Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Age Ain't Number But A Number - Belly Dancing

Happy Unbirthday Eunice !

Lord you are mighty in battle !  You right my battles for me and take me through safe and sound.  Your word prepares me and gets me ready.  I have to fight the feelings of fear and stand and walk in Your will.  I thank you Lord so much for the power you give me one day at a time. 

I had a wonderful weekend.  Spend it  with family and friends.  God is so good in that He provides and gives me excellent people in my life.  He brings people into my life that I can bless and receive blessings.  My cousin Doris from Michigan is here and it has been so good seeing and hanging out with family, talking eating and watching the children  pay together. 

Now you now with all this eating with family, soul food I had to get my workouts in.  I fell to the temptation of my aunt Julia’s peach cobbler.  Pure deliciousness.  Friday Night I went out dancing to an All White party, they played old school music and I couldn’t sit myself down LOL.  Then on Saturday 7:30 a.m. I did my boot camp.  Now here is the kicker, Saturday afternoon I did a belly dancing class, it was awesome.  She taught us moves these moves were seriously targeted for the stomach.  This event was sponsored by the Unbirthday Club which I am now a member.  This club celebrates women who are over 50.  On your birthday you get to select something you want to do for your birthday.  So birthday girl selected belly dancing.  It was so different and nice.  I have been doing some of the core stuff she taught us.  We did not take pictures of us belly dancing put I will post photos of the instructor.  If you are interested in classes I have her business card.  The cost was fairly reasonably too. 

On Sunday, because I knew I was going to my aunt’s for dinner after church, I went to my boot camp at 8:00 a.m. in the morning and GOT IT IN.  I weighed in and I had lost 1lb.  Thank You Lord.  I was excite4d.  Last week I maintained I do understand I am building muscle.

On Saturday as a treat to myself I got a mani/pedi, the massage chair was the best ever, it relaxed me so much.  I also got information on a massage therapist who has really good package deal.  Like 5 1 hour sessions for $120.00.  I plan to budget this in.  I need massage as my body is sore throughout the week from working out. 

On Friday a.m. I worked out with Theresa Brown who is a personal trainer.  Boy did she work me out.  I marvel at her determination  to be fit and to help others.   I will be working out with her on Friday a.m. 6:30 as a matter of fact.  And I will continue my workouts with Eric on Monday and Wednesday a.m.  I saw him this morning and I did arm work and abs.  I will say two words It’s Tough, but I am getting rid of the weak. 

Mentioning weak on Saturday the guy that was doing my mani/pedi said to me you look strong and then  told me I look about 43.  I said Praise God because I am 53, I will take the 10 years.  I have learned through this journey that Age is Nothing But a Number.  I work hard and so I see result.  One more bragging story I gave a young lady my ID at the store while making a purchase she looked at the card a long time and I was thinking What’s Up, she said to me I sure hope I look that good and fit at your age.  It gave me an opening to share some tips with her and to also give God the glory.  She said she would start with Zumba because it was fun and move up.  This was awesome.  Living in purpose gives me such a good feelings.  I know God gives me the words to share with those that are seeking a holistic lifestyle.  Thank You Jesus. 

While on this topic, Life Groups will be beginning within a few weeks.  If you want to begin or continue a healthy way of living stop in to FIT FOR THE KING lead by yours truly.  God continues to use me, last year I served as assistant BUT this year he is stretching me.  Jiesha developed with such a nice blend; I will continue this model and seek the Lord guidance on how to move forward.  I have a wonderful assistant who loves the Lord and we work together very well.  I am thanking God for this. 

I am excited about what God is doing.  GoneGirlgo will be doing the Susan G Komen 5K on the 15th of September.  NCBF run/walk team will be doing Smiles for Miles on Labor Day morning.  God I am asking for your protection and strength during our training and during these races.  God will give you the honor and the praise.  AMEN !

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