Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Never Imaged

8-14-12 NCBF Team Run/Walk - We Inspire one another !

Dear Lord Bless Us as we come before You with humble hearts wanting to be all we can be Lord !  Give us Strength and we continue our race.  Align us in Your will Lord !  Keep us safe and build us up.  Keep our minds focused during this journey.  
Hey It's Me - Running/Trotting 4 miles - This was so hard !

Ok now, yesterday walk/run was a real challenge.  This is my third time actually running instead of power walking.  My personal trainer tells me if it's not hard I am in my comfort zone and I am not getting any stronger.  Well yesterday's run was a challenge for me.  I was able to run the entire time, BUT I wanted to stop so bad and go back to power walking.  I had to place my mind of things greater than me.  I asked God for strength right there because I want to run, better yet I need to run.  He gave me strength !

Ok now, this morning 7 a.m. RIGHT !  I am with my trainer and little by little, session by session the workouts are becoming more challenging.  If any of you have every done plates you know the type of strength, breathing techniques and endurance you have to put into a 30 second plank or even a 60 second plank, which I can do comfortably.  Well this brother had me to two 2 minutes planks, then a 1 minute 40 second plank.  Let me walk you through this so you can feel me.  The first one I collapsed after 1 minutes.  He had me get back into proper plank alignment and complete it.  Afterward he had a talk with me, I felt like I was in trouble :)  He asked me why did I stop, I told him it was my mind and that I thought I couldn't do it.  He said correct.  He told me that my body is strong enough to do it and to focus on something else, something greater, focus on the strength God gave me.  I was INSPIRED !  Yes, me miss motivational lady !  I GOT IT !  He didn't scream or yell he broke it down where I could relate.  So I went into second plank with more power I prayed through it and twice had to actually call out loud for God's help.  Going into the third plank he said you are strong, you run, you walk, you boot camp, you 5K you can do this you can have the body you want.  You are a hard worker.  He said as you push through the WEAK is leaving your body.  The WEAK is leaving my body.  I hung onto those words The WEAK is leaving my body.

OK then after this motivational speech we go over to do 3 reps of chest presses 20 each, well the last one was 25.  I keep those words in my head as I pushed through, all of the presses were not perfect, but I focused on the form, pushing up fast bringing the weights down slowly.  I GOT IT IN !  Really hard.  12.5 weights in each hand, I am use to 5 or 8 lb weights.

During this speech I also thought about how I had to push through losing Chris and then my mother and how God held me up.  No matter how painful, God pushed me.  I mean some days He really had to push me out of the bed to take baby steps to function.  God is amazingly wonderful.

I pray you are as inspired as I am.  Know that you can do what you think your body can't do.  I never thought or imaged that I would run, I never imaged working out with a PT that pushes for excellence.  I never imaged practicing self control with my eating.  I never imaged drink over 60 ounce of water a day.  I never imaged doing boot camp 5 t 6 tmes per week and also running.  Never imaged loving other women and working as a team member.  Never imaged teaching other women about fitness as a small Life Group assistant.  Never imaged loving myself enough to take care of myself.  Only God !  ONLY GOD can do he impossible.  Only God can take this nobody and build me up and make me strong.  

Cheer Gonegirlgo on as we do a 5K this Saturday for Ovarian Cancer/OROC Outrun Ovarian Cancer
we leave from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Saturday morning bright and early.

If you are interested NCBF team will be participating in a 5K on Labor Day morning in Cleveland Heights sign up soon
if you would like to register and partiicpate or come out that morning we leave from Night Town and cheer us on.  Loads of fun and encouragement.

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