have been a power walker for about 15 years off and on.  It has always been my go to workout, it's free and I can do it on my own scheduled and it's free.  I will miss walking but God has given me the strength to run so I will run.  I never thought I would run, my chest use to hurt when I tried, my back used to hurt, I would get winded.  Those feelings are gone.  I am saying these things because if you want to run, you may not, but if you really want to train yourself, pace yourself and see what happens. Listen to YOUR body it will let you know if it is ready.

I will say this my body is changing, I have lost 9 lbs since July 1st.  Normally at the frequency and duration of my workouts I would have lost at least 19 to 13 by now.  But I am losing inches, and building muscle.  I am grateful that I am not addicted to my scale as I was this time last year or I would be disappointed.  I feel good about the 9 lbs.  My trainer said some weeks I just might gain a pound as this would be muscle, so as my body changes I am seeking courage to push on.  I am so grateful.

I want to pray for our NCBF Team as we enter this upcoming week of workouts.  I take these workouts serious and the consistency of the walks have helped keep me disciplined.  Being on a team cheering others on is awesome, so I want to show up for myself and the team.  We are getting ready for our Labor Day Mile for Smile walk in Cleveland Heights.

Now this Saturday I will be doing a 5K with Zoe Brown's Gonegirlgo.  Looking forward to this run and to see Zoe.  Gonegirlgo helped me to believe I could do what it is God has planned for me.  I know my gifting comes from God so what is it to fear.  We serve a mighty God folks !

Log - 5 mile - ran in 56 minutes

I served in the church nursery this morning, absolute wonderful experience.  The babies are so adorable and lovable.  I smile at them and they smile back AWESOME

Friday, August 10, 2012

Running/Trotting or Walking - We are Doing It

8-9-12 walk/run @ Euclid Creek

Lord You are mighty, You give me strength when I think I can go no further.  You work in me in a mighty way in ways that only You can.  I marvel at Your power and know that it is only YOU, Only YOU, only YOU that blesses me.

This evening, we had an amazing run.  We worked it out.

I was able to run the entire 5 miles or you may call it trotting along.  I was pleased with going to the next level of fitness.  It really felt good.  I listened to some jazz and zoned out and ran my race.  Sis Brenda did some running too.  Andrea also did some running.  We are all working at our own levels and supporting one another.  It is so nice to see the progress we are all making.  We are all putting the work in and getting results.  This is so encouraging, it makes me want to go out for a run tomorrow.  For me the difference in walking in running is that it puts me in my target zone for burning fat.  My body had got use to walking so I needed to make some changes.  I want to give all praises to God for giving me the strength.  God amazes me.

While at the top of the hill I saw the Black Girl Run I had never seen them in person only on facebook.  They inspire me as their movement is to get black women up and running/walking.  

Every morning my Trainer sends out a message of the day to his clients, check it out "We all have things we desire.  We all have things that we would like to have or achieve.  These are called wishes.  Achievers set goals.  The difference between a goal is a specific destination reached from a course of action.  Wishes exist in the mind.  Goals are on paper.  Today turn your wishes into goals."

I agree seeing the plan on paper gives you a point of reference and keep you focused.  As I mentioned in a few blogs back I log several things, I have a weight loss chart, I log in my weight loss every Saturday.  I log my foods daily (most days it is the same), I revisit my plan and modify as needed.   On Mondays I chart out my exercise days being specific in what I am doing.

Now the weekend is coming !  It's Friday It's Friday !  On the weekend I tend to have something that is not on my meal plan.  This happens because I am a social butterfly and I am usually in fellowship with others.  My slips are not too crazy but they are slip ups.  Last weekend I had some pizza while at Chucke Cheese with my grandson.  Friday night I had 2 ribs after an event (red meat) NO NO !  I am writing this to bring this to my awareness !  So that I am more conscious of my eating this weekend.

I cannot walk Sunday a.m. at my usual 7 a.m. til 8 a.m. as I serve in two early morning ministeries (bulletin stuffing and the nursery.  So I will do a run in the evening.  Saturday morning I will do a 7:15 a.m. bootcamp and then go to a all day ministry meeting.  This means I need to plan my meals, and pack some healthy snacks to tuck away in my purse.  I will most likely take a apple and a protein bar and maybe pop some popcorn.  I will also bring a salad.

Planning and Preparation go hand in hand, while living a healthy lifestyle.

I pray everyone has a wonderfully blessed healthy weekend !  See ya !

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sister is 71 years old: Check out the link below to find out about her lifestyle
 I found this today while on Pinerest
click here:  SuperVegan - PETA's Vegetarian Tells SuperVegan Where to Find the Fountain of Youth

Lord God You are mighty is battle !  Yes !  Continue to help me to move out of Your way and allow Your will in my life.  I thank You for all your blessings.  You show me daily that You are my father, provider, protector and an awesome covering.  Lord I am so grateful.

Yesterday was simply magnificent.  I was able to help a friend who is struggling with her self image.  She is fortunate to have machines and a treadmill in her apartment building.  She did some treadmill and used some machines and some floor ab work.  While she was on the treadmill I got to do some reps for my arms.
She was so tired after the workout but she was excited about mapping out her plan.  We were able to set realistic goals and lay out a plan.  It was so much fun, I will stop by her apartment on Friday and we will workout together.  Now being the girlfriends that we are we had to go shopping afterward to buy some new workout clothes.  Yeah, ladies you know are we are :)  I was excited because she needed this in her life at this time.  Awesome !  Now I am still on my NO BUY meaning I am determined and committed to wearing clothes that are already in my closet.  Now this doesn't mean I don't accept gifts, so wouldn't you know she told me my idea of a no buy was being silly and brought me the outfit.  Thank You :)  One of my favorite resale stores is opening on Mayfield, Clothes Mentor. They take in designer used clothing and resell it.  I heard this store is being picky about what they accept, which is good.  I have gotten designer dresses at their other store for 15 to 30 bucks.  It is a good way to buy clothes as you lose weight for affordable prices. You might be thinking why is she talking about this new store and she is on a NO BUY !  Well I can take in some of the designer clothes I no longer want and exchange for a new dress !  YAY !

Now as for the photo and article above, this woman is now 71 years old.  Inspiring ! So inspiring !  She is a vegan, no animal, no fish, no chicken, no eggs, she is a raw vegan and has been a vegan for 40 years.  Not saying this is the lifestyle for me but it is a healthy option.  I have been able to eliminate red meat, again not saying I won't have it periodically, but it is not in my meal plan.

Tonight is the 5 mile walk at The Creek, I am so ready, I will be doing the walk/run Couch to 5K method.  I will do better today, Monday was not good as I walked with a friend and we got caught up in conversation.

Please subscribe and leave comments, the comments help to keep me encouraged too.  Love Ya'll !

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Work Hard"

All Praise go to God !  I praise the Lord and give him the honor and glory in my life.  I am so grateful, Lord !  Lord even when I thought you were not there You were there watching over me, guiding me and loving me.  Lord I am thankful and so grateful.

Just to let you all know, this blog will be short and sweet.  Why ?  Because I met with Eric,  my personal trainer, this morning at 7:00 a.m. and he worked my arms.  So therefore my arms are sore and tired.  Just kidding but he did pump it up from Monday’s routine.  His words to me were “You Work Hard”, he said this to me twice.  I was grateful for the compliment but this means he expects more from me.  I thought to myself I need to stop showing off J  I gave the glory to God and told me “I Try”.  Trying our best is all we can possibly, humanly do.  When the weights got heavy I wanted to cry like a baby and give up, really I wanted to, but I keep pumping. 

He explained to me in simple terms that if the muscle is comfortable it is not working at full capacity.  I have to feel the burn and move away from my comfort zone.  I definitely felt the burn, to me it felt like fire.  But I know like everything if I keep pushing it will get better and I will eventually get results.  He helped me learned to find my target zone on the treadmill, which I never knew much about, I just ride and look at all the bells and whistles hoping I am working at full capacity.  He explained that if my heart is not in the target range, I will only be burning calories and not burning fat.  Never knew this,  I think this is the number on the scale that shows body fat, I will ask him next time. 

I am learning lots from my trainer, I am really learning to challenge my body. I am a cardio type of girl, but I know weight training will render me longer lasting results, I need to build muscle.  Not manly type muscle but a toner look which changes the composition of the body.  See don’t I sound smarter J  I’m learning !

Eric suggested I ride my treadmill on the mornings I don’t see him for 30 minutes within my target rage.   Since I walk/run and do cardio he had to put me on a incline to push me, he said my body has adjusted to walk/run and it is now the normal for my body.  So I have to make my run/walk and or treadmill more challenging and reach my target zone.  He suggested I get a heart monitor so when I run/walk I am in my target range.  WOW !  This is probably why my weight loss has slowed down.  Last month I lost 9 lbs and normally when I am working out as much as I am I can lose 10 to 11 lbs per month.  Now 9 is good, but I just want to make sure I working out wisely getting the benefit of my workouts.

Yesterday I walk/run with the NCBF Team we are still going strong.  We are committed to fitness and support one another.  I wonder what our Fall schedule will be since Life Groups, Prayer Service and Choir are beginning next month.  Our service to God is our priority, we will keep this in prayer.  I also did my boot camp which was 45 minutes of cardio. 

I have been staying to my meal plan, drinking water and having about 8 ounces of fresh ice green tea daily. 

If you have questions or comments please feel free to leave in the comment box.  Or contact me in my Facebook inbox or email me at vanessajordan79@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Plan & Intervention - Create Healthy Habits

Lord I thank You !  I thank You !  I thank You !  I thank You for Peace !  I thank You for being a loving and caring God.  I thank You for being present in my life, for keeping me standing and with the courage to face this day.  Amen !

Well Well Well !  Yesterday was awesome so is today.  Each day God gives me on this earth is so special, it gives me an opportunity to be used by God, allowing me to live in my purpose.  Each day I seek to see what it is God wants me to do.  I make sure I have special time with the Lord and build an intimate relationship.  I work to keep God in my thoughts so that what comes out by my actions and words are God like.

On Saturday while at Chucke Cheese with my grandson I lost focus of God.  I knew it the instant it happened.  I snapped at one of the workers at the counter.  She approached me to what I considered disrespectful.  She assumed I was stealing salad from the salad bar, and asked to see my receipt.  I looked at her with eyes that were sharp enough to kill, and I lashed out at her, saying some wrong type of stuff.  When I presented her with my paid receipt I felt like super woman !  I was SO wrong. I felt so ugly so unlady like, so ungodly.  I knew I was out of sorts by the way she looked back at me, and I immediately calmed down.  It felt so ugly being out of God’s will.  When I have mediated on God’s word I respond to this type of situation in such a humbly manner.  Lord forgive me !  I did not represent Christ in that minute, that could have been an opportunity to show Godliness.  Even after I got back to my table and calmed down I had an opportunity to apologize to her and I didn’t my pride did not allow me to.  Lord forgive me !  Please don’t judge me J  Pray for me !
On Monday evenings I meet with a bible study group made up of Nicole, Diane, and Theresa, last night we had good discussion on God as our provider and we ventured into the discussion of forgiveness.  Such a good discussion I walked out with a new perspective on someone I need to forgive.  Someone who is wanting to reenter my life after about 7 years (it is not a man) LOL  I now have the tools I need to address this individual in hopes of sharing the gospel with her.  God is so amazing !  Thank You Lord !

OK !  I started my day off with a good breakfast, 2 eggs, steel cut oatmeal (1 ½ cups) and my Ice Coffee (my coffee is my friend) J  I took my vitamins/supplements and began my day in a good way.  I am focusing on God and keeping my thoughts of God.  I will be doing boot camp this evening and my 4 mile walk/run (Couch to 5K).  

Goals and Interventions - I feel this is a good time to review my plan.  Have you developed a plan for yourself ?  If so comment me and share your plan, you may have advice that can help me or others, as none of us are experts at this.

Goal 1Lose 10 lbs  -  No specific date (ASAP who am I kidding) LOL
               Thus far since July 1st I have lost 9 of those 10 lbs.  I choose to do
               10 lbs at a time to keep my goal attainable and realistic.  
Intervention 1 (Plan) – 1) Boot camp (cardio) 3 to 5 times per week
                                        2) Run/walk 3xs per week and or treadmill
                                        3) Hoola hoop (YES) and Jump Rope 2x per week
                                        4) Follow meal plan

Goal 2Tone up arms, abs and thighs – (total body)
Intervention 1 (Plan)-   1) Personal Trainer – meet 2x per week
2)      Pump iron in the gym when possible

Goal 3 -   Feel and be Healthy – Exercise and workout
1)      Follow meal plan
a)      eliminate sugar and bread
b)      eliminate red meat
c)      Whole foods
d)      Eliminate fast foods and
                                                              Processed foods
e)      drink lots and lots of water
f)         take vitamins/supplements
g)      drink smoothie with protein for
                                                               dinner at least 3x per week

Having a plan is significant, planning and following through helps to make good habits that will be with you as a lifestyle.  Putting this on paper for me helps me to have a point of reference.  Now I must admit I do stray from this sometimes, but I follow it closely.  I am always learning new things about me and my body and modifying my plan. 

I do a lot of logging, I log my exercises at the bottom of my daily food journal, at the beginning of each week on my desk calendar I write down my workouts so that I can work in my workouts with my lifestyle. 

Living a healthy lifestyle requires a lot of work, mentally, physically and spiritually.  It takes sacrifice.  I scarified my hairstyle that I enjoyed for the convenience of wearing braids.  Braids now work better for my active lifestyle, it frees up my time in the a.m. when I am rushing off to a 7 a.m. training session and I have to be at work at 9:00 a.m.  It allows me to workout harder without having to worry about sweating out my hair.  I know you FEEL me ladies J

I don’t enjoy getting up rushing out to see a trainer early in the morning, but it fits in my lifestyle.  It allows me to have my evenings open for Prayer Service and Life Group which are my priorities.

Sacrifice Commitment Dedication -  With God’s strength YOU can reach your goal. 
Holler at me if you hear what I am saying and you want to reach your goals.  If I can be of any help please leave a comment, inbox my face book, or email me at vanessajordan79@yahoo.com.    We can be a support to one another !  Remember none of us are experts at this, we learn from one another.

I hope laying out a Goal and Intervention helps you (my social work skills come in handy) LOL

Monday, August 6, 2012

Blondell Hinton Is Back 150 mile Bike Ride for MS

To God be the Glory !  Lord I thank You for waking me this morning and giving me strength and courage to face another day.  Thank You for the gift of life, for giving me a life of purpose.  I strive to be obedient to Your Word and to live in Your will. Lord continue to help me, walk beside me and cover me Lord.  Allow me to feel Your presence when I am low and pull me up Lord. 
Blondell Hinton - 150 mile ride to and from Cedar Point  for MS - She's Back
To God Be the Glory 
Blondell made her 150 mile bike ride safe and sound, To God be the Glory (TGBTG)!  She amazes me with her courage and strength, so inspiring ! I want to thank God getting our sister and her team back safely.  
I can't wait to hear about it !  So exciting !

The SPIRIT sees the vision, the MIND finds a way, and the BODY is the vessel in which it travels

Personal Training @  All About U Fitness  - I had my first 45 minute session this morning at 7 a.m. Was it worth getting up and getting out that early in the a.m. YES IT WAS.  Eric introduced me to some new machines and I did some familiar things.  It is a total body workout tailored to meet my individual needs.  He said no one workout should ever be the same, so each session will be different, using some of the same but ordered differently.  He pushed me to do more.  Which works for me because at home I won’t push through the pain.  I stop give up and sit on my couch.  Yes I do, please don’t judge me J 

I have access to the facility as long as I am getting personal training.  When my sessions are over the gym fee is fairly priced. Having access will work well on Saturdays, after bootcamp I can get in a few machines.  He is teaching me how to properly use the machines using correct posture.  I will keep you all posted on my outcomes.  I will put a tab on my blog ‘All about U fitness’ so you can check out Eric’s website. 

Now the DRUM ROLL ------  At my Saturday weigh in I had lost 1.6 lbs and about 2% body weight.  Now this is not the 3 lb goal I set for myself, but I am so grateful for this loss.  I will definitely take it.  as mu  J I am down 9 lbs since July 1st .   I am feeling positive about my results and will keep it moving.  So grateful to God for my health and strength !

Question ?  Have any of you ever worked out with a personal trainer?  If so how was your experience ?  Please leave your comments thanks !

Wonderful Weekend !  Amazing fun with family and friends !  Friday evening I went to a gospel vocal competion and a comedy show to celebrate Bro Oren’s birthday.  NCBF Mike Head was one of the comedians, he always cracks me up.  Hilarious !  His President Obama impressions are truly funny. 

Saturday I went to a baby shower that was very well planned and nicely decorated.  I did not eat there I left while they were serving J  I fled from temptation, I had a way of escape and I headed for the door.  I picked up my grandson, Jayden and we went to Chucke Cheese.  I do not photos my SD card is not working properly.  We had a good time together.  He told me he was 2 years old and I was 4.  Funny Right !  He refers to NCBF as Children Church and is always excited to attend.  They say he did a great job.

Sunday’s service was wonderful, the Word is so important, getting it in my heart and mind helps me to live in God’s will.  

Blondell and her team rode for MS - thanks 

Blondell You Rock - TGBTG