Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Again I RAN ! God strengthens me !

If you know me personally or through this blog you know my now I am transparent.  My blog shares my successes and weaknesses.  I believe in doing so other's may be blessed and learn some things.  I write to hopefully inspire you to know that if I can do it YOU can too.  I am 53 year old woman, who has made up my mind to live a life for Christ, to live in His will.  After being depressed for years and living in self pity I decided to love hard, live hard and work hard.  God gave me one life and I want the blessings God wants for my life.

I am in prayer regarding our church's upcoming Life Groups and the events leading into the groups over the next few weeks.  I serve as an assistant in Fit for King, this will be the second year for me.  Serving in this group has been a good experience in that I have met other women who want to be obedient to God and honor their bodies, eating in moderation and exercising.  I am in prayer as we enter this year that we continue to teach by example, continue to build Godly relationships and teach the word of God so that the word can be applied in their lives.  I pray that at Group Link women who have a desire to be fit and healthy will join our group.  I pray that we have fresh information and exercise routines.  Lord Bless Fit for the King !

Well everybody, I am running, trotting, jogging now !  Yes me !  On Thursday I did the 5 mile course at a trot pace.  It was an awesome feelings.  As I ran I gave God the glory, I am no fool, I know where my strength comes from.  At one point a tear formed in my eye as I was so grateful to God for blessing my body to be able to run.  I have been excited every since about running, telling anybody who will listen.  I know people got to get sick of me, but I'm so excited I can't help it.  Now call me crazy, call me crazy, but after church as I had planned I did my boot camp and weighed in.  I lost 1 lb yes I will take it.  As the owner of the bootcamp says pound by pound we all get there.  So after boot camp I went out to dinner with my family, we had a good time.  Now, here it is, after dinner I went to The Creek and ran at least 3 miles.  I wanted to see if I could do it again.  I started out walking and then I RAN.  Again I RAN.  I know this is God, my trainer and some others may say I have built up my endurance to the point where running is now possible.  Deep inside I know it is God's favor, God's love for me, preparing me for His will and purpose.  Thank You Lord !
I have been a power walker for about 15 years off and on.  It has always been my go to workout, it's free and I can do it on my own scheduled and it's free.  I will miss walking but God has given me the strength to run so I will run.  I never thought I would run, my chest use to hurt when I tried, my back used to hurt, I would get winded.  Those feelings are gone.  I am saying these things because if you want to run, you may not, but if you really want to train yourself, pace yourself and see what happens. Listen to YOUR body it will let you know if it is ready.

I will say this my body is changing, I have lost 9 lbs since July 1st.  Normally at the frequency and duration of my workouts I would have lost at least 19 to 13 by now.  But I am losing inches, and building muscle.  I am grateful that I am not addicted to my scale as I was this time last year or I would be disappointed.  I feel good about the 9 lbs.  My trainer said some weeks I just might gain a pound as this would be muscle, so as my body changes I am seeking courage to push on.  I am so grateful.

I want to pray for our NCBF Team as we enter this upcoming week of workouts.  I take these workouts serious and the consistency of the walks have helped keep me disciplined.  Being on a team cheering others on is awesome, so I want to show up for myself and the team.  We are getting ready for our Labor Day Mile for Smile walk in Cleveland Heights.

Now this Saturday I will be doing a 5K with Zoe Brown's Gonegirlgo.  Looking forward to this run and to see Zoe.  Gonegirlgo helped me to believe I could do what it is God has planned for me.  I know my gifting comes from God so what is it to fear.  We serve a mighty God folks !

Log - 5 mile - ran in 56 minutes

I served in the church nursery this morning, absolute wonderful experience.  The babies are so adorable and lovable.  I smile at them and they smile back AWESOME

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