Welcome to Olivia's Daughter....a blog that I created in March 2010 to document my blessed journey of healing. Since I began this blog, my mother has gone home to be with the Lord along with my son, Chris Reshaud Jordan, who was murdered in October 2009. After these two devastating events, I felt forsaken by God. I cried out to the Lord seeking my purpose in life. Throughout this experience, I had to make the choice to surrender to a life of worthlessness or to live my life to the fullest, a life filled with abundance and love.

God has strengthened me. I am seeking Him daily and and working to live in His will which is leading me to my purpose and passion. I think of Chris and Olivia constantly, but I have turned this over to God. I want God to use me as his vessel giving Him the glory.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Getting ready to STEP OUT

Lord Jesus I thank You for renewing me today.  I thank You for this as You so know I needed Your strength.  Lord You are the love of my life.  Your love is every present in my life.  Lord continue to give me what I need to move forward in my life.  I want to always come before You humble and with thanksgiving.  I want to be forever grateful to You. 

I have been invited to write a blog for gonegirlgo.  I excited but nervous.  This would be stepping out of my box, my comfort zone.  Because I never really promote my blog, I write it to express myself and if someone is blessed by it, that’s cool.  But NOW I will be featured on her blog which will be exposing my blog.  This is a good thing; this is a part of God’s plan for me and a big part of my passion and purpose.  So I am preparing my write up and also my team is working to put a new face on this blog.  Yes it will have a new look.  You know how it is, when you are expecting company and you get things together around the house, well, we are doing the same.  The plan was to update the look anyway, but we decided to go ahead and do it now.  Please keep me in prayer.  I work to be transparent when it will effect and bless others.  So now my words will be put into action.  I so believe in the gonegirlgo movement and as I am a part of the movement I am excited to watch things unfold for all of us.  I will post the date so you can go on over to her site and check it out. 

Yesterday, was a decent day for me.  Meaning no major drama.  It was a day of peace and harmony.  Things were simple for me.  I got things taken care of.  I have plans for the weekend.  This is Relationship Night, I so look forward to the Friday nights that we meet.  I just got a text from someone wanting a ride and it reminded me that it is coming.  People that I know are in need of Relationship work and are coming out in search of the Word.  Exciting. Exciting.  The church were the sessions are is a small and upcoming church, filled with people of liked minds all wanting to be blessed and to bless others.
Black Opal Stick Cream Foundation

Beauty: This morning as I did my makeup I reached for my Black Opal stick (cream) foundation.  This foundation is the bomb.  Why do I even bother with the high end stuff.  I think I make myself believe high end is better.  But this foundation gives me medium coverage and it adds a ice warmth to my skin without the redness some of my foundations have.  Now I will continue to use my high end foundations because I have them, but I will incorporate using my Black Opal more on a daily. 

Exercise:  None – still waiting for my doctor’s appointment next Tuesday.  But today I did not wear my boot, I wore a pair of flats.  My right foot is a tad bid bigger than my left, so I had to make a small slit in the canvas flat.  I might take a walk tonight with the ladies in the Life Group.  But I will go at a regular pace.

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